Oh, it is absolutely hilarious - in the most pathetic way - how Liberal MPP Jim Bradley and Gord Miller are now arguing about global warming!
As far as Miller is concerned, Jim the Kyodiot Bradley and his Ontario Liberals - astoundingly - have NOT YET DONE ENOUGH damage to Ontario's economy!! What a phony GreenFear-scripted I'm-greener-than-you stage-play this is!!
Too bad that both of these GreenFear-spreading clowns don't heed David Evans' position in "Why I recanted", (National Post, Aug.30, 2008), that
"There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming. None."
"So far that debate has just consisted of a simple sleight of hand: show evidence of global warming, and while the audience is stunned at the implications, simply assert that it is due to carbon emissions.
In the minds of the audience, the evidence that global warming has occurred becomes conflated with the alleged cause, and the audience hasn't noticed that the cause was merely asserted, not proved.
If there really was any evidence that carbon emissions caused global warming, don't you think we would have heard all about it ad nauseam by now?
The world has spent $50-billion on global warming since 1990, and we have not found any actual evidence that carbon emissions cause global warming. Evidence consists of observations made by someone at some time that supports the idea that carbon emissions cause global warming. Computer models and theoretical calculations are not evidence, they are just theory."
Here we are in Dec.2012 [...after countless more billions were wasted just in Ontario alone on McGuinty's GreenFear experiments...] watching Bradley and Miller putting on quite the show in their sleight-of-hand act; all that's missing is for McGuinty-supporter David Suzuki to wander in, for the it's-all-settled GreenStoogery to be complete.
Note where Robert Benzie writes: "The environmental watchdog also noted Ontario has yet to formally announce when it would enter the Western Climate Initiative’s cap-and-trade program."
Ahh yes: the ole WCI... the other GreenFear-inspired bureaucratic-beard, which collapsed a while ago... so, tell us, Jim Bradley, when is your carbon tax going into effect!!!?
We all know that Jimmy's cash-starved Liberals would have already implemented their McGuinty Climate Tax, with or without the WCI-ruse: it's just that they desperately needed a majority to shove this further monstrous tax-gouge onto Ontario. (as they did with their health tax and their HST and their eco-tax)
So, don't worry, Gordo: Good Ole Jimmy Bradley wants to destroy Ontario just as much - if not more - than you do.
Precious... just precious, how these money-hungry little GreenFear-pushing demagogues operate...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Justin Trudeau: Son of Fuddle-Duddle's Flip-Flops
Further to an earlier post here ...
... talk about the pathetic vaudeville act which Stephane Bumbledore Dion brought to the Liberal party - it looks like Drama Boy Justin Trudeau is now looking to capture Dion's laughable aura.
By Dec.4, 2012, Trudeau has flip-flopped AGAIN on the gun registry issue, telling us that "if we had a vote tomorrow, I would vote once again to keep the long-gun registry".
'WTF?', you may rightly ask!
Justin just several days ago, on Nov.30, 2012, claimed that the gun-registry was "a failure". Now, he says, he would still vote for it again, having just told us he thought it was a failure! This Liberal wannabe leader is as incoherent as Stephane Dion ever was - and he can't blame it away on any accent, either.
It's becoming quite true that there's "no true in Trudeau" - it's just the same old typical lefty moral-equivalency-pandering tactic, as usual, applicable to a host of their malleable positions.
When is this Liberal Trudeau ever telling us the truth?
Last week?
A little later from now?!
When he's in Quebec?!
When he's not in Quebec?
For the entire time when, as an MP, he supported the registry, and did not vote to abolish it, even though he now claims it was "a failure"?!
When did the registry suddenly morph into "a failure", for an opportunistic Justin? When he saw possible votes? What a base panderer!
We need only to recall back when the bumbling, hapless Dion was shovelling his GreenShift sh!t throughout Canada in 2008, that Dion was constantly shoving his foot in his mouth, policy-wise, yet, Liberal apologists have since created a mythical narrative that this was someone else's - not Dion's - doing!
Get ready for the same kind of spin (Warren Kinsella's probably manufacturing some already) to help cover for Justin's vacuous vacillation - that somehow, all this was a misunderstanding, that the whole thing was out of context, and, nevertheless, made up by others to smear the earnest, entitled, coiffed fruit of Pirouetting Pierre's loins.
Justin Trudeau - whose motto is that others, but not him, are 'full of shit' - set out, as he admitted, to smear Harper, yet all that the hallowed Son of Fuddle Duddle managed to do, was only smear himself. So: that is why Justin would be a great Liberal leader...can't wait, really...
... talk about the pathetic vaudeville act which Stephane Bumbledore Dion brought to the Liberal party - it looks like Drama Boy Justin Trudeau is now looking to capture Dion's laughable aura.
By Dec.4, 2012, Trudeau has flip-flopped AGAIN on the gun registry issue, telling us that "if we had a vote tomorrow, I would vote once again to keep the long-gun registry".
'WTF?', you may rightly ask!
Justin just several days ago, on Nov.30, 2012, claimed that the gun-registry was "a failure". Now, he says, he would still vote for it again, having just told us he thought it was a failure! This Liberal wannabe leader is as incoherent as Stephane Dion ever was - and he can't blame it away on any accent, either.
It's becoming quite true that there's "no true in Trudeau" - it's just the same old typical lefty moral-equivalency-pandering tactic, as usual, applicable to a host of their malleable positions.
When is this Liberal Trudeau ever telling us the truth?
Last week?
A little later from now?!
When he's in Quebec?!
When he's not in Quebec?
For the entire time when, as an MP, he supported the registry, and did not vote to abolish it, even though he now claims it was "a failure"?!
When did the registry suddenly morph into "a failure", for an opportunistic Justin? When he saw possible votes? What a base panderer!
We need only to recall back when the bumbling, hapless Dion was shovelling his GreenShift sh!t throughout Canada in 2008, that Dion was constantly shoving his foot in his mouth, policy-wise, yet, Liberal apologists have since created a mythical narrative that this was someone else's - not Dion's - doing!
Get ready for the same kind of spin (Warren Kinsella's probably manufacturing some already) to help cover for Justin's vacuous vacillation - that somehow, all this was a misunderstanding, that the whole thing was out of context, and, nevertheless, made up by others to smear the earnest, entitled, coiffed fruit of Pirouetting Pierre's loins.
Justin Trudeau - whose motto is that others, but not him, are 'full of shit' - set out, as he admitted, to smear Harper, yet all that the hallowed Son of Fuddle Duddle managed to do, was only smear himself. So: that is why Justin would be a great Liberal leader...can't wait, really...
The McGuinty/Smitherman/Bradley Liberal Green disaster
J.C. Bourque wrote in "A warning for Ontario: government-led innovation rarely works" Globe and Mail, Dec.4, 2012:
"Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has presided over a precipitous economic decline – a fact confirmed by Roger Martin’s most recent Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity report. The province is experiencing a long-term drop in prosperity vis-a-vis its North American peers. Five years on from the financial crisis and more than a month after the announcement of his resignation, Premier McGuinty’s Jobs and Prosperity Council is set to offer up ideas on how to reverse the province’s economic decline.
Like the Drummond report, this document may prove decisive in framing the public policy debate for the current Liberal leadership race and, more important, the next election. Judging from a recent TVO panel, intervention may become the order of the day. Twentieth-century policy shorthands such as “industrial policy” and “sector supports” are being resurrected. The promotion of fuzzy policies around “innovation” and “clusters” continues unabated.
Government-led economic development and innovation initiatives usually fail and, in fact, often cause more harm than good. As the Ontario government finally turns its attention to the economy, here is a list of the biggest reasons why such government initiatives are so unsuccessful and frequently damaging..."
"...Many governments, looking for ideas to spur economic growth, cast an eye to successful examples of government action around the globe. Understanding successful government initiatives is certainly a good part of public policy development. However, copying other governments can often be a recipe for failure. It should not be forgotten that the genesis for the McGuinty government’s Green Energy Act was a 2008 tour of Europe by then-energy-minister George Smitherman. He was impressed with the apparent economic success of green energy policies in Germany and other European countries. The newspaper accounts at the time are interesting to read in light of the policy’s uncertain future and failure to engender “green jobs”:
“Imagine a world where we could emulate their success?” asks an animated Mr. Smitherman, 44, who later turns to Amy Tang, an adviser sitting across the table. “Sorry, now I’m getting all worked up. Am I frothing at the mouth?”
And “emulate” the province did. What the province failed to understand was that other European nations had a full decade head start over Ontario, that the economic/energy structure of Germany was not at all analogous to that of Ontario and that China was about to enter the renewables market in a big way. Understanding the key drivers of our own jurisdiction’s success is far more important than grafting on a strategy developed elsewhere. Instead of travelling to Germany for his policies, the then-minister should have strolled not 20 minutes down University Avenue from Queen’s Park, where a huge statue honoring Sir Adam Beck, the father of our hydro-electric system, is inscribed to remind us of his genius in allowing Ontario to “enjoy the benefits of low-cost electrical energy.” Hopefully, we have finally learned that aping other jurisdictions rarely works.
Rent seeking
Perhaps the most insidious effect of government interventions in the economy is “rent seeking.” Rent seeking occurs when actors gain a share of economic value through setting the political and economic rules, rather than through innovation or growing economic activity. These efforts create significant distortions in the broader economy, destroying value and economic potential throughout.
Industry structure is an important determinant to whether “rents” can be extracted. Telecom and the airline industry are examples of industry structures that keep economic value in the hands of a few firms, rather than spreading the fruits of productivity to consumers and the broader economy. As the Globe and Mail has pointed out, the structure of these industries has acted as a substantial drag on Canadian productivity.
A specific example in Ontario is when municipalities and the broader public sector are forced into “closed tendering” because of labour agreements. The results are predictable: when only one group has a monopoly on government contracts, the cost of services skyrockets. One City of Hamilton report estimated the extra construction costs due to being forced into “closed tendering” were as high as 40 per cent.
Often, the rationale for granting economic rents is to “protect” jobs and economic activity; the reality is far different..."
We all remember Dalton McGuinty smugly lecturing us how his statist Liberals would be the ones proudly picking the 'winners' and (consequently) creating the 'losers'.
We remember the whole 'Niagara is the Green (fear) Capital of Canada' propaganda campaign, don't we?! Rent seekers - what rent seekers, eh?!
Green jobs - what green jobs?! Green tax-debt-subsidized state-orchestrated make-work projects, y'mean?!
Ask Liberal MPP (Ontario's Environment Minister) Jim Bradley where specifically those 50,000 Liberal green jobs are, which he and his lying Ontario Liberals claim they have created!! Oh... and if you do manage to see secretive Jimmy, ask him (...because, no St.Catharines Standard reporter ever will...) how many net jobs he has created, after accounting for all the jobs which were lost directly due to Jim Bradley's GreenFear-paranonoia-induced Liberal ideology!
It was nice of Bourque to point out George Smitherman back in 2008, frothing at the mouth about 'green energy', plotzing happily in his diapers at the thought of having the state direct an entire industry, solely through Smitherman's own hallucinogenic vision. And yet that Grit stink Smitherman had the audacity to pop up from obscurity to lecture Rob Ford about "accountability" - considering that whatever Smitherman had touched in office, immediately turned into an incompetent, costly disaster! George Smitherman: Touchdown For Hypocrisy!
Voila: Smitherman's secret Samsung deal, lauded with praise - by unaccountable Liberals!!
Voila: Wind turbines forced onto rural land, with municipalities unable to fight back!
Voila: McGuinty - billions in the red!
Voila: Hydro rates sky-high, while Jim Bradley sells subsidized power to the Americans, to... um... ahh... "save the Planet From Peril"...!!
Voila: Liberal cowards ran away from Parliament - and also prorogued it! - when Ontarians finally demanded answers regarding McGuinty's and Jim Bradley's disastrous long-con Big Green Lie.
Fast forward to July 20, 2013, to Jim Merriam's column in the St.Catharines Standard, "Lots of spin by supporters of turbines", where Merriam writes of how on July 15, 2013 (during the heat wave, hour 17) Ontario's wind turbines were producing 47 MW of power - in other words: they were contributing less than 0.2% of peak demand of 24,025 MW.
It was a paltry, pathetic performance - and a supremely expensive one, at that.
It's funny how Merriam does not bother to mention that it was Dalton McGuinty's high-school-educated genius George Smitherman, who cooked up this green wind turbine fiasco. These are the numbers which a secretive Smitherman, in his haste to satiate his buddy Liberal colleague Jim Bradley's global-warming Greenfear-mongering, neglected to tell Ontario's taxpayers about.
These nutters went on a bender with their green binge windy fiasco, in order (according to their green delusions) to supposedly 'save the planet from doom' - as seen by Dalton McGuinty's bald-faced GreenFear-induced lies, openly peddled on television to Sean Mallen in 2009.
Merriam, in his July 20, 2013 story, doesn't bother to examine the clear links [evident for over a decade, even before McGuinty's first election] between the subject of his column, and the GreenFear lies spewed by Liberal doom-spreaders such as Dalton McGuinty, Jim Bradley, George Smitherman, and the entire Ontario Liberal Party.
(Merriam doesn't even mention the word "Liberal" in his story!!! Wow: it's as if it was some other party which ran Ontario into the ground for the last decade!!!)
Merriam didn't bother to examine how a decade's worth of Ontario Liberal Party GreenFear-based climate-lies directly led to the Ontario GreenFear-induced energy disaster we now have.
Merriam (like the Standard's Wendy Metcalfe; like legions of wrong-righting media hacks before and since) failed to detail St.Catharines Liberal MPP Jim Bradley's decades of GreenFear activism, and failed to ask for, and examine, Jim Bradley's specific "evidence" that climate change is man-made, and that socialism is the cure.
After all, Jim Bradley is only Ontario's Liberal environment minister (!!) - so, teehee, what relevance could Bradley's decades of GreenFear-peddling have, to articles such as Merriam's, which end up telling us half the story about the expensive half-baked GreenFear-based delusions of Ontario's Liberal climate-lying machine - right?!!
"Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has presided over a precipitous economic decline – a fact confirmed by Roger Martin’s most recent Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity report. The province is experiencing a long-term drop in prosperity vis-a-vis its North American peers. Five years on from the financial crisis and more than a month after the announcement of his resignation, Premier McGuinty’s Jobs and Prosperity Council is set to offer up ideas on how to reverse the province’s economic decline.
Like the Drummond report, this document may prove decisive in framing the public policy debate for the current Liberal leadership race and, more important, the next election. Judging from a recent TVO panel, intervention may become the order of the day. Twentieth-century policy shorthands such as “industrial policy” and “sector supports” are being resurrected. The promotion of fuzzy policies around “innovation” and “clusters” continues unabated.
Government-led economic development and innovation initiatives usually fail and, in fact, often cause more harm than good. As the Ontario government finally turns its attention to the economy, here is a list of the biggest reasons why such government initiatives are so unsuccessful and frequently damaging..."
"...Many governments, looking for ideas to spur economic growth, cast an eye to successful examples of government action around the globe. Understanding successful government initiatives is certainly a good part of public policy development. However, copying other governments can often be a recipe for failure. It should not be forgotten that the genesis for the McGuinty government’s Green Energy Act was a 2008 tour of Europe by then-energy-minister George Smitherman. He was impressed with the apparent economic success of green energy policies in Germany and other European countries. The newspaper accounts at the time are interesting to read in light of the policy’s uncertain future and failure to engender “green jobs”:
“Imagine a world where we could emulate their success?” asks an animated Mr. Smitherman, 44, who later turns to Amy Tang, an adviser sitting across the table. “Sorry, now I’m getting all worked up. Am I frothing at the mouth?”
And “emulate” the province did. What the province failed to understand was that other European nations had a full decade head start over Ontario, that the economic/energy structure of Germany was not at all analogous to that of Ontario and that China was about to enter the renewables market in a big way. Understanding the key drivers of our own jurisdiction’s success is far more important than grafting on a strategy developed elsewhere. Instead of travelling to Germany for his policies, the then-minister should have strolled not 20 minutes down University Avenue from Queen’s Park, where a huge statue honoring Sir Adam Beck, the father of our hydro-electric system, is inscribed to remind us of his genius in allowing Ontario to “enjoy the benefits of low-cost electrical energy.” Hopefully, we have finally learned that aping other jurisdictions rarely works.
Rent seeking
Perhaps the most insidious effect of government interventions in the economy is “rent seeking.” Rent seeking occurs when actors gain a share of economic value through setting the political and economic rules, rather than through innovation or growing economic activity. These efforts create significant distortions in the broader economy, destroying value and economic potential throughout.
Industry structure is an important determinant to whether “rents” can be extracted. Telecom and the airline industry are examples of industry structures that keep economic value in the hands of a few firms, rather than spreading the fruits of productivity to consumers and the broader economy. As the Globe and Mail has pointed out, the structure of these industries has acted as a substantial drag on Canadian productivity.
A specific example in Ontario is when municipalities and the broader public sector are forced into “closed tendering” because of labour agreements. The results are predictable: when only one group has a monopoly on government contracts, the cost of services skyrockets. One City of Hamilton report estimated the extra construction costs due to being forced into “closed tendering” were as high as 40 per cent.
Often, the rationale for granting economic rents is to “protect” jobs and economic activity; the reality is far different..."
We all remember Dalton McGuinty smugly lecturing us how his statist Liberals would be the ones proudly picking the 'winners' and (consequently) creating the 'losers'.
We remember the whole 'Niagara is the Green (fear) Capital of Canada' propaganda campaign, don't we?! Rent seekers - what rent seekers, eh?!
Green jobs - what green jobs?! Green tax-debt-subsidized state-orchestrated make-work projects, y'mean?!
Ask Liberal MPP (Ontario's Environment Minister) Jim Bradley where specifically those 50,000 Liberal green jobs are, which he and his lying Ontario Liberals claim they have created!! Oh... and if you do manage to see secretive Jimmy, ask him (...because, no St.Catharines Standard reporter ever will...) how many net jobs he has created, after accounting for all the jobs which were lost directly due to Jim Bradley's GreenFear-paranonoia-induced Liberal ideology!
It was nice of Bourque to point out George Smitherman back in 2008, frothing at the mouth about 'green energy', plotzing happily in his diapers at the thought of having the state direct an entire industry, solely through Smitherman's own hallucinogenic vision. And yet that Grit stink Smitherman had the audacity to pop up from obscurity to lecture Rob Ford about "accountability" - considering that whatever Smitherman had touched in office, immediately turned into an incompetent, costly disaster! George Smitherman: Touchdown For Hypocrisy!
Voila: Smitherman's secret Samsung deal, lauded with praise - by unaccountable Liberals!!
Voila: Wind turbines forced onto rural land, with municipalities unable to fight back!
Voila: McGuinty - billions in the red!
Voila: Hydro rates sky-high, while Jim Bradley sells subsidized power to the Americans, to... um... ahh... "save the Planet From Peril"...!!
Voila: Liberal cowards ran away from Parliament - and also prorogued it! - when Ontarians finally demanded answers regarding McGuinty's and Jim Bradley's disastrous long-con Big Green Lie.
Fast forward to July 20, 2013, to Jim Merriam's column in the St.Catharines Standard, "Lots of spin by supporters of turbines", where Merriam writes of how on July 15, 2013 (during the heat wave, hour 17) Ontario's wind turbines were producing 47 MW of power - in other words: they were contributing less than 0.2% of peak demand of 24,025 MW.
It was a paltry, pathetic performance - and a supremely expensive one, at that.
It's funny how Merriam does not bother to mention that it was Dalton McGuinty's high-school-educated genius George Smitherman, who cooked up this green wind turbine fiasco. These are the numbers which a secretive Smitherman, in his haste to satiate his buddy Liberal colleague Jim Bradley's global-warming Greenfear-mongering, neglected to tell Ontario's taxpayers about.
These nutters went on a bender with their green binge windy fiasco, in order (according to their green delusions) to supposedly 'save the planet from doom' - as seen by Dalton McGuinty's bald-faced GreenFear-induced lies, openly peddled on television to Sean Mallen in 2009.
Merriam, in his July 20, 2013 story, doesn't bother to examine the clear links [evident for over a decade, even before McGuinty's first election] between the subject of his column, and the GreenFear lies spewed by Liberal doom-spreaders such as Dalton McGuinty, Jim Bradley, George Smitherman, and the entire Ontario Liberal Party.
(Merriam doesn't even mention the word "Liberal" in his story!!! Wow: it's as if it was some other party which ran Ontario into the ground for the last decade!!!)
Merriam didn't bother to examine how a decade's worth of Ontario Liberal Party GreenFear-based climate-lies directly led to the Ontario GreenFear-induced energy disaster we now have.
Merriam (like the Standard's Wendy Metcalfe; like legions of wrong-righting media hacks before and since) failed to detail St.Catharines Liberal MPP Jim Bradley's decades of GreenFear activism, and failed to ask for, and examine, Jim Bradley's specific "evidence" that climate change is man-made, and that socialism is the cure.
After all, Jim Bradley is only Ontario's Liberal environment minister (!!) - so, teehee, what relevance could Bradley's decades of GreenFear-peddling have, to articles such as Merriam's, which end up telling us half the story about the expensive half-baked GreenFear-based delusions of Ontario's Liberal climate-lying machine - right?!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Buffalo N.Y. health-care a solution to Ontario Liberal monopoly failures?
Further to this previous post here ...
... where is the vociferous left-wing opposition to this cross-border health care proposal?!!
As Allan Benner wrote in "Cross border hospital services pitched" (Welland Tribune, Nov.26, 2012):
"PORT COLBORNE - Dr. Nick Hopkins recalled a stroke patient who arrived the Gates Vascular Institute paralyzed and unable to speak.
Not long ago, that patient would have spent her remaining years in a nursing home — if she patient survived.
Instead, she walked out of the hospital a day later to carry on with a normal life. One that Hopkins learned recently included participation in a San Diego marathon six months after she was discharged from the Buffalo institute.
“This is the kind of result we can get,” Hopkins said, adding it’s an example of “a whole new paradigm for the treatment of acute stroke” offered over the river.
“Right now there’s no place in southern Ontario where you can get that kind of treatment.”
Hopkins was one of several physicians and health care administrators from Kaleida Health hospital system in Buffalo as well as the University of Rochester Medical Centre who visited Port Colborne Monday to meet with South Niagara Health Care Corp. to discuss the benefits of crossing the border to access medical services that are not available locally.
South Niagara Health Care Corp. general manager Joanne Ferraccioli said that kind partnership is not without precedent.
She said Dr. Gord Vail, a physician from Windsor, worked with the Local Health Integrated Network, the provincial government and hospitals in Detroit to allow select patients to travel to Detroit for treatments not available in the Windsor area.
As a result, she said it has resulted in better outcomes for select patients “and the reimbursement rate through OHIP is actually lower, it’s actually more fiscally responsible.”
Patients are returned to Canada for all their post-operative care, she added.
South Niagara Health Care Corp. is hoping to develop an initiative similar to the Windsor-Detroit partnership to benefit south Niagara and beyond, allowing easier access to medical services in nearby U.S. cities. It would, however, ultimately require approval from the Ministry of Health and LHIN.
“If someone is very sick with a heart attack, you should send them to Buffalo as the closest hospital,” stressed Dr. David Janicke of Kaleida Health.
“It’s extremely important to get your patients … your citizens to an acute care hospital as quickly as possible and if there isn’t one close by, nothing could be better than a hospital that’s 20 or 30 minutes away.”
Hopkins said the Buffalo facility also allows medical specialists to work more closely together to offer better patient care.
He recalled one patient undergoing surgery for a stroke.
“(The patient) had a cardiac arrest on the table. In the old days six months ago, that would have been a Chinese fire drill. We would have been scrambling to find a cardiologist, but now within a few seconds we had two cardiologists in the room barking out orders and taking care of the heart while we went ahead and fixed the head.""
Where's the NDP, trotting out that old chestnut about 'Tommy Douglas spinning in his grave'?
Where's Naomi Lakritz?
Where's Barbara Yaffe?
Where's Mike Dukakis??
Where's Linda Silas to guilt us about our 'national spirit'?
Where's Sicko Michael Moore?
Where's Mike McBane?
Where's Richard Murri?
Where's Liberal-appointed NHS supervisor Kevin Smith, lecturing us all about the "Canadian Way"?
Where's Liberal Kim Craitor, bragging about the superiority of his Liberal monstrous single-payer health-care monopoly?!
Where's Jim Bradley, whining about the dangers of evil, two-tier privatized American health care?! Where's Jim Bradley's rhetorical chestnut, warning us about that nefarious 'Slippery Slope' of 'U.S.-style health-care'?!
{Let's not forget: right now there's a Liberal leadership race going on in McGuinty-prorogued Ontario; yet, none of those Liberal leadership hacks - one of whom will, sickeningly, become Ontario's unelected Premier - has said a thing about this proposal! Isn't now the time for these Liberal leaders to unanimously condemn this proposal?!}
For years, Liberals smugly derided Buffalo's health care system - all the while shuffling Ontario patients to Buffalo and other U.S. cities, because Ontario's Liberal-run health monopoly could not provide patients the required care in their own country!
After all these years of Jim Bradley's Liberal healthcare duplicity and rhetoric; after all of Jim Bradley's anti-American jingoism; after all of Jim Bradley's incessant health-care cuts and health-care tax-increases - Jim Bradley's Liberal single-payer, state-run health monopoly still cannot deliver the Utopian care which Bradley for decades claimed it could.
Why is Liberal loud mouth Jim 'I-hate-doctors' Bradley now suddenly silent, in the face of such dastardly intrusion, unfolding right on Jimmy's own doorstep in Niagara?!
Why is Ole Jimmy not smugly railing on and on about how these Yankees aren't welcome in Canada, the same way Bradley and his buddy Smitherman did when they ridiculously agitated against the U.S. company Lifeline, by 'deputizing Ontarians to stop them at the border' ?!! (see: here pg.44-45, and here, and here, and here and here)
Did the editors of the St.Catharines Standard bother asking their Liberal buddy 'Silent Jim' Bradley about this proposal?! (...of course not!! Jimmy's protected from media scrutiny!!)
... where is the vociferous left-wing opposition to this cross-border health care proposal?!!
As Allan Benner wrote in "Cross border hospital services pitched" (Welland Tribune, Nov.26, 2012):
"PORT COLBORNE - Dr. Nick Hopkins recalled a stroke patient who arrived the Gates Vascular Institute paralyzed and unable to speak.
Not long ago, that patient would have spent her remaining years in a nursing home — if she patient survived.
Instead, she walked out of the hospital a day later to carry on with a normal life. One that Hopkins learned recently included participation in a San Diego marathon six months after she was discharged from the Buffalo institute.
“This is the kind of result we can get,” Hopkins said, adding it’s an example of “a whole new paradigm for the treatment of acute stroke” offered over the river.
“Right now there’s no place in southern Ontario where you can get that kind of treatment.”
Hopkins was one of several physicians and health care administrators from Kaleida Health hospital system in Buffalo as well as the University of Rochester Medical Centre who visited Port Colborne Monday to meet with South Niagara Health Care Corp. to discuss the benefits of crossing the border to access medical services that are not available locally.
South Niagara Health Care Corp. general manager Joanne Ferraccioli said that kind partnership is not without precedent.
She said Dr. Gord Vail, a physician from Windsor, worked with the Local Health Integrated Network, the provincial government and hospitals in Detroit to allow select patients to travel to Detroit for treatments not available in the Windsor area.
As a result, she said it has resulted in better outcomes for select patients “and the reimbursement rate through OHIP is actually lower, it’s actually more fiscally responsible.”
Patients are returned to Canada for all their post-operative care, she added.
South Niagara Health Care Corp. is hoping to develop an initiative similar to the Windsor-Detroit partnership to benefit south Niagara and beyond, allowing easier access to medical services in nearby U.S. cities. It would, however, ultimately require approval from the Ministry of Health and LHIN.
“If someone is very sick with a heart attack, you should send them to Buffalo as the closest hospital,” stressed Dr. David Janicke of Kaleida Health.
“It’s extremely important to get your patients … your citizens to an acute care hospital as quickly as possible and if there isn’t one close by, nothing could be better than a hospital that’s 20 or 30 minutes away.”
Hopkins said the Buffalo facility also allows medical specialists to work more closely together to offer better patient care.
He recalled one patient undergoing surgery for a stroke.
“(The patient) had a cardiac arrest on the table. In the old days six months ago, that would have been a Chinese fire drill. We would have been scrambling to find a cardiologist, but now within a few seconds we had two cardiologists in the room barking out orders and taking care of the heart while we went ahead and fixed the head.""
Where's the NDP, trotting out that old chestnut about 'Tommy Douglas spinning in his grave'?
Where's Naomi Lakritz?
Where's Barbara Yaffe?
Where's Mike Dukakis??
Where's Linda Silas to guilt us about our 'national spirit'?
Where's Sicko Michael Moore?
Where's Mike McBane?
Where's Richard Murri?
Where's Liberal-appointed NHS supervisor Kevin Smith, lecturing us all about the "Canadian Way"?
Where's Liberal Kim Craitor, bragging about the superiority of his Liberal monstrous single-payer health-care monopoly?!
Where's Jim Bradley, whining about the dangers of evil, two-tier privatized American health care?! Where's Jim Bradley's rhetorical chestnut, warning us about that nefarious 'Slippery Slope' of 'U.S.-style health-care'?!
{Let's not forget: right now there's a Liberal leadership race going on in McGuinty-prorogued Ontario; yet, none of those Liberal leadership hacks - one of whom will, sickeningly, become Ontario's unelected Premier - has said a thing about this proposal! Isn't now the time for these Liberal leaders to unanimously condemn this proposal?!}
For years, Liberals smugly derided Buffalo's health care system - all the while shuffling Ontario patients to Buffalo and other U.S. cities, because Ontario's Liberal-run health monopoly could not provide patients the required care in their own country!
After all these years of Jim Bradley's Liberal healthcare duplicity and rhetoric; after all of Jim Bradley's anti-American jingoism; after all of Jim Bradley's incessant health-care cuts and health-care tax-increases - Jim Bradley's Liberal single-payer, state-run health monopoly still cannot deliver the Utopian care which Bradley for decades claimed it could.
Why is Liberal loud mouth Jim 'I-hate-doctors' Bradley now suddenly silent, in the face of such dastardly intrusion, unfolding right on Jimmy's own doorstep in Niagara?!
Why is Ole Jimmy not smugly railing on and on about how these Yankees aren't welcome in Canada, the same way Bradley and his buddy Smitherman did when they ridiculously agitated against the U.S. company Lifeline, by 'deputizing Ontarians to stop them at the border' ?!! (see: here pg.44-45, and here, and here, and here and here)
Did the editors of the St.Catharines Standard bother asking their Liberal buddy 'Silent Jim' Bradley about this proposal?! (...of course not!! Jimmy's protected from media scrutiny!!)
Will GreenFear-monger Liberal Jim Bradley ever explain his role in botching Ontario's economy?
Further to previous posts here and here and here ...
... Andy Frame writes about "The big Ontario power-plant question, Will the Liberals ever explain their botched site-selection process?" (Dec.3, 2012 Hamilton Spectator), but oddly, he doesn't specifically mention former Liberal Energy Minister Brad Duguid's role in this McGuinty-energy-fiasco.
Why didn't Frame bother to question Duguid's claims (as reported Oct.7, 2010) that not only was the Oakville gas-plant's power suddenly not needed, but that the Oakville plant was NOT going to be rebuilt anywhere else in Ontario?!! Both of these points are relevant to Frame's story!
Doesn't anyone remember Duguid's smarmy claims, which we have since seen, turned out to be Liberal lies?!?
(...and, note, Duguid said this in 2010, a year prior to the Mississauga-plant also being cancelled!!)
Frame keeps asking "why not the Lakeview site", which is a good question, yet which, however, ignores the fact that Duguid claimed the power from the cancelled-Oakville plant was not needed in Ontario, anywhere, in the first place!! So, on that basis - why would any site be needed, at all??
Perhaps instead of Frame asking "why not the Lakeview site", Frame should be questioning 'why the Lakeview site' [...not to mention 'why the Lennoxville-Bath site' and 'why the Sarnia site'...] based on what Duguid had said in 2010: that more electrical power was no longer required, so no replacement plant would be built, at any site!
... and on that line of thought:
... if (as Duguid claimed in 2010) the power was not needed from the cancelled-Oakville gas plant in 2010, then that would have signified that, similarly, the power would also not be needed from the next-to-be-cancelled Mississauga gas plant, in 2011 - yet, both were announced to be replaced elsewhere, completely contradicting Duguid's statements! So: was the power 'needed' or 'not needed'?!
... and also: if the Oakville power was not needed in 2010, then why did McGuinty's Liberals nevertheless continue with the development of the Mississauga site - only to cancel it at the last minute in the middle of the 2011 election??!!!
Frame should also try to contact (since the St.Catharines Standard certainly won't bother) the elusive Kyoto-GreenFear-peddler, Liberal MPP Jim Bradley (Ontario's currently-prorogued Environment Minister) to learn about the status and timing of the environmental approvals for these sites.
But as we have seen, secretive Liberal Jim Bradley doesn't much like answering pesky questions, especially when he is Personally Saving The Planet From Climate-Change Peril and Doom!!
As Frame writes: "What has been happening for at least five years is now evident. The McGuinty government has made political decisions that override power planning decisions and these decisions have cost millions of dollars. The result is higher hydro bills for residential customers. Ontario industrial customers will have much higher costs, which will lower their competitive position, and the Ontario economy will suffer."
This is exactly what Bradley and McGuinty were warned about in 2002-2003, when they were pushing for Kyoto.
These Liberals ignored the warnings then, and negligently plowed ahead with their idiotic GreenFear-paranoia-induced energy experimentation. Then when their Climate Change/Global Warming/Kyodiot house of GreenFear-fraud collapsed, they ran for cover and prorogued Ontario's Parliament.
Go ahead: ask Jim Bradley exactly why he and his disgusting Liberals ran away from accountability in the House: it was because they simply didn't feel like answering pesky questions from the opposition!
And now look at what these Liberal scum have wrought upon our province.
... Andy Frame writes about "The big Ontario power-plant question, Will the Liberals ever explain their botched site-selection process?" (Dec.3, 2012 Hamilton Spectator), but oddly, he doesn't specifically mention former Liberal Energy Minister Brad Duguid's role in this McGuinty-energy-fiasco.
Why didn't Frame bother to question Duguid's claims (as reported Oct.7, 2010) that not only was the Oakville gas-plant's power suddenly not needed, but that the Oakville plant was NOT going to be rebuilt anywhere else in Ontario?!! Both of these points are relevant to Frame's story!
Doesn't anyone remember Duguid's smarmy claims, which we have since seen, turned out to be Liberal lies?!?
(...and, note, Duguid said this in 2010, a year prior to the Mississauga-plant also being cancelled!!)
Frame keeps asking "why not the Lakeview site", which is a good question, yet which, however, ignores the fact that Duguid claimed the power from the cancelled-Oakville plant was not needed in Ontario, anywhere, in the first place!! So, on that basis - why would any site be needed, at all??
Perhaps instead of Frame asking "why not the Lakeview site", Frame should be questioning 'why the Lakeview site' [...not to mention 'why the Lennoxville-Bath site' and 'why the Sarnia site'...] based on what Duguid had said in 2010: that more electrical power was no longer required, so no replacement plant would be built, at any site!
... and on that line of thought:
... if (as Duguid claimed in 2010) the power was not needed from the cancelled-Oakville gas plant in 2010, then that would have signified that, similarly, the power would also not be needed from the next-to-be-cancelled Mississauga gas plant, in 2011 - yet, both were announced to be replaced elsewhere, completely contradicting Duguid's statements! So: was the power 'needed' or 'not needed'?!
... and also: if the Oakville power was not needed in 2010, then why did McGuinty's Liberals nevertheless continue with the development of the Mississauga site - only to cancel it at the last minute in the middle of the 2011 election??!!!
Frame should also try to contact (since the St.Catharines Standard certainly won't bother) the elusive Kyoto-GreenFear-peddler, Liberal MPP Jim Bradley (Ontario's currently-prorogued Environment Minister) to learn about the status and timing of the environmental approvals for these sites.
But as we have seen, secretive Liberal Jim Bradley doesn't much like answering pesky questions, especially when he is Personally Saving The Planet From Climate-Change Peril and Doom!!
As Frame writes: "What has been happening for at least five years is now evident. The McGuinty government has made political decisions that override power planning decisions and these decisions have cost millions of dollars. The result is higher hydro bills for residential customers. Ontario industrial customers will have much higher costs, which will lower their competitive position, and the Ontario economy will suffer."
This is exactly what Bradley and McGuinty were warned about in 2002-2003, when they were pushing for Kyoto.
These Liberals ignored the warnings then, and negligently plowed ahead with their idiotic GreenFear-paranoia-induced energy experimentation. Then when their Climate Change/Global Warming/Kyodiot house of GreenFear-fraud collapsed, they ran for cover and prorogued Ontario's Parliament.
Go ahead: ask Jim Bradley exactly why he and his disgusting Liberals ran away from accountability in the House: it was because they simply didn't feel like answering pesky questions from the opposition!
And now look at what these Liberal scum have wrought upon our province.
Dalton McGuinty,
Jim Bradley,
"Open climate-letter" to UN not so open in Niagara press
Further to previous posts here and here...
...the next time Niagara This Week's Paul Forsyth, or the St.Catharines Standard's Bernie Puchalski, or some other eager GreenFear-peddler from the Niagara press, sees Liberal MPP Jim 'Mr.Kyoto' Bradley, they might ask Ole GreenJimmy to comment on this open letter to the United Nations' Ban Ki-Moon.
Maybe they can even bother to report Great Hallowed EnviroJimmy's sage response!
...the next time Niagara This Week's Paul Forsyth, or the St.Catharines Standard's Bernie Puchalski, or some other eager GreenFear-peddler from the Niagara press, sees Liberal MPP Jim 'Mr.Kyoto' Bradley, they might ask Ole GreenJimmy to comment on this open letter to the United Nations' Ban Ki-Moon.
Maybe they can even bother to report Great Hallowed EnviroJimmy's sage response!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Justin Trudeau's little Liberal lies
Further to my earlier post, where Justin Trudeau was claiming that he was being 'taken out of context'...
...now we have this Nov.24, 2012 report by Mark Dunn:
"Justin Trudeau said Friday he was only bad-mouthing one Albertan in a televised rant that has come back to haunt his quest to follow in his father's footsteps and become prime minister.
The Liberal leadership hopeful used a hastily called news conference in Vancouver to issue what critics called a half-hearted apology to wiggle out of a jam opponents have seized on to paint the Liberal party as anti-Alberta.
Trudeau's campaign hit the skids Thursday when a French interview he gave two years ago surfaced with him bemoaning western influence on national affairs and arguing that Canada does better under prime ministers from Quebec.
On Alberta, Trudeau said he didn't mean to smear the whole province - just Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
"I'm sorry I said what I did," he said. "I was wrong to relate the area of the country that Mr. Harper is from with the people who live there and with the policies that he has that don't represent the values of most Canadians."..."
So, basically, all the excuses which Justin Trudeau had made, just two days ago, have already been revealed as Liberal lies!! Incredible! We can only imagine mini-Trudeau's Great Radiant Liberal Future.
Now we see there was nothing "taken out of context", as Justin pretended there was, two days ago, after he was caught trying to explain away that forked tongue act of his, revealed in that Quebec interview.
Now we see that Justin, the Grit grifter, was saying one thing here, and another there, all the while pretending in his campaign that he wasn't!! Another calculated Liberal lie.
Even his half-hearted apology should be seen as a lie, for what Justin Trudeau was saying in Quebec was the real, smug Trudeau. Justin wasn't sorry for anything, until his hypocrisy caught up with him while he was grifting for votes in Alberta, cowboy hat and all. Then he lied. Then changed his story, again.
The only person Justin Trudeau has managed to smear, is himself.
The Liberals need this kind of inept two-faced bumbler to become the third stooge [well, Bob Rae is just the Liberal Shemp] to complete their Great Triumvirate of Liberal Leader-Bufoons-in-the-Wilderness: Dion, Ignatieff, and Trudeau ...oh, that would be great...
...now we have this Nov.24, 2012 report by Mark Dunn:
"Justin Trudeau said Friday he was only bad-mouthing one Albertan in a televised rant that has come back to haunt his quest to follow in his father's footsteps and become prime minister.
The Liberal leadership hopeful used a hastily called news conference in Vancouver to issue what critics called a half-hearted apology to wiggle out of a jam opponents have seized on to paint the Liberal party as anti-Alberta.
Trudeau's campaign hit the skids Thursday when a French interview he gave two years ago surfaced with him bemoaning western influence on national affairs and arguing that Canada does better under prime ministers from Quebec.
On Alberta, Trudeau said he didn't mean to smear the whole province - just Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
"I'm sorry I said what I did," he said. "I was wrong to relate the area of the country that Mr. Harper is from with the people who live there and with the policies that he has that don't represent the values of most Canadians."..."
So, basically, all the excuses which Justin Trudeau had made, just two days ago, have already been revealed as Liberal lies!! Incredible! We can only imagine mini-Trudeau's Great Radiant Liberal Future.
Now we see there was nothing "taken out of context", as Justin pretended there was, two days ago, after he was caught trying to explain away that forked tongue act of his, revealed in that Quebec interview.
Now we see that Justin, the Grit grifter, was saying one thing here, and another there, all the while pretending in his campaign that he wasn't!! Another calculated Liberal lie.
Even his half-hearted apology should be seen as a lie, for what Justin Trudeau was saying in Quebec was the real, smug Trudeau. Justin wasn't sorry for anything, until his hypocrisy caught up with him while he was grifting for votes in Alberta, cowboy hat and all. Then he lied. Then changed his story, again.
The only person Justin Trudeau has managed to smear, is himself.
The Liberals need this kind of inept two-faced bumbler to become the third stooge [well, Bob Rae is just the Liberal Shemp] to complete their Great Triumvirate of Liberal Leader-Bufoons-in-the-Wilderness: Dion, Ignatieff, and Trudeau ...oh, that would be great...
Michael 'Iggy' Ignatieff,
Stephane Dion,
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Another tankard of Niagara's Finest GreenFear, Sir, if you please...
Further to my earlier post...
Another slick bit-o'GreenFear surfaced in the St.Catharines Standard's Nov.24, 2012 editorial page A8, this time courtesy of some apparent climate-change expert, Bernie Puchalski, who tells us (without citing his sources - much as the way Liberal Environment Minister Jim Bradley seems to operate, when he sells us his Kyodiot planet-is-dying green kool-aid) that "...Given the dramatic increase in severe weather caused by global warming, the risk of extreme rainfalls overwhelming containment facilities..."
...blah blah... bla... blahhhh... blah... ...same old green canard, different pet project...
Whatever it is Puchalski was trying to talk about here, just doesn't much matter, does it: once he brought out the GreenFear card, he instantly undermined whatever possible merits his case may have had.
What we need to monitor is the "dramatic increase" of "atrocious man-made" GreenFear-peddling, mistaken as real science, and propagated as an if-all-else-fails-last-ditch cudgel to build support for some enviro-scheme or another.
I mean, Puchalski had some good reasoning in his article - until at the end, when he just had to unnecessarily trot out the irrelevant GreenFear-card.
And, Puchalski even wrote about Good Ole Liberal Jim Bradley in his article, but didn't bother questioning GreenJimmy's years of climate-change/global-warming deceptions.
Why?! Is Puchalski's default-belief the same as Jim Bradley's, Al Gore's, Stephane Dion's and David Suzuki's?! You know: "it's all settled"?!
Another slick bit-o'GreenFear surfaced in the St.Catharines Standard's Nov.24, 2012 editorial page A8, this time courtesy of some apparent climate-change expert, Bernie Puchalski, who tells us (without citing his sources - much as the way Liberal Environment Minister Jim Bradley seems to operate, when he sells us his Kyodiot planet-is-dying green kool-aid) that "...Given the dramatic increase in severe weather caused by global warming, the risk of extreme rainfalls overwhelming containment facilities..."
...blah blah... bla... blahhhh... blah... ...same old green canard, different pet project...
Whatever it is Puchalski was trying to talk about here, just doesn't much matter, does it: once he brought out the GreenFear card, he instantly undermined whatever possible merits his case may have had.
What we need to monitor is the "dramatic increase" of "atrocious man-made" GreenFear-peddling, mistaken as real science, and propagated as an if-all-else-fails-last-ditch cudgel to build support for some enviro-scheme or another.
I mean, Puchalski had some good reasoning in his article - until at the end, when he just had to unnecessarily trot out the irrelevant GreenFear-card.
And, Puchalski even wrote about Good Ole Liberal Jim Bradley in his article, but didn't bother questioning GreenJimmy's years of climate-change/global-warming deceptions.
Why?! Is Puchalski's default-belief the same as Jim Bradley's, Al Gore's, Stephane Dion's and David Suzuki's?! You know: "it's all settled"?!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Hypocrite Dalton's petty, pathetic, whining, waning days...
It was astounding to hear Ontario Premier Liberal Liar Dalton McGuinty's hypocritical whining about Harper in this Nov.20, 2012 Toronto Star story "McGuinty laments Harper’s refusal to attend premiers’ meeting in Halifax".
Yes folks: this is from the same Liberal scumbag Dalton, who refused to work with the elected members in Ontario's Legislature, and who then prorogued the Legislature and ran away from a House contempt inquiry!!!
This is the same McGuinty who resigned as premier, to allow his Liberals free time to conduct their own little leadership/free publicity campaign!
This is the same proud Liberal who, upon receiving a minority government from the electorate, resented not getting his own bullying way, and couldn't be bothered dealing with the pesky opposition, or answering any of their pesky questions!!
Yes: this is Dictator Dalton bizarrely and sanctimoniously lecturing Harper for 'passing up a chance to co-operate' on issues!
{... like, back when Ole 'Clean-Air McGuinty' didn't want to be tied down by federal greenhouse gas regulation..? Let McGuinty pretend that didn't happen...}
But, there it is: the unabashed two-faced Liberal scumbaggery for all to see.
Another piece of stink to add to Disgusting Dalton McGuinty's portfolio of Grit stink, sure to enhance his glorious legacy of duplicity and failure.
This incident, small as it is, speaks volumes about this slimy Liberal's character - it's as if he cannot comprehend the enormity of the damage which his own political experiments have caused in Ontario.
Hey: let's go to a party and sing praises to the Great Sorbara, and merrily celebrate the Liberal disaster zone which Ontario has become...
Yes folks: this is from the same Liberal scumbag Dalton, who refused to work with the elected members in Ontario's Legislature, and who then prorogued the Legislature and ran away from a House contempt inquiry!!!
This is the same McGuinty who resigned as premier, to allow his Liberals free time to conduct their own little leadership/free publicity campaign!
This is the same proud Liberal who, upon receiving a minority government from the electorate, resented not getting his own bullying way, and couldn't be bothered dealing with the pesky opposition, or answering any of their pesky questions!!
Yes: this is Dictator Dalton bizarrely and sanctimoniously lecturing Harper for 'passing up a chance to co-operate' on issues!
{... like, back when Ole 'Clean-Air McGuinty' didn't want to be tied down by federal greenhouse gas regulation..? Let McGuinty pretend that didn't happen...}
But, there it is: the unabashed two-faced Liberal scumbaggery for all to see.
Another piece of stink to add to Disgusting Dalton McGuinty's portfolio of Grit stink, sure to enhance his glorious legacy of duplicity and failure.
This incident, small as it is, speaks volumes about this slimy Liberal's character - it's as if he cannot comprehend the enormity of the damage which his own political experiments have caused in Ontario.
Hey: let's go to a party and sing praises to the Great Sorbara, and merrily celebrate the Liberal disaster zone which Ontario has become...
Thursday, November 22, 2012
No "true" in Trudeau
Nice story in the National Post, Nov.22, 2012:
"Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae has apologized for a colleague who suggested Alberta Conservative MPs are shills for the oil industry and should “go home.”
Rae says Ottawa MP David McGuinty’s comments were a mistake and certainly not helpful, coming less than a week before a Calgary byelection in which the Liberals have high hopes of an upset.
McGuinty himself has not apologized and has not responded to requests to explain his remarks.
Rae says the MP, who did not attend the Liberals’ weekly caucus meeting today, is away on family business until next week.
In McGuinty’s absence, Rae is offering his own unequivocal apology on behalf of the party.
He says he has not yet decided whether McGuinty should be stripped of his post as the party’s natural resources critic.
Justin Trudeau distanced himself from McGuinty Tuesday.
Asked at a campaign appearance in Edmonton what he thought of reported remarks by David McGuinty, Trudeau would not comment directly but stressed his priority is national unity.
“My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I’ll say in Toronto as I’ll say in B.C.,” said Trudeau.
“That’s the kind of politics that I am trying to do here.”
The comments sparked outrage in Alberta, where the Liberals are working hard to try and gain even a toehold. Trudeau has been to the province twice already and his leadership rival Martha Hall Findlay chose to launch her campaign in Calgary.
Joan Crockatt, a Conservative candidate in Monday’s byelection in Calgary-Centre, quickly issued a news release invoking the ghost of Trudeau’s father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau.
“This anti-Alberta prejudice is the same the Liberals had when they brought in the disastrous National Energy Policy in the 1980s that did tremendous damage to our economy and cost Albertans billions of dollars,” she said.
“David McGuinty’s role as official energy critic should make every Albertan worry.”
The comments also set the Internet a-Twitter with vitriol."
...gosh... so much to deal with here, what with that global-warming-fear-spreading-nutter David (the other stupid ginty meat) McGuinty's anti-Albertan rant...
...but let's get to the fruit of Pierre's loins first. Note what Justin said above:
“My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I’ll say in Toronto as I’ll say in B.C.,” said Trudeau.
“That’s the kind of politics that I am trying to do here.”
Really, Justin?! Ole Liberal Justin: is he now Mr. Alberta-lover, or just another Liberal liar?
Exactly what "kind of politics" is Justin "trying to do here"?!
Justin blatantly just lies about how his Liberal message is supposedly the "same thing" everywhere: when Justin was bragging/lying about his supposed openness in Alberta, he just - ooooppsie - happened to conveniently not tell us about this interview he gave in Quebec, as reported in a Nov.22, 2012 CBC report:
"Liberal leadership candidate Justin Trudeau is having to explain comments he made about Albertans in 2010, one day after fellow Liberal MP David McGuinty resigned his critic role over pointed comments about Alberta Conservative MPs.
Sun Media published comments on Thursday that Trudeau made in a November 2010 interview in French on the Télé-Québec program Les Francs-tireurs (The Straight Shooters). In the interview, Trudeau seemed to take aim at Alberta politicians, and argued Canada was better off in the hands of leaders from Quebec.
"Canada isn't doing well right now because it's Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn't work," Trudeau told interviewer Patrick Lagacé.
When asked whether he thought Canada was "better served when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans," Trudeau replied, "I'm a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec.... This country, Canada, it belongs to us."
Just a day earlier, Trudeau's caucus colleague McGuinty apologized and resigned his role as Liberal energy critic after he was reported as saying Conservative MPs "really should go back to Alberta" and run for the provincial legislature or municipal office if they weren't willing to adopt a national vision on energy policy.
Conservatives angrily denounced McGuinty's comments on Wednesday, and on Thursday said Trudeau's 2010 quotes are proof of an anti-Alberta bias within the Liberal Party.
The National Energy Program was a policy introduced in the 1980s by Trudeau's father, the then prime minister Pierre Trudeau, and is often cited as a key reason for Western resentment.
In a statement posted on Facebook and released to the media, Trudeau's campaign said the 2010 comments were being taken out of context.
"The Conservatives are using out-of-context statements made years ago in a long interview. They are clearly concerned that they are losing the byelection in Calgary Centre and are resorting to smear campaigns to stop their slide," the statement said.
"Justin knows that Calgary, Alberta and all of Western Canada are at the very heart of Canada's future. That's a message he has taken to every part of the country, from the beginning of the campaign. We need to get beyond the divisive politics of the Conservatives and include all Canadians."
On CBC News Network's Power & Politics, Alberta Conservative MP Michelle Rempel called the younger Trudeau's comments "ridiculous" and "insulting."
"You know, I'm so fired up about this because I am from Alberta and I represent people in the heart of a vibrant, dynamic riding who believe in a strong, national, unified country," Rempel said.
"And, you know, for Mr. Trudeau to come out and try — I'm not sure if I heard his statement correctly, it's the first time I heard it — but for him to try to say, 'Oh, wait, the Conservatives are smearing me,' rather than 'I unequivocally apologize for these remarks, they were wrong, they were ill-informed,' it's ridiculous," Rempel said.
"This is coming up because the Conservatives have been very surprised at how poorly they're doing in the Calgary Centre byelection, and they're quite concerned about losing what they thought was a safe riding in the heart of their home territory," Gerald Butts told Power & Politics.
"And they're losing that riding because they've ignored the concerns of Albertans for too long, and in particular in Calgary people are waking up to that fact."
Butts said it's important to understand the context of Trudeau's remarks.
"It was a very long interview in French, and the question was about why are Quebecers disengaging and turning off from federal politics. And what [Trudeau] was saying, which was not dissimilar from what he said in January which caused a similar unjustified firestorm in English Canada, was that Quebecers see a government that doesn't share their values," Butts said.
"And I don't think you could walk down the street of Montreal and not find too many people who would disagree with that."
Butts noted Trudeau also told an Alberta audience this fall that the National Energy Program was a "mistake."
Trudeau has made several recent trips to Calgary, Edmonton and other Western cities as he campaigns for the Liberal leadership, saying he's eager to put the Liberal "ghosts of the past" in the West to rest.
"My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I'll say in Toronto as I'll say in B.C.," Trudeau said during a stop in Edmonton on Tuesday, Canadian Press reported."
... your claims in those last lines about your Liberal campaign just aren't true, Mr.Trudeau.
Your statements in Alberta were clearly in context; and, they have now been contradicted by your own earlier statements from your Quebec interview.
Looks like Justin will say anything to anyone, anywhere, as long as it could possibly get him a vote...
oh... and, Canada doesn't belong to Quebec Liberals, Justin.
This is the just same old Liberal shit, from another smarmy grifting Grit.
Oh... and why doesn't someone ask Dalton McGuinty's stalwart Ontario Liberal MPP Jim Bradley what Ole GreenFear-pushin' Jimmy thinks about oil, Albertans, and Ralph Klein... hmmm?
"Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae has apologized for a colleague who suggested Alberta Conservative MPs are shills for the oil industry and should “go home.”
Rae says Ottawa MP David McGuinty’s comments were a mistake and certainly not helpful, coming less than a week before a Calgary byelection in which the Liberals have high hopes of an upset.
McGuinty himself has not apologized and has not responded to requests to explain his remarks.
Rae says the MP, who did not attend the Liberals’ weekly caucus meeting today, is away on family business until next week.
In McGuinty’s absence, Rae is offering his own unequivocal apology on behalf of the party.
He says he has not yet decided whether McGuinty should be stripped of his post as the party’s natural resources critic.
Justin Trudeau distanced himself from McGuinty Tuesday.
Asked at a campaign appearance in Edmonton what he thought of reported remarks by David McGuinty, Trudeau would not comment directly but stressed his priority is national unity.
“My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I’ll say in Toronto as I’ll say in B.C.,” said Trudeau.
“That’s the kind of politics that I am trying to do here.”
The comments sparked outrage in Alberta, where the Liberals are working hard to try and gain even a toehold. Trudeau has been to the province twice already and his leadership rival Martha Hall Findlay chose to launch her campaign in Calgary.
Joan Crockatt, a Conservative candidate in Monday’s byelection in Calgary-Centre, quickly issued a news release invoking the ghost of Trudeau’s father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau.
“This anti-Alberta prejudice is the same the Liberals had when they brought in the disastrous National Energy Policy in the 1980s that did tremendous damage to our economy and cost Albertans billions of dollars,” she said.
“David McGuinty’s role as official energy critic should make every Albertan worry.”
The comments also set the Internet a-Twitter with vitriol."
...gosh... so much to deal with here, what with that global-warming-fear-spreading-nutter David (the other stupid ginty meat) McGuinty's anti-Albertan rant...
...but let's get to the fruit of Pierre's loins first. Note what Justin said above:
“My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I’ll say in Toronto as I’ll say in B.C.,” said Trudeau.
“That’s the kind of politics that I am trying to do here.”
Really, Justin?! Ole Liberal Justin: is he now Mr. Alberta-lover, or just another Liberal liar?
Exactly what "kind of politics" is Justin "trying to do here"?!
Justin blatantly just lies about how his Liberal message is supposedly the "same thing" everywhere: when Justin was bragging/lying about his supposed openness in Alberta, he just - ooooppsie - happened to conveniently not tell us about this interview he gave in Quebec, as reported in a Nov.22, 2012 CBC report:
"Liberal leadership candidate Justin Trudeau is having to explain comments he made about Albertans in 2010, one day after fellow Liberal MP David McGuinty resigned his critic role over pointed comments about Alberta Conservative MPs.
Sun Media published comments on Thursday that Trudeau made in a November 2010 interview in French on the Télé-Québec program Les Francs-tireurs (The Straight Shooters). In the interview, Trudeau seemed to take aim at Alberta politicians, and argued Canada was better off in the hands of leaders from Quebec.
"Canada isn't doing well right now because it's Albertans who control our community and socio-democratic agenda. It doesn't work," Trudeau told interviewer Patrick Lagacé.
When asked whether he thought Canada was "better served when there are more Quebecers in charge than Albertans," Trudeau replied, "I'm a Liberal, so of course I think so, yes. Certainly when we look at the great prime ministers of the 20th century, those that really stood the test of time, they were MPs from Quebec.... This country, Canada, it belongs to us."
Just a day earlier, Trudeau's caucus colleague McGuinty apologized and resigned his role as Liberal energy critic after he was reported as saying Conservative MPs "really should go back to Alberta" and run for the provincial legislature or municipal office if they weren't willing to adopt a national vision on energy policy.
Conservatives angrily denounced McGuinty's comments on Wednesday, and on Thursday said Trudeau's 2010 quotes are proof of an anti-Alberta bias within the Liberal Party.
'Arrogance of the Liberal Party'
Immigration Minister and Alberta MP Jason Kenney said Trudeau's comments were "the worst kind of divisiveness, the worst kind of arrogance of the Liberal Party, and it brings back for many Westerners the kind of arrogance of the National Energy Program, which of course devastated the Western economy."The National Energy Program was a policy introduced in the 1980s by Trudeau's father, the then prime minister Pierre Trudeau, and is often cited as a key reason for Western resentment.
In a statement posted on Facebook and released to the media, Trudeau's campaign said the 2010 comments were being taken out of context.
"The Conservatives are using out-of-context statements made years ago in a long interview. They are clearly concerned that they are losing the byelection in Calgary Centre and are resorting to smear campaigns to stop their slide," the statement said.
"Justin knows that Calgary, Alberta and all of Western Canada are at the very heart of Canada's future. That's a message he has taken to every part of the country, from the beginning of the campaign. We need to get beyond the divisive politics of the Conservatives and include all Canadians."
On CBC News Network's Power & Politics, Alberta Conservative MP Michelle Rempel called the younger Trudeau's comments "ridiculous" and "insulting."
"You know, I'm so fired up about this because I am from Alberta and I represent people in the heart of a vibrant, dynamic riding who believe in a strong, national, unified country," Rempel said.
"And, you know, for Mr. Trudeau to come out and try — I'm not sure if I heard his statement correctly, it's the first time I heard it — but for him to try to say, 'Oh, wait, the Conservatives are smearing me,' rather than 'I unequivocally apologize for these remarks, they were wrong, they were ill-informed,' it's ridiculous," Rempel said.
Byelection looms
Trudeau's leadership campaign adviser repeated the suggestion that the controversy was linked to next Monday's Calgary Centre byelection, where the Tory candidate is in a tight race with a Liberal."This is coming up because the Conservatives have been very surprised at how poorly they're doing in the Calgary Centre byelection, and they're quite concerned about losing what they thought was a safe riding in the heart of their home territory," Gerald Butts told Power & Politics.
"And they're losing that riding because they've ignored the concerns of Albertans for too long, and in particular in Calgary people are waking up to that fact."
Butts said it's important to understand the context of Trudeau's remarks.
"It was a very long interview in French, and the question was about why are Quebecers disengaging and turning off from federal politics. And what [Trudeau] was saying, which was not dissimilar from what he said in January which caused a similar unjustified firestorm in English Canada, was that Quebecers see a government that doesn't share their values," Butts said.
"And I don't think you could walk down the street of Montreal and not find too many people who would disagree with that."
Butts noted Trudeau also told an Alberta audience this fall that the National Energy Program was a "mistake."
Trudeau has made several recent trips to Calgary, Edmonton and other Western cities as he campaigns for the Liberal leadership, saying he's eager to put the Liberal "ghosts of the past" in the West to rest.
"My entire campaign has been about bringing people together, about not pitting region against region and about being a strong representative and a voice that says the same thing in Chicoutimi as we say in downtown Calgary as I'll say in Toronto as I'll say in B.C.," Trudeau said during a stop in Edmonton on Tuesday, Canadian Press reported."
... your claims in those last lines about your Liberal campaign just aren't true, Mr.Trudeau.
Your statements in Alberta were clearly in context; and, they have now been contradicted by your own earlier statements from your Quebec interview.
Looks like Justin will say anything to anyone, anywhere, as long as it could possibly get him a vote...
oh... and, Canada doesn't belong to Quebec Liberals, Justin.
This is the just same old Liberal shit, from another smarmy grifting Grit.
Oh... and why doesn't someone ask Dalton McGuinty's stalwart Ontario Liberal MPP Jim Bradley what Ole GreenFear-pushin' Jimmy thinks about oil, Albertans, and Ralph Klein... hmmm?
A serving of GreenFear kool-aid in Niagara
There was another slick piece of GreenFear in the Niagara press, this time courtesy of Paul Forsyth, (Nov.22, 2012, Niagara This Week, "We're living in the blue economy: study") who eagerly wrote of Diane Dupont, a Brock University professor, who "said climate change is no longer disputable: global warming is here to stay, and it will inevitably have impacts such as more unpredictable storms and droughts..."
Are we all frightened yet, by the threat of climate change?!
Just as Al Gore and his friends have instructed us to believe!!
And so, obediently, Paul Forsyth... (reporter, or GreenFear-enabler? Discuss, class) ...didn't bother to ask any questions or challenge these repetitive old green canards.
Was Forsyth told by his editors not to question his subject's claims? Was Dupont simply preaching to the choir, counting on Forsyth and Niagara This Week to amplify the GreenFear agenda, to bring it back to its pre-Climategate glory-day peaks?!
Is it because Dupont's claim, that "climate change is no longer disputable", also happens to be Forsyth's own belief - so, why question it?! Is this reporting?!
Forsyth didn't bother to provide any other sources to comment on Dupont's claims, either. Why?! Is it because Dupont's claims meet the default position of the reporter - yeah: who could question 'climate change'? It's all settled!! All of it!!!! Why even bother getting another source's comments - right?!!
Is this also the default position of Niagara This Week's editors - that "climate change" (whatever that even means?!) is indisputable, so, accepting a one-sided story on this issue from Forsyth is just natural?!
Forsyth didn't even bother (and his lazy, biased editors didn't bother, either) to define what Dupont's meaning of "climate change" is; what Dupont's meaning of "global warming" is; and where AGW stands, as a causation, in Dupont's definitions?
Isn't clearing up these definitions relevant to the discussion? Or was Forsyth's story simply an exercise of GreenFear propaganda, with no pretension of even being unbiased?
Why doesn't Forsyth get sent by his Niagara This Week employers to interview Ontario's Environment Minister, Liberal MPP Jim Bradley, about the official Liberal causes of "it's all settled" climate-change/global-warming/climate-warming/whatever?!
Forsyth could get Bradley to not only wholeheartedly agree with and corroborate Dupont's claims, but maybe GreenJimmy would happily even throw some more tax-payer green Brock's way, to fund the green fight! Oh, yeah... and Forsyth could then ask GreenJimmy about how man-made-global-warming was... umm... already 'secretly proven' to Jimmy, some 20-30 years ago!!
I mean, we can't have enough biased politicians and professors telling us that it's all settled, forcing us to drink their green kool-aid.
Fast-forward to May 8, 2014, and read Barbara Kay's National Post story "Global warming mediacracy" which essentially deals with the exact same issue I had been writing about above, where Kay writes of how "utterly irrational and faith-based global-warming theory is, and how collusive its fundamentalist supporters and the media have become in proselytizing that faith".
Yep: that just about nails the "reporting" from the "it's all settled" GreenFear-spreaders in Niagara's media.
Are we all frightened yet, by the threat of climate change?!
Just as Al Gore and his friends have instructed us to believe!!
And so, obediently, Paul Forsyth... (reporter, or GreenFear-enabler? Discuss, class) ...didn't bother to ask any questions or challenge these repetitive old green canards.
Was Forsyth told by his editors not to question his subject's claims? Was Dupont simply preaching to the choir, counting on Forsyth and Niagara This Week to amplify the GreenFear agenda, to bring it back to its pre-Climategate glory-day peaks?!
Is it because Dupont's claim, that "climate change is no longer disputable", also happens to be Forsyth's own belief - so, why question it?! Is this reporting?!
Forsyth didn't bother to provide any other sources to comment on Dupont's claims, either. Why?! Is it because Dupont's claims meet the default position of the reporter - yeah: who could question 'climate change'? It's all settled!! All of it!!!! Why even bother getting another source's comments - right?!!
Is this also the default position of Niagara This Week's editors - that "climate change" (whatever that even means?!) is indisputable, so, accepting a one-sided story on this issue from Forsyth is just natural?!
Forsyth didn't even bother (and his lazy, biased editors didn't bother, either) to define what Dupont's meaning of "climate change" is; what Dupont's meaning of "global warming" is; and where AGW stands, as a causation, in Dupont's definitions?
Isn't clearing up these definitions relevant to the discussion? Or was Forsyth's story simply an exercise of GreenFear propaganda, with no pretension of even being unbiased?
Why doesn't Forsyth get sent by his Niagara This Week employers to interview Ontario's Environment Minister, Liberal MPP Jim Bradley, about the official Liberal causes of "it's all settled" climate-change/global-warming/climate-warming/whatever?!
Forsyth could get Bradley to not only wholeheartedly agree with and corroborate Dupont's claims, but maybe GreenJimmy would happily even throw some more tax-payer green Brock's way, to fund the green fight! Oh, yeah... and Forsyth could then ask GreenJimmy about how man-made-global-warming was... umm... already 'secretly proven' to Jimmy, some 20-30 years ago!!
I mean, we can't have enough biased politicians and professors telling us that it's all settled, forcing us to drink their green kool-aid.
Fast-forward to May 8, 2014, and read Barbara Kay's National Post story "Global warming mediacracy" which essentially deals with the exact same issue I had been writing about above, where Kay writes of how "utterly irrational and faith-based global-warming theory is, and how collusive its fundamentalist supporters and the media have become in proselytizing that faith".
Yep: that just about nails the "reporting" from the "it's all settled" GreenFear-spreaders in Niagara's media.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Another St.Catharines Standard Jim Bradley puff-piece
Further to this earlier post...
...the St.Catharines Standard Bradley Shoeshiner somehow dug up Ole Jim Bradley for a story in their Nov.20, 2012 edition.
[Amazing, eh?! For half a year, when dozens of patients were infected and dying of C. difficile in Niagara, the St.Catharines Standard couldn't be bothered to find Jim Bradley!!!!!!!]
But hey - don't worry: this was just another JimmyFriendly puff-piece, with no substance; this time from Niagara Falls Review reporter Ray Spiteri. It was a 'very important' article about, ah... um... oh yeah... what Jim Bradley (the Environment Minister!) thinks about the 100K Sunshine List!
Wow! For this, they found Ole Jimmy?!?!!
And the Standard even carried a nice large photo of Good Ole Liberal Jimmy, just for good measure! Oh, that's super! Why, it's like a campaign photo, it's so great!! hahahahaha
Spiteri made sure - damn sure - not to mention that Jim Bradley is even a Liberal! Spiteri just wrote that Bradley is an "MPP". But Spiteri managed to remind us that Mike Harris was a "Conservative". Thanks, Spiteri.
So, Liberal MPP Jim Bradley was not asked about Bradley's years of global warming / climate change GreenFear-mongering, which directly led to Dalton McGuinty's eventual resignation as Premier. (...not to mention the multi-billion-dollar costs of Bradley's Liberal GreenFear-paranoia-based energy experiments).
Spiteri didn't ask Jim Bradley why the gas-plants are being built, when Brad Duguid told us that Ontario didn't need the power. (I mean, for cryin' out loud: Spiteri even had the loquacious Bradley babbling on that if someone changed the Sunshine List "they might be accused of trying to hide something"! Say whaaat?! You mean, like your Liberals did, Jim???!
Bradley gave Spiteri the opening; Spiteri just did his stenography and moved on.
Spiteri didn't ask Good Ole Jimmy why his Liberals are denying health care to Ontario children, who must go to the States for their treatment.
Was Spiteri told (...he didn't do this story all by himself, did he?! If so: shame...) by his editors to write some puff-piece to get Ole Jimmy in the papers again, on issues far removed from Jimmy's disgusting Liberal proroguation? This story did the trick.
So, that's what we saw in the St.Catharines Standard: another little bit of JimmyFriendly propaganda, ignoring the true political questions swirling around Jimmy's Liberals. These are the kind of stories which Warren Kinsella approves of!
Good job, all around!! The Ontario Liberal Party (...and Jim Bradley, natch!) thanks you!
...the St.Catharines Standard Bradley Shoeshiner somehow dug up Ole Jim Bradley for a story in their Nov.20, 2012 edition.
[Amazing, eh?! For half a year, when dozens of patients were infected and dying of C. difficile in Niagara, the St.Catharines Standard couldn't be bothered to find Jim Bradley!!!!!!!]
But hey - don't worry: this was just another JimmyFriendly puff-piece, with no substance; this time from Niagara Falls Review reporter Ray Spiteri. It was a 'very important' article about, ah... um... oh yeah... what Jim Bradley (the Environment Minister!) thinks about the 100K Sunshine List!
Wow! For this, they found Ole Jimmy?!?!!
And the Standard even carried a nice large photo of Good Ole Liberal Jimmy, just for good measure! Oh, that's super! Why, it's like a campaign photo, it's so great!! hahahahaha
Spiteri made sure - damn sure - not to mention that Jim Bradley is even a Liberal! Spiteri just wrote that Bradley is an "MPP". But Spiteri managed to remind us that Mike Harris was a "Conservative". Thanks, Spiteri.
So, Liberal MPP Jim Bradley was not asked about Bradley's years of global warming / climate change GreenFear-mongering, which directly led to Dalton McGuinty's eventual resignation as Premier. (...not to mention the multi-billion-dollar costs of Bradley's Liberal GreenFear-paranoia-based energy experiments).
Spiteri didn't ask Jim Bradley why the gas-plants are being built, when Brad Duguid told us that Ontario didn't need the power. (I mean, for cryin' out loud: Spiteri even had the loquacious Bradley babbling on that if someone changed the Sunshine List "they might be accused of trying to hide something"! Say whaaat?! You mean, like your Liberals did, Jim???!
Bradley gave Spiteri the opening; Spiteri just did his stenography and moved on.
Spiteri didn't ask Good Ole Jimmy why his Liberals are denying health care to Ontario children, who must go to the States for their treatment.
Was Spiteri told (...he didn't do this story all by himself, did he?! If so: shame...) by his editors to write some puff-piece to get Ole Jimmy in the papers again, on issues far removed from Jimmy's disgusting Liberal proroguation? This story did the trick.
So, that's what we saw in the St.Catharines Standard: another little bit of JimmyFriendly propaganda, ignoring the true political questions swirling around Jimmy's Liberals. These are the kind of stories which Warren Kinsella approves of!
Good job, all around!! The Ontario Liberal Party (...and Jim Bradley, natch!) thanks you!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Niagara press refuses to ask Liberal Jim Bradley why billions were wasted on fraudulent green energy, while children were forced to travel to U.S. for health care
Further to this recent post ...
...we are all anxious to hear as lefty apologista Naomi Lakritz spits out her anti-patient-choice, pro-healthcare-monopoly venom, to hear her attack children and their parents for daring to go to the United States for health care, in the same way Lakritz attacked Shona Holmes for doing the same thing.
Let's hear Barbara Yaffe yap on about how Canadian families, such as the parents of Liam Reid and Erika Crawford (whom Christina Blizzard wrote about, Oct.25, 2012) should be forced to wait for health care which will never come, because McGuinty's Ontario Liberal single-payer-pushers just decided not to cover the children's required treatments!
Let's hear the proponents of single-payer health-prisons attack even prominent Canadian politicians, who dared to leave Canada to obtain health care in the United States - see here, here, here , here.
Let's also hear the same monopoly-pushers in tandem predictably demonize these health-care-seekers as 'Unpatriotic', as 'Un-Canadian', as 'Traitors to Tommy Douglas'. This is what they do.
Let's watch as the Niagara press, led by Wendy Metcalfe's laughable Wrong-Righters/Liberal Shoewipers, do their best not to dare ask their global-warming-climatalarmist buddy, Liberal Jim Bradley, or the other local Niagara Liberal hack, Kim Craitor, about how their Liberals found billions to blow on fraudulent GreenFear-induced energy experiments, yet, their Liberals wouldn't provide the healthcare needed by two children!
... (and we all know that the Standard would have added another shift of reporters in a giddy effort to track this story locally, had it been a Conservative government in power, and a Conservative MPP in their riding!! But, now that BuddyBradley is in charge... ummm... Jim simply vanishes from scrutiny!)...
Wendy's gang didn't ask Jim Bradley, because whatever Ole Green Jimmy said, couldn't possibly be made to sound good, even though the water-skiier FriendlyFraser could have given it the ole college try, jes fer Ole Jimmy's sake, doncha know. Fraser could have used the same tired lines which Lakritz and Yaffe and Danielle Martin and the rest of the Michael-Moore-infected, medicare-monopoly-fanclub regularly trots out.
Feh - these kids are just another anomaly... right Jim?? Liberal MPP Jim Bradley (Ontario's disgusting Environment Minister) has more important Things To Do, what with having a Planet In Peril to rescue, what with having to Save The Earth From Climate Doom.
Children who need health care can wait, dammit, until Liberals such as Jim Bradley deem they are good and ready to grant it to them.
...we are all anxious to hear as lefty apologista Naomi Lakritz spits out her anti-patient-choice, pro-healthcare-monopoly venom, to hear her attack children and their parents for daring to go to the United States for health care, in the same way Lakritz attacked Shona Holmes for doing the same thing.
Let's hear Barbara Yaffe yap on about how Canadian families, such as the parents of Liam Reid and Erika Crawford (whom Christina Blizzard wrote about, Oct.25, 2012) should be forced to wait for health care which will never come, because McGuinty's Ontario Liberal single-payer-pushers just decided not to cover the children's required treatments!
Let's hear the proponents of single-payer health-prisons attack even prominent Canadian politicians, who dared to leave Canada to obtain health care in the United States - see here, here, here , here.
Let's also hear the same monopoly-pushers in tandem predictably demonize these health-care-seekers as 'Unpatriotic', as 'Un-Canadian', as 'Traitors to Tommy Douglas'. This is what they do.
Let's watch as the Niagara press, led by Wendy Metcalfe's laughable Wrong-Righters/Liberal Shoewipers, do their best not to dare ask their global-warming-climatalarmist buddy, Liberal Jim Bradley, or the other local Niagara Liberal hack, Kim Craitor, about how their Liberals found billions to blow on fraudulent GreenFear-induced energy experiments, yet, their Liberals wouldn't provide the healthcare needed by two children!
... (and we all know that the Standard would have added another shift of reporters in a giddy effort to track this story locally, had it been a Conservative government in power, and a Conservative MPP in their riding!! But, now that BuddyBradley is in charge... ummm... Jim simply vanishes from scrutiny!)...
Wendy's gang didn't ask Jim Bradley, because whatever Ole Green Jimmy said, couldn't possibly be made to sound good, even though the water-skiier FriendlyFraser could have given it the ole college try, jes fer Ole Jimmy's sake, doncha know. Fraser could have used the same tired lines which Lakritz and Yaffe and Danielle Martin and the rest of the Michael-Moore-infected, medicare-monopoly-fanclub regularly trots out.
Feh - these kids are just another anomaly... right Jim?? Liberal MPP Jim Bradley (Ontario's disgusting Environment Minister) has more important Things To Do, what with having a Planet In Peril to rescue, what with having to Save The Earth From Climate Doom.
Children who need health care can wait, dammit, until Liberals such as Jim Bradley deem they are good and ready to grant it to them.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Liberal Jim Bradley 'intentionally misleading and deceptive' regarding industrial wind turbine safety hazards
Further to my earlier post here...
...where Trish Crang Singhampton wrote:
"...Both Premier Dalton McGuinty and Environment Minister Jim Bradley have been repeatedly quoted as saying that the setback requirements in Ontario are 'some of the toughest in the world' and 'the best in North America'. Contrary to these claims, there are a multitude of townships and counties in the United States, other areas of Canada and various countries around the world, with setback regulations and wind ordinances that are clearly stricter than those in Ontario.
I believe that Mr. McGuinty and Mr. Bradley are intentionally trying to mislead and deceive the people of Ontario. Their statements are simply not true..."
...will Wendy Metcalfe's self-appointed St.Catharines Standard Wrong-Righting Jim Bradley Mutual Admiration Society of Water-skiers now bother to ask Ontario Environment Minister Jim Bradley about this Lorrie Goldstein story, "An ill wind for McGuinty; New scientific study links wind turbines to health hazards"?!
(What's Ole Greenshevik, Kyoto-Pushin', Climate Alarmist & General Global-Warming GreenFear-Peddler-about-town Jimmy got to do with any of this - rightWarren oh, sorry right, Wendy...?!! hahahah)
Why would the St.Catharines Standard bother to ask their Ole Buddy Green Jimmy, about any of this stuff?!
Those wind turbines are all Green, Clean, and Good, right Wendy?! Isn't that the Standard's natural default narrative, unless Jim Bradley issues a new set of commands?! Jim Bradley's Industrial GreenFear-approved bird-shredders are 'Saving The Earth From Doom' - according to Liberal Jim Bradley's GreenFear mythology. Who cares about setbacks, when the 'Planet Is In Dire Peril'?!? Those who challenge Jim Bradley's hallowed climate-despotism are 'deniers' who cannot see that 'it's all settled' - right Wendy?! Isn't that what Jimmy would say? If the Standard ever bothered to challenge their BestBoyBradley, maybe we'd know!
Why would the Standard ever bother to examine Jim Bradley's Liberal record of GreenFear-paranoia-based deceptions?! Why would the Standard ever bother to ask Liberal MPP Jim Bradley about how municipalities such as Wainfleet are being sued by the Wind Industry, because they dared to establish larger set-back requirements in their own jurisdiction?! How dare they!
Why would the BradleyFanClub at the St.Catharines Standard bother to ask current Liberal Environment Minister Jim Bradley about any of this, seeing that former Liberal Environment Minister John Wilkinson lost his seat over how Ontario's rural communities were steam-rollered by the Liberals' GreenFear-paranoia-based policies?!
It's for the best, then, for the local Niagara press not to broach the subject with secretive, sensitive Ole Jimmy. Oh... not sensitive to the people, mind you; sensitive to The Earth, Ole Jimmy is! To Jim Bradley and his Liberal cabal of GreenFear climatalarmists, people are in the way of Green Jimmy's Save-The-Planetism.
...where Trish Crang Singhampton wrote:
"...Both Premier Dalton McGuinty and Environment Minister Jim Bradley have been repeatedly quoted as saying that the setback requirements in Ontario are 'some of the toughest in the world' and 'the best in North America'. Contrary to these claims, there are a multitude of townships and counties in the United States, other areas of Canada and various countries around the world, with setback regulations and wind ordinances that are clearly stricter than those in Ontario.
I believe that Mr. McGuinty and Mr. Bradley are intentionally trying to mislead and deceive the people of Ontario. Their statements are simply not true..."
...will Wendy Metcalfe's self-appointed St.Catharines Standard Wrong-Righting Jim Bradley Mutual Admiration Society of Water-skiers now bother to ask Ontario Environment Minister Jim Bradley about this Lorrie Goldstein story, "An ill wind for McGuinty; New scientific study links wind turbines to health hazards"?!
(What's Ole Greenshevik, Kyoto-Pushin', Climate Alarmist & General Global-Warming GreenFear-Peddler-about-town Jimmy got to do with any of this - right
Why would the St.Catharines Standard bother to ask their Ole Buddy Green Jimmy, about any of this stuff?!
Those wind turbines are all Green, Clean, and Good, right Wendy?! Isn't that the Standard's natural default narrative, unless Jim Bradley issues a new set of commands?! Jim Bradley's Industrial GreenFear-approved bird-shredders are 'Saving The Earth From Doom' - according to Liberal Jim Bradley's GreenFear mythology. Who cares about setbacks, when the 'Planet Is In Dire Peril'?!? Those who challenge Jim Bradley's hallowed climate-despotism are 'deniers' who cannot see that 'it's all settled' - right Wendy?! Isn't that what Jimmy would say? If the Standard ever bothered to challenge their BestBoyBradley, maybe we'd know!
Why would the Standard ever bother to examine Jim Bradley's Liberal record of GreenFear-paranoia-based deceptions?! Why would the Standard ever bother to ask Liberal MPP Jim Bradley about how municipalities such as Wainfleet are being sued by the Wind Industry, because they dared to establish larger set-back requirements in their own jurisdiction?! How dare they!
Why would the BradleyFanClub at the St.Catharines Standard bother to ask current Liberal Environment Minister Jim Bradley about any of this, seeing that former Liberal Environment Minister John Wilkinson lost his seat over how Ontario's rural communities were steam-rollered by the Liberals' GreenFear-paranoia-based policies?!
It's for the best, then, for the local Niagara press not to broach the subject with secretive, sensitive Ole Jimmy. Oh... not sensitive to the people, mind you; sensitive to The Earth, Ole Jimmy is! To Jim Bradley and his Liberal cabal of GreenFear climatalarmists, people are in the way of Green Jimmy's Save-The-Planetism.
Liberal Chris Bentley should now explain Brad Duguid's energy lies
Further to my earlier post here...
“It’s an insult and an abuse of power to deceive taxpayers about the true costs of these cancelled power plants,” Wilson said. “Internal government documents reveal a far more damning price. Taxpayers will pay a minimum of $450-million – all because the Liberals were afraid of losing their seat in Oakville.”
The cost, according to Schedule B of the Memorandum of Understanding between the government and TransCanada, includes a $40 million payment for unrecoverable costs and a $210 million payment to purchase TransCanada’s gas turbines. The OPA documents further reveal that an additional $200 million will be required for new transmission lines, a cost which was concealed by the Minister of Energy for the past two years.
“The case for contempt is growing against the McGuinty Liberals,” Wilson said. “Not only are they still trying to hide the true cost of cancelling these gas plants, but there’s also reason to believe that Minister Bentley has failed to provide all documents requested by the Estimates Committee.”
Despite emails from the Ontario Power Authority repeatedly citing political interference in the decision to cancel the plants, Wilson noted that the released documents did not include any of the requested correspondence between officials from the Liberal Party of Ontario and officials at the Ministry of Energy and the Ontario Power Authority.
“Massive portions of the documents are either redacted or missing entirely,” Wilson said. “Therefore, we have introduced a motion of contempt to ensure the Liberals are held accountable for withholding the truth from Ontarians,” Wilson continued. “If passed, the motion will re-strike the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs to immediately begin an investigation into the cancellations of the two power plants and the subsequent cover-up.”
“The costs of these cancelled plants continue to rise, at the taxpayers’ expense. We may not know the true costs for years, but it is clear that the figures provided by the government are absolute nonsense. The cost of cancelling the Oakville power plant is at least $450 million.”
“It’s all further proof that the McGuinty Liberals are grossly incompetent and can’t be trusted to manage a highly important and complex issue like energy,” Wilson concluded
Note the part I highlighted in red above. The costs of the McGuinty Gas Plant Scandal (known as of Sept.24, 2012) for the Oakville plant, were 40 million for 'unrecoverables', plus 210 million for turbines, plus 200 million for new transmission lines.
Now, keeping in mind the above-noted costs for the Liberal-aborted Oakville plant, let's look at the figures provided in this letter to the editor "Ontario Cabinet Minister Responds" (National Post, Nov.3, 2012) written by Liberal hack Chris Bentley:
"Re: McGuinty’s costly machinations, Terence Corcoran, Nov. 1.
The McGuinty government has always been clear about the total cost of relocation of both the Mississauga gas plant and the Oakville gas plant. And that number is $230-million. It is misleading and inaccurate to suggest the cost is more than $1-billion.
The total cost of relocating the Mississauga gas plant is approximately $190-million, and that includes a settlement agreement with EIG, the financier of the Greenfield South project, on behalf of Greenfield Power, the Ontario Power Authority and the province. It also includes all payments made by OPA including construction costs, design costs, permitting costs, etc., for the Mississauga site.
For the Oakville gas plant, the total cost of relocation is approximately $40-million, including all payments made by the OPA including engineering costs, design costs, and permitting costs for the site.
Terence Corcoran suggests there are unaccounted for transmission line costs, related to the relocation of both plants. That is simply not the case. Transmission upgrades were needed with or without the power plant being built in Oakville. Since the plant is not being constructed in the area, these transmission upgrades may be needed by 2018 instead of 2029. No costs have been incurred".
Suddenly the cost of the turbines (agreed by McGuinty's Liberals and TransCanada) has vanished from Bentley's Nov.3 letter. Now, Bentley says, the transmission lines in Oakville would have had to be upgraded "with or without" the Oakville plant being built. And what about the site in Bath (and in Sarnia, for that matter): Are absolutely no transmission upgrades needed there, as part of the relocation?
Bentley also glosses over his Liberals' secretive 'no cheque to TransCanada' machinations, and, Bentley glosses over why the mysterious land deal (swapping the cancelled-Oakville site for a new site at Bath, Ont.) was even necessary, seeing that Bentley's predecessor, Energy Minister Brad Duguid, said (in this Oct.7, 2010 Toronto Star story) that Ontario DID NOT need any more power, and, Duguid also said that the Oakville plant WAS NOT going to be rebuilt anywhere else in Ontario!!!
[...note that even in Wikipedia's page on the Liberal Ontario gas power plant scandal there is ABSOLUETELY NO LINK made to the Oct.7, 2010 Toronto Star article; this was still the case - even as of Jun.13, 2014 - a day after Liberal liar Brad Duguid was re-elected!!!
Even the Toronto Star's trio reporters who had written the original Oct.7, 2010 story (ROB FERGUSON, ROBERT BENZIE AND TANYA TALAGA) never bothered to follow up their own story on Liberal liar Brad Duguid's deceptions! The Star even endorsed the Liberals during the Oct. 2014 provincial election campaign...]
Why didn't Bentley address his colleague Duguid's (false) statements?
We have learned, thanks to Parker Gallant, that the Liberals were planning a land swap and planning a replacement plant in 2010, even while Liberal Liar Brad Duguid was telling the Toronto Star the complete opposite!
Why doesn't someone ask Bentley, why is it that Ontario now (supposedly) does need the power from Bath, yet, Ontario (supposedly) didn't need the power a scant two years ago, from Oakville?!
Yet, here we have Bentley, on Nov. 3, 2012, clearly telling us that BOTH plants WERE going to be relocated!!
Is the power from the Bath plant actually needed? Where is it needed? Based on what?
Duguid had told us in 2010 that all the (naturally expensive) projections which McGuinty's government had made (which led to the Grits approving the Oakville and Mississauga sites in the first place) were thrown out the window because 'things changed'!
So, what has 'changed' again??!
Did something mysteriously 'change' again, which necessitated Bentley's Liberals to move the cancelled-Oakville plant to Bath, and the cancelled-Mississauga plant to Sarnia?
Duguid had clearly stated that Ontario did not need the power!
So, was Oakville swapped for Bath (in other words, was Bath 'given' to TCE ) not because the province still did need the power (despite Duguid's claim to the contrary), but, so that McGuinty's Liberals would not be on the hook for the entire 'lost-opportunity-cost' to TCE of the Oakville-cancellation (had the Oakville site been just cancelled outright, and not moved), and, specifically so that 'no cheques' would be written??
Was the reason to swap Oakville for Bath based on Ontario actually needing the power (...which Duguid said we didn't need..!!!) or was the swap made because McGuinty did not want the optics of the public seeing a cheque issued to TCE, which would be an admission of McGuinty's energy-policy incompetence. (...an incompetence of such magnitude that it directly led to a cornered McGuinty's resignation.)
Bentley claims in his Nov.3 Post letter that his Liberals have 'always been clear about the total cost of the relocation' of both plants.
Yet, Bentley eludes giving an answer to why the plants were relocated in the first place, seeing that Brad Duguid told us in 2010 that Ontario didn't need the power!!
And Brad Duguid also specifically said that the cancelled Oakville plant was NOT going to be relocated anywhere else in Ontario!! Why is Bentley misleading us in his own letter?!
Apparently Bentley can now say whatever he wants in the Post, just as Duguid spouted whatever the hell he wanted to in the Star. One or both of these Liberal GreenFear-pushers is/was lying.
The point is, that the venue for all this, where all this information was to have been publicly aired and settled, was supposed to be at the Legislative inquiry which was set to start its hearings at Queen's Park on Oct.24. Bentley's disgusting Liberals made sure they weren't going to have to answer questions before the committee - by proroguing Ontario's legislature on Oct.15, 2012!
The act of proroguement itself was an attempt by Bentley's Liberals to subvert justice. Brad Duguid made a show of how he was supposedly oh-so eager to appear before the legislature's hearings - then his Liberals conveniently cancelled them!
Instead of Bentley making his case before the actual hearing, he writes a misleading letter to the editor. What a joke; what an abhorrent Liberal ploy to hide their massive global-warming-paranoia-induced GreenFear energy fiascos.
This all has the makings of a massive political fraud, and really, most of McGuinty's Liberal cabinet should be tried in a criminal court.
{In Keith Leslie's Apr. 3, 2012 Global News report:
"...The Ontario government was hit with a $300-million suit filed last week by the financiers of a cancelled natural-gas plant in Mississauga that the Liberals shut down in the middle of last fall’s election campaign.
Hopefully, Wendy Metcalfe's clique of St.Catharines Standard Wrong-Righters, will not have the time to ask their Liberal buddy MPP Jim Bradley (... he's just Ontario's Environment Minister - - - what could he know about any of this..!?) about how Duguid's and Bentley's Expensive Green Energy Experiments, which led to McGuinty's pathetic resignation, were based on, aided, and abetted, by Bradley's own Liberal GreenFear ideology.
Wendy's Wrong-Righters won't even ask their greenshevik idol Liberal Jim Bradley to go on record confirming his belief ...(as New York's Michael Bloomberg also believes; and laughable Liberal global-warming fearmonger MP Kirsty Duncan...) that Hurricane Sandy was caused by man.
GreenFear pushing climatalarmists keep pushing their unsubstantiated delusions, which conveniently conflate events such as Hurricane Sandy {...or Katrina, or "....fill-in-the-blank..."}with man-made climate change.
We saw this again at Rex Tillerson's Jan. 10, 2017 confirmation hearing, where some protester began shouting that her home was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy - the intended (though in reality unfounded) implication being that man (...personified in this protester's mind into being Tillerson himself..!) caused the climate to change, thereby causing Hurricane Sandy, thereby destroying her house. It's that simple, y'see.
This is the kind of delusional link, the kind of tenuous, conflated innuendo, that green bolsheviks - such as Jim Bradley's and Justin Trudeau's Liberals - love to encourage, love to see, love to foment.
They revel in seeing their pathetic work unfold in this kind of spectacle - this is is their kind of GreenFear at work. This green cancer is in Canada, and in the States.
Also on Jan 10 2017, Canada had to endure another visit from another deluded global-warming-infected stooge, this time, from the limousine lefty Hanoi Jane Fonda, the Viet-Cong-Commie-hugger who happily posed with the VC's on an anti-aircraft gun, the same guns which the NVA used to kill Americans. Jane Fonda made a fortune proudly peddling her anti-American "Fuck The Army" mantra. She went to North Vietnam to support the Communist enemy, to show the dumb folks back home her creds as a commie supporter.
Fonda flew (yes, flew - on a green helicopter powered by unicorn-farts --- no hypocrisy here, ever...) over Fort McMurray in Alberta, then immediately made a baseless link by announcing matter-of-factly (as a psychopath might) that the fire was "part of global warming"!!
So, there ya go, folks:y'see? It's "all settled"! More Fake News fodder for the Disciples of Al Gore and David Suzuki: climate-change caused the Fort McMurray fire, according to the GreenFear Gospel delusions of Learned Climatologist Jane Fonda!
Despite what Hanoi Jane spouts, Environment Canada's Senior Climatologist, David Phillips, has never stated that the Fort McMurray fire was caused by 'climate change'. (Maybe Jane Fonda can get Canada's Cagey Climatologist to once and for all 'prove that climate change is man- made'!!! That'd be funny.) Where-oh-where does Hanoi Jane get her scripted 'facts'?!! You might wonder how some people become so deluded, so detached from reality.
What can you expect from pathetic multi-millionaires who dish out their scornful doses of leftism to the dumb proles?! Hanoi Jane brushed past a female protester (a protester, by the way, who was not a happy Fonda fan) patronizingly telling the protester that "I am not against you" - while in fact, Hanoi Jane WAS against her, and against the people of Fort McMurray. Fonda was there on a 'higher' mission, as a GreenFear-spouting stooge.
Fonda should be nominated for a GreenFear Oscar for her amazing Fort McMurray performance, for her phony act, as she patronized the local yokels with her phony 'care' - all the while, her agenda was to shill for the Greenpeace/Agenda 21 globalists who despise the mere existence of Fort McMurray f If Fonda can act as a willing propagandist for the Black Panthers, she can act as a useful idiot shilling for the 'Club of Rome' too.
It was amazing to see Fonda performing her Fort McMurray 'compassion' act - phony compassion from a person who had proudly named her own child with father Tom Hayden,'after a Viet Cong martyr who attempted to assassinate US defense secretary Robert McNamara, before wisely changing it to Troy".
...let's go back about a month and a half, and read this:
An “unmitigated disaster” - TransCanada’s lawyers describing the settlement negotiations, Globe and Mail (September 24, 2012)QUEEN’S PARK – Taxpayers will pay at least $450 million for the politically-motivated decision to cancel and relocate the Oakville gas plant, Ontario PC House Leader Jim Wilson said today. This brings the total cost of cancelling the power plants in Mississauga and Oakville to a staggering $640 million.
“It’s an insult and an abuse of power to deceive taxpayers about the true costs of these cancelled power plants,” Wilson said. “Internal government documents reveal a far more damning price. Taxpayers will pay a minimum of $450-million – all because the Liberals were afraid of losing their seat in Oakville.”
The cost, according to Schedule B of the Memorandum of Understanding between the government and TransCanada, includes a $40 million payment for unrecoverable costs and a $210 million payment to purchase TransCanada’s gas turbines. The OPA documents further reveal that an additional $200 million will be required for new transmission lines, a cost which was concealed by the Minister of Energy for the past two years.
“The case for contempt is growing against the McGuinty Liberals,” Wilson said. “Not only are they still trying to hide the true cost of cancelling these gas plants, but there’s also reason to believe that Minister Bentley has failed to provide all documents requested by the Estimates Committee.”
Despite emails from the Ontario Power Authority repeatedly citing political interference in the decision to cancel the plants, Wilson noted that the released documents did not include any of the requested correspondence between officials from the Liberal Party of Ontario and officials at the Ministry of Energy and the Ontario Power Authority.
“Massive portions of the documents are either redacted or missing entirely,” Wilson said. “Therefore, we have introduced a motion of contempt to ensure the Liberals are held accountable for withholding the truth from Ontarians,” Wilson continued. “If passed, the motion will re-strike the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs to immediately begin an investigation into the cancellations of the two power plants and the subsequent cover-up.”
“The costs of these cancelled plants continue to rise, at the taxpayers’ expense. We may not know the true costs for years, but it is clear that the figures provided by the government are absolute nonsense. The cost of cancelling the Oakville power plant is at least $450 million.”
“It’s all further proof that the McGuinty Liberals are grossly incompetent and can’t be trusted to manage a highly important and complex issue like energy,” Wilson concluded
Note the part I highlighted in red above. The costs of the McGuinty Gas Plant Scandal (known as of Sept.24, 2012) for the Oakville plant, were 40 million for 'unrecoverables', plus 210 million for turbines, plus 200 million for new transmission lines.
Now, keeping in mind the above-noted costs for the Liberal-aborted Oakville plant, let's look at the figures provided in this letter to the editor "Ontario Cabinet Minister Responds" (National Post, Nov.3, 2012) written by Liberal hack Chris Bentley:
"Re: McGuinty’s costly machinations, Terence Corcoran, Nov. 1.
The McGuinty government has always been clear about the total cost of relocation of both the Mississauga gas plant and the Oakville gas plant. And that number is $230-million. It is misleading and inaccurate to suggest the cost is more than $1-billion.
The total cost of relocating the Mississauga gas plant is approximately $190-million, and that includes a settlement agreement with EIG, the financier of the Greenfield South project, on behalf of Greenfield Power, the Ontario Power Authority and the province. It also includes all payments made by OPA including construction costs, design costs, permitting costs, etc., for the Mississauga site.
For the Oakville gas plant, the total cost of relocation is approximately $40-million, including all payments made by the OPA including engineering costs, design costs, and permitting costs for the site.
Terence Corcoran suggests there are unaccounted for transmission line costs, related to the relocation of both plants. That is simply not the case. Transmission upgrades were needed with or without the power plant being built in Oakville. Since the plant is not being constructed in the area, these transmission upgrades may be needed by 2018 instead of 2029. No costs have been incurred".
Suddenly the cost of the turbines (agreed by McGuinty's Liberals and TransCanada) has vanished from Bentley's Nov.3 letter. Now, Bentley says, the transmission lines in Oakville would have had to be upgraded "with or without" the Oakville plant being built. And what about the site in Bath (and in Sarnia, for that matter): Are absolutely no transmission upgrades needed there, as part of the relocation?
Bentley also glosses over his Liberals' secretive 'no cheque to TransCanada' machinations, and, Bentley glosses over why the mysterious land deal (swapping the cancelled-Oakville site for a new site at Bath, Ont.) was even necessary, seeing that Bentley's predecessor, Energy Minister Brad Duguid, said (in this Oct.7, 2010 Toronto Star story) that Ontario DID NOT need any more power, and, Duguid also said that the Oakville plant WAS NOT going to be rebuilt anywhere else in Ontario!!!
[...note that even in Wikipedia's page on the Liberal Ontario gas power plant scandal there is ABSOLUETELY NO LINK made to the Oct.7, 2010 Toronto Star article; this was still the case - even as of Jun.13, 2014 - a day after Liberal liar Brad Duguid was re-elected!!!
Even the Toronto Star's trio reporters who had written the original Oct.7, 2010 story (ROB FERGUSON, ROBERT BENZIE AND TANYA TALAGA) never bothered to follow up their own story on Liberal liar Brad Duguid's deceptions! The Star even endorsed the Liberals during the Oct. 2014 provincial election campaign...]
Why didn't Bentley address his colleague Duguid's (false) statements?
We have learned, thanks to Parker Gallant, that the Liberals were planning a land swap and planning a replacement plant in 2010, even while Liberal Liar Brad Duguid was telling the Toronto Star the complete opposite!
Why doesn't someone ask Bentley, why is it that Ontario now (supposedly) does need the power from Bath, yet, Ontario (supposedly) didn't need the power a scant two years ago, from Oakville?!
Yet, here we have Bentley, on Nov. 3, 2012, clearly telling us that BOTH plants WERE going to be relocated!!
Is the power from the Bath plant actually needed? Where is it needed? Based on what?
Duguid had told us in 2010 that all the (naturally expensive) projections which McGuinty's government had made (which led to the Grits approving the Oakville and Mississauga sites in the first place) were thrown out the window because 'things changed'!
So, what has 'changed' again??!
Did something mysteriously 'change' again, which necessitated Bentley's Liberals to move the cancelled-Oakville plant to Bath, and the cancelled-Mississauga plant to Sarnia?
Duguid had clearly stated that Ontario did not need the power!
So, was Oakville swapped for Bath (in other words, was Bath 'given' to TCE ) not because the province still did need the power (despite Duguid's claim to the contrary), but, so that McGuinty's Liberals would not be on the hook for the entire 'lost-opportunity-cost' to TCE of the Oakville-cancellation (had the Oakville site been just cancelled outright, and not moved), and, specifically so that 'no cheques' would be written??
Was the reason to swap Oakville for Bath based on Ontario actually needing the power (...which Duguid said we didn't need..!!!) or was the swap made because McGuinty did not want the optics of the public seeing a cheque issued to TCE, which would be an admission of McGuinty's energy-policy incompetence. (...an incompetence of such magnitude that it directly led to a cornered McGuinty's resignation.)
Bentley claims in his Nov.3 Post letter that his Liberals have 'always been clear about the total cost of the relocation' of both plants.
Yet, Bentley eludes giving an answer to why the plants were relocated in the first place, seeing that Brad Duguid told us in 2010 that Ontario didn't need the power!!
And Brad Duguid also specifically said that the cancelled Oakville plant was NOT going to be relocated anywhere else in Ontario!! Why is Bentley misleading us in his own letter?!
Apparently Bentley can now say whatever he wants in the Post, just as Duguid spouted whatever the hell he wanted to in the Star. One or both of these Liberal GreenFear-pushers is/was lying.
The point is, that the venue for all this, where all this information was to have been publicly aired and settled, was supposed to be at the Legislative inquiry which was set to start its hearings at Queen's Park on Oct.24. Bentley's disgusting Liberals made sure they weren't going to have to answer questions before the committee - by proroguing Ontario's legislature on Oct.15, 2012!
The act of proroguement itself was an attempt by Bentley's Liberals to subvert justice. Brad Duguid made a show of how he was supposedly oh-so eager to appear before the legislature's hearings - then his Liberals conveniently cancelled them!
Instead of Bentley making his case before the actual hearing, he writes a misleading letter to the editor. What a joke; what an abhorrent Liberal ploy to hide their massive global-warming-paranoia-induced GreenFear energy fiascos.
This all has the makings of a massive political fraud, and really, most of McGuinty's Liberal cabinet should be tried in a criminal court.
{In Keith Leslie's Apr. 3, 2012 Global News report:
"...The Ontario government was hit with a $300-million suit filed last week by the financiers of a cancelled natural-gas plant in Mississauga that the Liberals shut down in the middle of last fall’s election campaign.
A giant electrical transformer was delivered to the site of the cancelled gas plant Monday, and the opposition revealed Tuesday that the Ministry of Energy has rented a 18,500 square metre (200,000 square foot) warehouse nearby.
Bentley said the transformer was merely being stored on the site until a new location for the power plant is found.
“There was some equipment that was procured before construction was stopped,” he said.
“It needs a place to go, so some of it’s being stored on the site, but there’s no new construction proceeding..." Yes: a "new location" for a power plant which previous Liberal liars said was NOT NEEDED!!}Hopefully, Wendy Metcalfe's clique of St.Catharines Standard Wrong-Righters, will not have the time to ask their Liberal buddy MPP Jim Bradley (... he's just Ontario's Environment Minister - - - what could he know about any of this..!?) about how Duguid's and Bentley's Expensive Green Energy Experiments, which led to McGuinty's pathetic resignation, were based on, aided, and abetted, by Bradley's own Liberal GreenFear ideology.
Wendy's Wrong-Righters won't even ask their greenshevik idol Liberal Jim Bradley to go on record confirming his belief ...(as New York's Michael Bloomberg also believes; and laughable Liberal global-warming fearmonger MP Kirsty Duncan...) that Hurricane Sandy was caused by man.
GreenFear pushing climatalarmists keep pushing their unsubstantiated delusions, which conveniently conflate events such as Hurricane Sandy {...or Katrina, or "....fill-in-the-blank..."}with man-made climate change.
We saw this again at Rex Tillerson's Jan. 10, 2017 confirmation hearing, where some protester began shouting that her home was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy - the intended (though in reality unfounded) implication being that man (...personified in this protester's mind into being Tillerson himself..!) caused the climate to change, thereby causing Hurricane Sandy, thereby destroying her house. It's that simple, y'see.
This is the kind of delusional link, the kind of tenuous, conflated innuendo, that green bolsheviks - such as Jim Bradley's and Justin Trudeau's Liberals - love to encourage, love to see, love to foment.
They revel in seeing their pathetic work unfold in this kind of spectacle - this is is their kind of GreenFear at work. This green cancer is in Canada, and in the States.
Also on Jan 10 2017, Canada had to endure another visit from another deluded global-warming-infected stooge, this time, from the limousine lefty Hanoi Jane Fonda, the Viet-Cong-Commie-hugger who happily posed with the VC's on an anti-aircraft gun, the same guns which the NVA used to kill Americans. Jane Fonda made a fortune proudly peddling her anti-American "Fuck The Army" mantra. She went to North Vietnam to support the Communist enemy, to show the dumb folks back home her creds as a commie supporter.
Fonda flew (yes, flew - on a green helicopter powered by unicorn-farts --- no hypocrisy here, ever...) over Fort McMurray in Alberta, then immediately made a baseless link by announcing matter-of-factly (as a psychopath might) that the fire was "part of global warming"!!
So, there ya go, folks:y'see? It's "all settled"! More Fake News fodder for the Disciples of Al Gore and David Suzuki: climate-change caused the Fort McMurray fire, according to the GreenFear Gospel delusions of Learned Climatologist Jane Fonda!
Despite what Hanoi Jane spouts, Environment Canada's Senior Climatologist, David Phillips, has never stated that the Fort McMurray fire was caused by 'climate change'. (Maybe Jane Fonda can get Canada's Cagey Climatologist to once and for all 'prove that climate change is man- made'!!! That'd be funny.) Where-oh-where does Hanoi Jane get her scripted 'facts'?!! You might wonder how some people become so deluded, so detached from reality.
What can you expect from pathetic multi-millionaires who dish out their scornful doses of leftism to the dumb proles?! Hanoi Jane brushed past a female protester (a protester, by the way, who was not a happy Fonda fan) patronizingly telling the protester that "I am not against you" - while in fact, Hanoi Jane WAS against her, and against the people of Fort McMurray. Fonda was there on a 'higher' mission, as a GreenFear-spouting stooge.
Fonda should be nominated for a GreenFear Oscar for her amazing Fort McMurray performance, for her phony act, as she patronized the local yokels with her phony 'care' - all the while, her agenda was to shill for the Greenpeace/Agenda 21 globalists who despise the mere existence of Fort McMurray f If Fonda can act as a willing propagandist for the Black Panthers, she can act as a useful idiot shilling for the 'Club of Rome' too.
It was amazing to see Fonda performing her Fort McMurray 'compassion' act - phony compassion from a person who had proudly named her own child with father Tom Hayden,'after a Viet Cong martyr who attempted to assassinate US defense secretary Robert McNamara, before wisely changing it to Troy".
That's the kind of deplorable mentality which touched down in Fort McMurray.
(Isn't it hilarious, by the way, how Wikipedia's lengthy page about Jane Fonda DOESN'T MENTION that Fonda's infatuation with Viet Cong Communists led to her naming a child after an assassin? Wikipedia just says this:
"Their son, Troy O'Donovan Garity, was born on July 7, 1973 in Los Angeles, and was given his paternal grandmother's maiden name, as the names "Fonda and Hayden carried too much baggage". Fonda and Hayden wanted to give their son a name that "was both American and Vietnamese" and chose "Troy", an Anglicization of the Vietnamese "Troi", as the only name they could think of meeting that requirement. Hayden chose O'Donovan as the middle name after Irish revolutionary Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa."
Amazing how Wikipedia's Jane Fonda page simply avoids (covers up) any further details explaining Fonda's 'Anglicization of Troi" - such as that name was chosen to lionize and honour an enemy of the US who tried to kill an American defense secretary!
But, Wikipedia's page on Nguyen Van Troi DOES state that:
"Anti-war activists Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden named their son, an actor now known as Troy Garity, in honor of Trỗi."
Then we look at Troy Garity's Wikipedia page, which states:
"Troy Garity was born Troi O’Donovan Garity Hayden... ... His parents named him for the Vietnamese resistance leader Nguyen Van Troi"
Funny at how the information is skewed here - reading this deceptive spin, we are led to believe that Jane Fonda lovingly named her son after a simple, benign, well-meaning friendly ole "resistance leader" y'see - not after an assassin who attempted to kill Americans Robert McNamara and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Liberal Brad Duguid's deceptions underpinned by fraudulent GreenFear ideology
Gas plant under construction at 2315 Loreland Ave., Mississauga, Ontario, as seen in Aug. 2011; this plant, created and approved by McGuinty's Liberals, would suddenly be cancelled by McGuinty just before the Oct. 2011 Ontario election, so that his Liberals could buy some extra seats. The Liberals' seat-buying cost Ontario's taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Google image.
Further to my earlier post Liberal Brad Duguid should explain his gas-plant closure lies...
... there was this great story in the Nov.2, 2012 National Post "Dalton McGuinty, power puppeteer", written by Parker Gallant, detailing how Ontario Liberal premier McGuinty's office and McGuinty's strategists, were 'invested in hiding the mess' of their gas-plant closures:
" ...As I read the documents so far, including board briefings and emails among the many players, it’s the Liberal strategists attached to the Premier’s Office and Ministry offices who are invested in hiding the mess the gas plants created. As energy consultant Tom Adams suggests in his review of the documents, the evidence suggests the total cost of plant cancellations is likely greater than $1.3-billion, the burden to be borne by electricity consumers. The documents show that McGuinty strategists managed the gas files to benefit the Liberal party rather than taxpayers and ratepayers. Once the plants were cancelled, in October 2010 and September 2011, the top-down political influence is very noticeable. Post-cancellation negotiations to cover the costs of breaking contracts fell to Liberal party officials who tried to cover up the mess, not to energy experts.
One early sign of the Premier’s Office control came early, in November 2010, a month after the government announced it would cancel the $1.2-billion contract to TransCanada Energy (TCE) to build the 900-megawatt Oakville plant. One of the 56,000 documents is a presentation made to the board of directors of the Ontario Power Authority (OPA), the agency that runs the provincial power system under government oversight. One slide in the presentation captures the essence of the issues:
- Premier’s Office staff advised TCE that Ontario has other needs for gas-fired generation
- OPA staff [is] advised that Province would be pleased if the following or a combination of the following criteria were achieved:
- Negotiated solution does not exceed $1.2 B
- No cheque issued to TCE
- Good location for replacement facility (i.e. rural and meets setback requirements of Bill 8)
- Per unit cost close to that of similar generation technology…”
Among the strategists on behalf of the government was David Livingston, then the CEO of Infrastructure Ontario. Mr. Livingston, now the premier’s chief of staff, used Infrastructure Ontario staff to put together “term sheets” that would be used in negotiations with TCE. One option involved transferring part ownership in another gas plant, Portlands, to TCE as compensation for loss of Oakville. The offer appears to have been made without consulting the owner of the asset, Ontario Power Generation. TCE rejected the idea. It also rejected the possibility of building a 1,000-MW gas plant at the Lambton, Nanticoke or Thunder Bay coal facilities, also owned by Ontario Power Generation.
These offers were obviously meant to avoid a lawsuit or the possibility of having to cut a cheque from the provincial treasury... "
{related update - fast forward to Dec.17, 2015, where the name of McGuinty's Liberal chief of staff, David Livingston, pops up in this Globe and Mail report:
"Two former top Ontario political staffers have been criminally charged with orchestrating a plan to delete government e-mails and other documents that could have shed light on the billion-dollar cancellation of two gas-fired power plants – a long-running scandal that continues to dog the governing provincial Liberal Party."}
Looking at Parker Gallant's above story, it is becoming clear that McGuinty's manipulative Liberals, in October of 2010, were already pulling strings behind the scenes in regards to their cancelled Oakville plant: the secretive Liberals insisted "no cheque" be issued to TCE for the McGuinty-caused Oakville cancellation; and, the Liberals were planning to swap the Oakville site for another site in Bath, Ont.
Now: the funny thing is, that Brad Duguid, McGuinty's Energy Minister at the time of the Oakville-plant cancellation, was reported in this Oct.7, 2010 Toronto Star story (written by Rob Ferguson, Robert Benzie and Tanya Talaga) unmistakably saying that the Oakville plant was NOT going to be rebuilt anywhere in Ontario!!
Duguid also said that the electrical power from the cancelled Oakville plant was NOT needed in the province!!
Read that again, if you still don't believe what the Liberal liar Duguid said:
- (1): that the Oakville plant was NOT going to be rebuilt
- (2): that the power which the Oakvile plant would have provided for years into the future, was not needed.
These Liberal lies are important to remember.
Yet now we see from Gallant's story, that behind the scenes, McGuinty's Liberal liars were going ahead to replace the cancelled Oakville gas plant! Which then also begs the question: what were they going to do with the power from this 'new' Bath plant (power which Duguid claimed Ontario didn't need !) - sell it to the Americans for pennies on the dollar?!
Furthermore, in this Oct.5, 2012 CBC story, Duguid clearly stated:
"I was minister at the time, I was engaged in the Oakville decision from the beginning and throughout, fully engaged".
If this is true (...and who knows, since so much of what Duguid spouts is deceptive horseshit...) then Duguid, by his own admission, knew about the secretive 'no cheque to TCE' ploy, and, he was directly involved in setting up the 'Bath-for-Oakville' / 'we'll 'give' you this-in-lieu-of-that" bait-and-switch scheme - while telling us the opposite!
Duguidd himself has made the case that he was outright lying about the whole mess.
And no pesky paper trail of cheques, either - what a perfect display of how Jim Bradley's slimebag Liberals operate!!!
Also, note how the Oct.5 2012 CBC story touts Duguid as being oh-so-eager to appear before the Queen's Park legislative inquiry into the Grit Gas-Plant Scandal - so: how'd that go, you may ask?! Well, conveniently enough, Duguid and his Liberals CANCELLED the inquiry by proroguing and CLOSING down Queen's Park!
What manipulative slimeballs!!
The Oct.5, 2012 CBC story reported Brad Duguid saying:
"One of the reasons I'm looking forward to testifying is it'll give me an opportunity to, in a very detailed manner, talk about the decision that was made to cancel the Oakville gas plant," Economic Development Minister Brad Duguid told reporters.
Duguid was energy minister when the Liberals cancelled a gas-fired generating station in Oakville in 2010, and when they halted construction on a Mississauga gas-fired plant plant two weeks before last year's election, helping save Liberal seats in the area.``
Sure, sure, Brad... 'one the reasons' - well, let's face it, the main reason - why McGuinty quit, ran away and closed down Queen's Park, is so that Liberals like you didn't testify!!
Why isn't anyone asking Brad Duguid to explain his lies?! No wonder this Liberal hack coyly didn't want to run for Liberal leader!
{By the way, let us not forget the revelations made in this July 19, 2012 CBC report: "The Liberal campaign decided to halt construction of a power plant in Mississauga days before last fall's election when they were behind in the polls, Finance Minister Dwight Duncan admitted Thursday."
That's right: Liberal Duncan admitted it was a Liberal CAMPAIGN decision, NOT a government decision.}
In other words, Jim Bradley's Ontario Liberals were using tax-payer money to influence an election.
Why aren't the Toronto Star reporters who compiled the original Oct.7, 2010 Star story - Rob Ferguson, Robert Benzie and Tanya Talaga - not updating it now, specifically in relation to what has happened in the last month?!
For cryin' out loud: was Duguid lying to us then, or is he lying now?
Was anything this Liberal clown's government said actually true? Duguid is up to his ass in green Grit energy deceptions, all traceable to Liberal Jim 'Climate-Doom' Bradley's years of GreenFear-mongering.
The Ontario Legislature's inquiry into the Liberal gas-plant scandal was 'supposed' to start on Oct.24, 2012 - but it looks like this entire 'inquiry' was a pre-ordained deception, set up to fail; a diversion, a deflection, from the start, never meant to actually take place.
McGuinty's Liberals, deathly afraid of what would be revealed, aborted justice, prorogued the house at Queen's Park on Oct.15, and ran away like the rats they are.
Let's travel into the future, to Oct.16, 2017, and read a Toronto Star story (headlined "Top McGuinty aide dismissed concerns about lack of gas plant documents") written by Rob Ferguson.
The aide referred to was none other than David Livingston (who was mentioned earlier in this post in Parker Gallant's article) and who, by 2017, was on criminal trial in regards to what the Liberals did in the gas plant scandal.
(update: on a late Friday night news-dump, Jan.19, 2018, David Livingston was found guilty for his part in the Liberal gas plant scandal. The real criminals - the scumbag Ontario Liberals - have gotten away scot-free!!
You see: the aide did it!! Yep: that mastermind aide cooked this up ALL BY HIMSELF!! McGuinty, Duguid and the rest of Ontario's Libranos were laughing their butts off at Ontario's gullible sucker taxpayers!! )
Note that this Oct.16, 2017 Toronto Star story was written by the same Rob Ferguson who 7 years earlier, had co-written the Oct.7, 2010 Toronto Star story which I had cited earlier in this post!!!!
Ferguson 7 years ago reported Brad Duguid saying (...we now see Duguid was lying...) that the gas plant in Oakville was being cancelled 'because Ontario didn't need the power'!!
Duguid also said (...lied...) that the gas plant was 'not going to be built anywhere else in Ontario', either. (Yet, we now know that both the Oakville and the Mississauga plants were built elsewhere!)
So it is quite interesting now to read Rob Ferguson's Oct 16, 2017 report, seven years later, where Ferguson now writes that:"McGuinty has previously said the two plants were scrapped because they were located too close to residential areas". Well, well, well... how about THAT little nugget, eh???! WOW!!
So, isn't it quite strange that the Toronto Star reporter Rob Ferguson now, in 2017, fails to mention what Liberal hack Energy Minister Brad Duguid had said 7 years ago, what Rob Ferguson himself had reported: the liar Duguid had said that Ontario didn't need the power, and, said that the plant wasn't going to be rebuilt.
In 2010, Rob Ferguson DID NOT report Duguid saying anything about the plants 'being too close to residential areas'!!! McGuinty's own energy minister, the liar Brad Duguid, said f*ck-all about these plants 'being too close to residential areas'!! Liberal Liar Duguid had made up a different lie than his Liberal lying boss McGuinty did!
And furthermore: the location of these plants had all been planned and approved under the Liberal government! McGuinty's Liberals and local planning officials developed and knew about these projects to build gas plants; the plans had been scrutinized and tendered - - - so, how on earth - after all this Liberal planning - could they suddenly discover at the last moment - right at election time! - that oh.... um... there are houses nearby, so we better cancel it all!!!
They all knew ahead of time that McGuinty's Liberals were planning a gas fired energy facility to be built at the chosen locations!!!
This was no "surprise"!! This wasn't done in a vacuum!
Residential housing concerns were already known at the time of these gas plants' approval, and should have been addressed then - or, were they NOT addressed?!
Didn't McGuinty's Liberals do their due planning diligence PRIOR to approving their own gas plants??? Didn't the local municipalities participate in the planning process??!
Hmmmm! Ferguson doesn't really analyze that!! Might look bad for the Liberals, no?!
Reading Ferguson's report, you'd now think that the Liberals and the local planning boards approved these gas plants IN SECRET!! What are ya saying, Ferguson?! Are you trying to create a new (phony) rehabilitative narrative that some one else - not the Liberals - created this mess?!!
McGuinty's Liberals CREATED, PLANNED and APPROVED these gas plants.
McGuinty later blaming 'nearby housing' for cancelling HIS OWN projects is an admission of HIS LIBERAL GOVERNMENT'S DIRECT NEGLIGENCE.
The concerns regarding any existing or future residential housing nearby, should have ALREADY been thoroughly addressed BEFORE the gas plant sites were given final approval!
If new housing was subsequently built AFTER the gas plant sites were approved, then this CANNOT be claimed to be "a surprise" to McGuinty, either.
Any nearby new housing developers and their clients would have CLEARLY known that they were buying or building upon lands near an ALREADY APPROVED future gas plant development.
So, this also, should not be used as an excuse.
Whether is was existing nearby housing, or future nearby housing, this issue could NOT have been 'a surprise' to McGuinty, at ANY POINT - neither at the planning stage, nor at the approval stage, nor at the cancel-at-the-last-minute-after-construction-has-already-begun stage!
McGuinty was just LYING and covering up his monumental Liberal negligence.
Ferguson's refusal to delve into the planning process here is sad, especially in light of the fact that Ferguson was reporting McGuinty's claim that 'nearby housing' was the reason the plants were cancelled.
Ferguson refused to examine this planning link, to examine the Liberals' actions PRIOR to choosing the gas plant sites and obtaining the necessary APPROVALS; as well as examining the related actions of the local approval bodies.
Ferguson chose to simply take McGuinty's word - instead of examining if McGuinty's given reason for his gas plant fiasco (which cost Ontarians hundreds of millions of dollars) that 'nearby housing' created this expensive mess, was valid!
Funny: imagine a Conservative being let off the hook like that!
Yep: Ole McGuinty NEVER lies!!!
Why does this Toronto Star reporter, Rob Ferguson, fail to mention what McGuinty's own energy minister had said in the past, and just whitewash it away, and cover it up now?
The Ontario Lying Liberals were making things up as they went along, and already in 2010 their stories and excuses weren't adding up.
So, isn't it quite strange that the Toronto Star reporter Rob Ferguson now, in 2017, fails to mention what Liberal hack Energy Minister Brad Duguid had said 7 years ago, what Rob Ferguson himself had reported: the liar Duguid had said that Ontario didn't need the power, and, said that the plant wasn't going to be rebuilt.
In 2010, Rob Ferguson DID NOT report Duguid saying anything about the plants 'being too close to residential areas'!!! McGuinty's own energy minister, the liar Brad Duguid, said f*ck-all about these plants 'being too close to residential areas'!! Liberal Liar Duguid had made up a different lie than his Liberal lying boss McGuinty did!
And furthermore: the location of these plants had all been planned and approved under the Liberal government! McGuinty's Liberals and local planning officials developed and knew about these projects to build gas plants; the plans had been scrutinized and tendered - - - so, how on earth - after all this Liberal planning - could they suddenly discover at the last moment - right at election time! - that oh.... um... there are houses nearby, so we better cancel it all!!!
They all knew ahead of time that McGuinty's Liberals were planning a gas fired energy facility to be built at the chosen locations!!!
This was no "surprise"!! This wasn't done in a vacuum!
Residential housing concerns were already known at the time of these gas plants' approval, and should have been addressed then - or, were they NOT addressed?!
Didn't McGuinty's Liberals do their due planning diligence PRIOR to approving their own gas plants??? Didn't the local municipalities participate in the planning process??!
Hmmmm! Ferguson doesn't really analyze that!! Might look bad for the Liberals, no?!
Reading Ferguson's report, you'd now think that the Liberals and the local planning boards approved these gas plants IN SECRET!! What are ya saying, Ferguson?! Are you trying to create a new (phony) rehabilitative narrative that some one else - not the Liberals - created this mess?!!
McGuinty's Liberals CREATED, PLANNED and APPROVED these gas plants.
McGuinty later blaming 'nearby housing' for cancelling HIS OWN projects is an admission of HIS LIBERAL GOVERNMENT'S DIRECT NEGLIGENCE.
The concerns regarding any existing or future residential housing nearby, should have ALREADY been thoroughly addressed BEFORE the gas plant sites were given final approval!
If new housing was subsequently built AFTER the gas plant sites were approved, then this CANNOT be claimed to be "a surprise" to McGuinty, either.
Any nearby new housing developers and their clients would have CLEARLY known that they were buying or building upon lands near an ALREADY APPROVED future gas plant development.
So, this also, should not be used as an excuse.
Whether is was existing nearby housing, or future nearby housing, this issue could NOT have been 'a surprise' to McGuinty, at ANY POINT - neither at the planning stage, nor at the approval stage, nor at the cancel-at-the-last-minute-after-construction-has-already-begun stage!
McGuinty was just LYING and covering up his monumental Liberal negligence.
Ferguson's refusal to delve into the planning process here is sad, especially in light of the fact that Ferguson was reporting McGuinty's claim that 'nearby housing' was the reason the plants were cancelled.
Ferguson refused to examine this planning link, to examine the Liberals' actions PRIOR to choosing the gas plant sites and obtaining the necessary APPROVALS; as well as examining the related actions of the local approval bodies.
Ferguson chose to simply take McGuinty's word - instead of examining if McGuinty's given reason for his gas plant fiasco (which cost Ontarians hundreds of millions of dollars) that 'nearby housing' created this expensive mess, was valid!
Funny: imagine a Conservative being let off the hook like that!
Yep: Ole McGuinty NEVER lies!!!
Why does this Toronto Star reporter, Rob Ferguson, fail to mention what McGuinty's own energy minister had said in the past, and just whitewash it away, and cover it up now?
The Ontario Lying Liberals were making things up as they went along, and already in 2010 their stories and excuses weren't adding up.
Dalton McGuinty,
Jim Bradley,
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