below: Feb.3, 2009; new low-rise apt. seen being built on the north side of Morrison St., between Crysler Ave. and St. Clair Ave.
above: same view, Apr.15, 2009

above: same view, Sept.10, 2009 - Paris Crepes had an mini Eiffel Tower installed on their renovated storefront today.
above: Aug.10, 2009 - same view.
See more in this series at Niagara Falls Then and Now, Buildings Lost and Found, PART SIX
Thanks for visitng Right In Niagara!
below: Feb.5, 2009 - looking at the north side of Queen St., just east of St. Lawrence Ave.; the former Grader's Ladies Wear/former Elixir bar sits vacant.
below: photo 1946; looking at north west corner of Ferry St. and Stanley Ave. Building built ca1842 by Robert Fralik; was an inn for many years; was used by government troops during the Navy Island operation during the Rebellion of 1837. Note streetcar tracks heading west up Ferry St.

above: Sept. 2009, same view. The gas station is now a convenience store. The old Hacienda has been closed, and the site there is for sale. On the corner (near where the yellow sign is at the centre-right) is where the Queen Victoria memorial fountain once stood.

above: same view, Sept.8, 2009. The last two houses, which were seen to the right in the older shot above, are now gone.

above: Same view, Sept.8, 2009. The convenience store, seen earlier, would be just out of frame to the left.

above: Sept. 2009, same view; the Texaco is now an Esso gas station. Same gabled house is seen at the left in both above shots.

below: looking at the north-west corner of Lundy's Lane and Main St.; the Regent gas station sits on the same site where the Red Indian gas station once stood, which was the first service station in Niagara Falls. Date of this photo not known - but gas was going for 39 cents a litre! Remember the Hacienda's huge lit 'Turf n Surf Ristorante' sign?

below: c.1977 - looking at the south-east corner of Main St., (seen at the bottom) and Peer St. (at the far left). We can see Club children's wear at the left, and Davey's Auto supplies in the centre. In 1820 on this corner there was a carriage shop run by Alanson Ross and John Misener.

below: c.1977 - looking at the west side of Main St., just north of Lundy's lane. (NFLA erroneously claims that this is on Portage) At the far left, note the lights of the gas station which stood at the NW corner of Lundy's Lane and Main, (where the Regent gas station was, as seen previously above).

below: Mar.8, 1958 - looking at the Stamford Police Administration building, on the north-east corner of Lundy's Lane and Montrose Rd.

below: looking at the north-east corner of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Ave., at the Ontario Pizzeria, in Apr.1970

below: May, 1970, view of the Ontario Pizzeria from the rear, after a fire. Note the Texaco gas station at the right, which stood on the south-east corner of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Ave.

below: Jan.17, 2008 - looking in a south-east direction at the east side of Montrose Rd., standing from just north of Matthews Dr. (see map: here) The QEW is seen in the far left distance.
See more in this series at Niagara Falls Then and Now, Buildings Lost and Found, PART SIX
Thanks for visitng Right In Niagara!
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