On Sat. Oct.16, 2010, the Globe and Mail [laughably referred to as 'Canada's Paper of Record' by some, and the 'Grope and Flail' by others] printed a disgustingly bigoted anti-Rob Ford article, written by Stephen Marche, which the Globe has since censored and REMOVED from their electronic record!!
Marche's bigoted article was published and appeared on page F2 in the "Globe Focus" section of the Globe and Mail's Saturday Oct.16, 2010 printed edition:
above: photo of the Oct.16, 2010 Globe and Mail article titled "Rob Ford's not popular despite being fat. He's popular because of it."
Click onto photo to enlarge.
(see here for a printed copy of the article; also see here)
How representative is Marche's article of the Globe and Mail's lefty readership? I'm sure thousands of Smitherman-voting Liberals were wholeheartedly and happily agreeing with Marche's views.
[...and in a nice "political product placement" on the opposite page of the same edition on pg.3, across from Marche's bigoted column - the Globe had a cheering "article "about Dipper-turned-Grit Bob Rae, complete with a huge colour photo! oh, and we can't ignore the Bush-bashing cartoon above Marche's article, either!! Funneee stuff, I tells ya! hahaha. I guess the Globe hasn't yet published a slimy joke about Obama's walking-dead 'shellacked' presidency, eh?]
But whaddaya expect from the Globe and Mail, which published an article by Liberal hack Scott Reid (...of 'beer and popcorn' fame...) on Nov.29, 2008 (since edited) where Reid wrote about 'taking out' Canada's Prime Minister Harper and 'killing him, killing him dead ' - see here (link has vanished!! You will have to find an original Nov.29, 2008 printed edition of the Globe and Mail)
Quote from Reid:"This becomes relevant because suddenly, he is weak. In fact, at this particular moment, he is almost unable to defend himself. Owing to a ridiculously ill-considered act of hubris, he has laid himself vulnerable to his opponents. Their imperative could not be more clear: kill him. Kill him dead. Do not, whatever you do, provide him with an opportunity to extend his hold on power. Because you can be damn certain he will never again be so reckless as to give you a chance to finish him off..."
(Can you imagine, if someone wrote this exact kind of threat about Justin Trudeau??!!)
Liberals making these kinds of remarks isn't new - see here; here; here.
Marche's bigoted article was published and appeared on page F2 in the "Globe Focus" section of the Globe and Mail's Saturday Oct.16, 2010 printed edition:

Click onto photo to enlarge.
(see here for a printed copy of the article; also see here)
How representative is Marche's article of the Globe and Mail's lefty readership? I'm sure thousands of Smitherman-voting Liberals were wholeheartedly and happily agreeing with Marche's views.
[...and in a nice "political product placement" on the opposite page of the same edition on pg.3, across from Marche's bigoted column - the Globe had a cheering "article "about Dipper-turned-Grit Bob Rae, complete with a huge colour photo! oh, and we can't ignore the Bush-bashing cartoon above Marche's article, either!! Funneee stuff, I tells ya! hahaha. I guess the Globe hasn't yet published a slimy joke about Obama's walking-dead 'shellacked' presidency, eh?]
But whaddaya expect from the Globe and Mail, which published an article by Liberal hack Scott Reid (...of 'beer and popcorn' fame...) on Nov.29, 2008 (since edited) where Reid wrote about 'taking out' Canada's Prime Minister Harper and 'killing him, killing him dead ' - see here (link has vanished!! You will have to find an original Nov.29, 2008 printed edition of the Globe and Mail)
Quote from Reid:"This becomes relevant because suddenly, he is weak. In fact, at this particular moment, he is almost unable to defend himself. Owing to a ridiculously ill-considered act of hubris, he has laid himself vulnerable to his opponents. Their imperative could not be more clear: kill him. Kill him dead. Do not, whatever you do, provide him with an opportunity to extend his hold on power. Because you can be damn certain he will never again be so reckless as to give you a chance to finish him off..."
(Can you imagine, if someone wrote this exact kind of threat about Justin Trudeau??!!)
Liberals making these kinds of remarks isn't new - see here; here; here.
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