(See FULL article at:
“…the only truly moral response to global climate change is to commit suicide. There is simply no more effective way to shrink your carbon footprint. Once you’re dead, you won’t use any more electricity, you won’t eat any more meat, you won’t burn any more gasoline, and you certainly won’t have any more children. If you really want to save the planet, you should die...”
...then why haven't the purveyors of climate change bolshevism done just that: put their 'money where their mouth is', and heroically commit suicide for Mother Gaia?
Julie Greco wrote in "Lighting up a green Christmas" (St.CatharinesStandard, Dec.2010):
"If the Griswolds of Vacation fame went green, their house might resemble the Bloms' during the holidays.
"Christmas is when we go crazy," says Andrew Blom, who has spent countless hours over the past month transforming his front lawn at 41 Senator Dr. into a dazzling holiday wonderland.
About 10,000 lights take the shape of Christmas trees, wrapped presents, reindeer and snowmen, all programmed to blink to the beats of seasonal songs.
The beacon of light generated from the Bloms' postage stamp-sized lawn at the corner of Macturnbull Dr., makes it one of the neighbourhood's main attractions during the holidays.
"Last night, we had people dancing on the sidewalk in front of our house," said Andrew's wife Jamie.
At first glance, it might appear the family's spectacular light show is a drain on energy resources -- not to mention their hydro bill. But that's not the case.
Energy efficiency has been their focus for the past five years, thanks to their son Zack, now 14.
When Zack was in Grade 5 at Power Glen School, he became interested in environmental issues. One day, he came home from school and told his parents how they had discussed energy and waste in class.
"My teacher said when my parents were born, people didn't really know what they were doing to the environment," he said.
His parents remember it a different way.
" 'Energy pigs' was the word he used," Andrew remembered with a chuckle.
"He told us we were personally responsible for the demise of the Earth and that we had to fix it."
That was a dramatic turning point for the Bloms.
As owners of an energy business, they had always researched new, cutting-edge products and alternative energy sources such as solar and geothermal, but until then they hadn't practised what they preached at home.
"I was the type of person who never wanted to recycle. But since Zack came home that day, we're huge into it now," Jamie said.
Now the family has solar panels on their roof and their water is heated through solar power.
The Bloms' shift to environmental awareness happened to coincide with their decision to get charged up about the holidays by going all-out with their light display.
"You wouldn't believe it but before, he was like the Grinch. He didn't want to do anything," said Jamie.
"I said, 'Is this what you want Zack to remember?' That's when he turned into this."
But Andrew didn't want to sacrifice his environmental consciousness for his newfound festive spirit. By opting for LED lights, his whole Christmas light display is powered by the same amount of energy it takes to run five 100-watt light bulbs.
"People always assume that our hydro bills must be out of control, but it's less than it was before," said Jamie.
"The only energy it really consumes is all the hours and hours he spends putting up the lights and programming the music -- human energy."
But the effort is worth seeing the faces of local children light up during the holidays, said Andrew.
Zack agreed.
"At first, I thought it was obnoxious. But after all the people who come to see it, I feel like we're helping them enjoy Christmas a little more."
The clock is ticking for St. Catharines residents interested in participating in the city's sustainability study, to draft a sustainability strategy in 2011. The deadline for filling out the online survey is Tuesday. To take the survey or for more information about the study, visit www.stcatharines.ca"
Why didn't the Standard's reporter Julie Greco bother to identify this apparently-heroic Power Glen "teacher" who was - and perhaps still is - propagandizing his/her own green bolshevism to impressionable fifth graders?
The entire point of Julie Greco's article was to peddle climate-change propaganda - and this is a typical example of what the result looks like.
Even a link to a "sustainability study" was oh-so-conveniently included in this one-sided story! How thoughtful. It's as if Greco was working not as a journalist, but as a fifth-columnist, a bought and paid for propagandist for the Liberal government.
No 'journalism' or balance or objectivity is seen here - just a plain blatant peddling of the GreenFear agenda.
{...note - in fact, this report, from back in 2010, and this kind of utterly slanted, biased kind of phony 'reporting' (...actually, outright propaganda disguised as 'news') was what only later - after Trump's election - would be finally brought into the open and categorized as FAKE NEWS. This kind of phony reporting WAS COMMON at the St. Catharines Standard and in many msm outlets...}
Is this GreenFear now officially part of Ontario's Liberal-approved greenshevik provinial school curriculum? That - and watching endless reruns of Al Gore's Book Of Inconvenient Climate Deceptions? (...which ought to be categorized in libraries as "science fiction"...)
Don't ask local Liberal MPP Jim Bradley for an answer - this is exactly the kind of greensh!t doomsday GreenFear-mongering which Bradley and his Liberals encourage: see Bradley's "greener ways to live" propaganda. Were the kiddies also given recommendations by their kept-secret-by-the-press ClimateFear teacher on who their parents should vote for, as well?!
Yep - apparently Blom is personally held responsible for helping save the Planet, because his parents were "energy pigs". And Obama was personally going to halt the 'rise of the oceans'! Praise be upon them.
But isn't the use of thousands of lights - even if they are LED's - still offensive to some dour Suzukiite, somewhere? Degrees of perception, eh... or is it degrees of deception?
Aren't suicide and sterilization the best methods for achieving the greenshevik goal of population control in order to 'save the Earth' from exploding/flooding/melting/burning?
Someone - just go and ask Liberal MPP Jim Bradley to explain what the FLICK was being "taught" in his city's schools, in his Liberal government's classes, in 2005! Which approved Ontario provincial curriculum was this mysterious, un-named PowerGlenGreenshevik teacher using - the belief in Kyoto and the Mann-made hockey stick graph?!
Yeah, that's right - maybe McGuinty isn't going far enough in scaring the kids to repent for their collective 'enviro-crimes' - maybe it's time McGuinty's Liberals now show the kids how it feels to die for their parent's carbon sins.
"Seriously??" you ask?
Well: read for yourself Peter Foster's column "U.K.'s Climate Killers" (National Post, Oct.7, 2010):
"The uproar over the “eco snuff” video put out by British climate alarmist organization 10:10 is more than a minor embarrassment for the warmist cause. Ten ten is not just any old bunch of hysterical radicals. It is virtually a propaganda arm of the U.K. government. Moreover, thousands of corporations, local councils and schools have signed on to the group’s Orwellian “pledge” to reduce carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010.
The “satirical” video — which 10:10 posted last week but had to withdraw in the face of an angry backlash — consists of four segments in which, respectively, school kids, corporate employees, former French soccer ace David Ginola, and X Files star Gillian Anderson are told that there is “no pressure” to get onside with the carbon reduction program. Then, those who refuse to sign up (including Messrs. Ginola and Anderson) are blown up, with a great deal of splattered blood. Side-splitting! Literally.
When I first saw it, I thought it had to be a spoof of the insanities of environmental extremism. Who would believe that any green organization would cast themselves as potentially murderous ecofascists? What message could one take from the movie but “Those who fail to agree with us will die,” even if we’ll just kill them tongue in exploding cheek. But the video, which was written by Richard Curtis, who penned Four Weddings and a Funeral, was comedically dead serious.
Ten ten was set up by Franny Armstrong, who found instant St. Joan of Noah’s Ark status last year after making an hysterical movie called The Age of Stupid. The film featured a lone archivist looking back from a dystopian future and wondering how humanity could have gone so terribly, terribly wrong.
Virtually the entire UN turned up for the film’s New York premiere. And since Ms. Armstrong’s message was not a million miles from the suicidal climate-change stance of the British Labour Party, the movie’s London debut was attended by a gaggle of politicians, including then environment minister and now opposition Labour party leader Ed Miliband. “Red Ed” was ambushed by the film’s star, Pete Postlethwaite, who threatened to march up to the gates of Buckingham Palace and give back his Order of the British Empire if new coal-fired plants weren’t stopped.
Abasing himself further in order (obviously successfully) to further his political career, Mr. Miliband then agreed to “debate” Ms. Armstrong. The only problem was that they were both on the same side. Not to worry. Ms. Armstrong used the occasion to launch the 10:10 campaign.
Since “10% by 2010” is the kind of target beloved of those who delight in moving in (and leading) intellectual flocks, the entire British Cabinet had soon signed on, along with a raft of corporations, soccer clubs (such as Tottheham Hotspur, whose players appear in the movie) and miscellaneous trendies and publicity hounds. Since coming to power, Tory leader David Cameron’s new coalition government has also signed on. Presumably now he wishes it hadn’t.
The 10:10 organization issued an apology for the video. Sort of. “With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh.”
Make ’em chuckle all the way to the child psychologist.
Ms. Armstrong was more combative. She told The Guardian (a powerful 10:10 supporter) “Doing nothing about climate change is still a fairly common affliction, even in this day and age. What to do with those people, who are together threatening everybody’s existence on this planet? Clearly we don’t really think they should be blown up, that’s just a joke for the mini-movie, but maybe a little amputating would be a good place to start?”
A little amputating.
Ms. Armstrong went on to provide her idea of perspective. “We ‘killed’ five people to make No Pressure — a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change.”
Here was a wonderful example of Ms. Armstrong’s facility with numbers. I counted at least seven people who were offed in the movie. As for those 300,000, that’s a whopper manufactured by former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan’s private NGO, the Global Humanitarian Forum. In fact, there is no way of linking a single death to the impact of humans on the global climate.
What seems to have been utterly exploded is 10:10’s credibility. The video was designed to coincide with a series of events at next Sunday’s (10/10/10) “Global Day of Doing.” These included “sumo wrestlers cycling to training in Tokyo.” But now major corporations such as Sony, and climate “prophets” such as Yale’s Bill McKibben, are leaving the sinking 10:10 ship, and climate skeptics are having a well-deserved field day.
According to Mr. McKibben, another mystic numerologist who claims the world is doomed at any level of atmospheric carbon dioxide beyond 350 parts per million, the video “represents the kind of stupidity that really hurts our side, reinforcing in people’s minds a series of preconceived notions, not the least of which is that we’re out-of-control elitists.”
Right on! But the problem is that free-floating moralistas such as Ms. Armstrong have been inflated by the alarmism peddled by the likes of Mr. McKibben. Still, Ms. Armstrong did have some support. The child actor who played one of those spectacularly eviscerated declared: “I was very happy to get blown up to save the world.” "
Unreal: figurative enviro-snuff films for the kiddies!
'Blowing up' children to teach them a climatalarmist lesson! It's all fun!! We're supposed to believe it's "satirical"; it's more like satanic.
This is the greenshevism of the kyodiots, writ large.
So, dear sheeple, contact Jim the Liberal Kyodiot Bradley, and McGuinty's education minister Leona Dombrowsky, with demands that this extreme enviro-fascism be brought to Ontario immediately!
The GreenFear warmists have no time for lowly Power Glen 'energy pigs' anymore - killing off the non-green heathen is the new GreenFear tactic.
The Protected-By-The-Press Power Glen GreenFear Prophet of Doom would love this, eh, what with the picking of victims based on gaian greenshevist enviro-moralism, shaming and 'killing off' sinful students who don't worship at the Green Altar of Gore, Dion, Suzuki, Bradley, and Ban Ki-Moon.
It's only a movie, eh... for now...
Well I'm long past 30 years old and not a respirator in sight. On reflection he was using children for his own purpose - t wasn't sex abuse, but it still was abuse as he was using his position of authority to control the actions of others (especially minors). He should NEVER have been a teacher and I'm sure none of his 'teachings' were in the curriculum. But at that time, principals didn't supervisor staff as closely as they do today and parents really didn't know what was going on in the classroom. None of the girls thought this was wrong because he was soooo handsome and cute!Any teacher that is supporting this 'strike' should be written up and disciplined, but unfortunately there are too many who are afraid to confront these abusers".
This young girl has been manipulated beyond all belief. Lord: where's child services when they are really needed to intervene and stop her abuse at the hands of her parents and of the GreenFear cult that her Antifa-lovin' parents (...and Canadians such as Jim Bradley, Justin Trudeau, Catherine McKenna, Stephane Dion, Dalton McGuinty and his twin Kathleen Wynne, Sicko Suzuki, Elizabeth May... etc etc...) all happily endorse and promulgate?
THAT was the real story - but it was ignored, and instead, the GreenFear bolshevik narrative was employed, to PROMOTE, to GLORIFY, to PROPAGANDIZE - but NOT question - what occurred!
After all, THIS WAS NORMAL at the time, in Niagara, a region perverted by the ideology of Liberals such as Jim Bradley and Dalton McGuinty. The St.Catharines Standard sought and approved of such examples of climate change 'progressivism' (ie, political marxism). That this was being peddled to kids in Niagara's schools was apparently of no concern at all.
(How many more students did this mysterious 'teacher' manipulate and indoctrinate in the years since 2009, eh, Julie?! You can bet Julie doesn't care to know - the entire point of her propaganda piece was to promulgate another page of GreenFear to her fellow climatalarmist-kool-aid-choir at the Standard, not to ask real questions.)
Greta is just today's weaponized update of Blom... talk about a bizarre version of 'Boys From Brazil', where little GreenFear-infected puppets are weaned everywhere to later be employed {activated, triggered, exploited...} as brain-washed political pawns!
In Niagara, Grant LaFleche peddled Suzuki Foundation-linked crap in the Sept.19, 2019 edition (pg.44) of Niagara This Week (a propaganda outlet of the Toronto Star's propaganda factory).
The story was about "the future majority" of voters, a quasi GOTV (...get-out-the-vote, which all parties strive to do during an election...) attempt to get, in this case, students, to vote. Claiming to be "apolitical" {...bwaaaaahahaha..!!!!!!}, this gotv push is primarily focused on - what else - "climate change"!
Lafleche's next piece of award-winnin' urinalism might be an in-depth look at how wearing blackface can stop global warming... and win an election in Canada (but ONLY if yer a leftist)!!
...or, Grant can provide a breathless in-depth look at how a sheep's bladder can be used as an eco-friendly method to predict earthquakes...
(...and by the Power Granted To Grant Through His Keyboard, Lafleche could concurrently de-bunk the myth that Monty Python was doing a parody of using sheep bladders to predict earthquakes, and that in fact it was TRUE that sheep's bladders can be used to predict earthquakes... ... ..!) whew... bam: two-fer-the-price-of-one... wow, there's some good ole urinalism fer ya, writ LARGE!!
Note: a urinalist is a parody of a journalist. There is an innate underlying tragedy there: either they can't recognize it, or, they DO at some point recognize it, but nevertheless CHOOSE to pursue urinalism anyway.)
...or, Lafleche can let loose and give us a scoop on how a new Turdo Worm Poop Tax can stop climate change by FORCING EARTHWORMS TO STOP POOPING (...yep: this is the insane milieu of deluded Green bolshevism...)
or... Grant can grant us plebes his authoritative thesis into how... (seeing as Turdo's carbon tax successfully 'stopped climate change' {bwahaha} and how Turdo's Worm Poop Tax stopped worms from pooping) ...then yet another Turdo tax could be used to stop gravity...
...and later on, Grant can offer us anudder breaking story of how other Turdo Climate Taxes can be used to stop time...
...and to change earth's orbit...
. ...and to move the sun from the middle of our solar system and...
...yep... you go gittim, tiger...
Was it a surprise to anyone that Greta would be nominated for a Nobel peace prize (CBC, Feb.3, 2020)?!!
Really - now that they're just givin' these 'prizes' away{they are now easier to obtain than a cracker jack 'prize'... (Too bad, Lafleche: ya missed yer chance this year!! Maybe ya can get Jim Bradley to nominate ya next year...} ...it even demeans the joke of a fact that Obama had got one, too: y'see - Greta is now lauded as great as the Holy Wholly Deplorable Obama, Praise Be Upon Them Both.
When a CBC commenter, Marlene Lauder, wrote "What has she done to promote peace? Greenery is not peace. This nomination is ridiculous", David Lawrence responded with typical GreenFear Bolshevik rhetoric: "She has been promoting a recognition especially among young people of an existential threat to human civilization and the complex ecosystems of this planet. That is what she has done to promote peace".
Yeh, David, suuurre... Professor Greta's all about defining the 'complex ecosystems of this planet..." !!! WOW: talk about the Audacity of Leftist Trope!!
Borenstein's AP-distributed story is but another example of how the "it's all settled" AGW built-in-bias lie works. Borenstein and his deluded subjects all peddle this same unquestioned lie - it is their jumping-off point.
Borenstein here is not a journalist - he's just a GreenFear-infected fellow climatalarmist hack; like the other 'urinalists' we see on a daily basis at the CBC, at Bell Media/CTV, at Global, at TorStar...)
Henschel's story - placed in context to the demands also most likely made by his leftist TorStar overlord-employers seeking 'local examples of children randomly spouting climate change slogans', reminded me of Terry Ponick's article written on the same day, Sept.24, 2019, CDN:
(Niagara This Week continued their TorStar-enema-fed Green fascism unabated. Especially funny (ie pathetic) was NTW's editorial the week of Nov 16, 2019 - again: evangelizing Grenshevik Greta; lying that children don't have time to finish school because the planet will vanish in 12 years... yes, this evil, sick propaganda is openly published in TorStar media. Nothing but climate change lies, over and over, week after week. It's not just Henschel: his employers DEMAND that their Green fascist religion be disseminated, ALL THE TIME. It's always there. Never ANY OTHER viewpoint, except for the phony "it's all settled" lie... and so - because "it's all settled" - then there's no point in TorStar hacks having any other discussion, is there, so, they don't have to get any other viewpoints. THAT'S THE MAN-MADE "CONVENIENCE" UNDER WHICH HENSHEL'S GANG OPERATES. There can't be any other viewpoint except their own perverted Atkinsonian viewpoint, eh, Steve?!)
Niagara This Week, unsurprisingly, published another GreenFear-propaganda-laden editorial in their Dec.26, 2019 issue. Kelly Montague publishes this garbage, but it's not clear if the "managing editor", Melinda Cheevers, writes it, or whether it's leftist sewage just piped down from head office at TorStar, to be regurgitated by the robots at NTW; nevertheless, the 'it's all settled man-made-climate-change' hoax, with its baked in bias, is still doggedly propagandized in Niagara. The disgusting Torstar scumbags at Niagara This Week doubled down on their own re-exploitation of children, using them as nothing but political pawns to push climate propaganda.
The entire Greta episode is a long-running tragedy, really. This kid was essentially a pawn, primed and pimped out by her GreenFear-infected handlers, and by her adoring cabal of enablers, acolytes, and hangers-on, to create mass hysteria (...note: a hysteria for which the only answer is - of course -political socialism... not science at all). Clearly, Canadian clowns such as dipper jerk Jagmeet Singh and Green Succubus Elizabeth May chose to ignore Greta's abuse, and instead, enabled and condoned the abuse because it suited their perverted purpose; they glorified Greta for becoming a climate-change propaganda pawn.
The 'Great' Greta Gong Show circus didn't go to Communist China (!!) to lecture the commies on AGW; but made sure they hit Canada to interfere in our federal election - and that kind of exploitation, too, is OK to TorStar and their fellow travellers. They support that kind of election interference!! {Remember, no leftist Canadian media outlet complained when the despicable Obama interfered in Canada's 2019 election!! That was OK to Canada's lefties! Yet, had Trump done the same thing, cheering for a particular candidate during the Canadian election, he would have been excoriated by a raging Canadian leftist media mob.}
When Henschel - or ANY of his cadre of TorStar Atkinson Principle-perverted propagandists - wrote about this march, why wasn't any mention made or photos shown of the communist hammer and sickle signs - symbols of death and murder, on par with swastikas - that are prevalent at these marxist climate-coven demonstrations?! He didn't see one?!!? He and his fellow media accomplices don't look too deeply into that, eh?! Wonder how many TorStar employees love wearing their Che tshirts around the office, y'know, adorned with the red stars and hammers and sickles and such...?!
The CBC's Padraig Moran (Oct.10, 2019) just had to report - with indignant shock! - Jason Kenney's position on why he didn't participate in Greta's Great Climate Commie-con:
"Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said he didn't attend September's day of global action on climate change because "much of it" was "coming from the radical left."
"There were communist hammer-and-sickle flags out there — I wouldn't go to a rally with a hammer and sickle flag any more than I would to one with a swastika, quite frankly," he told The Current's guest host Kathleen Petty.
Thousands marched in cities all over the world on Sept. 27, demanding world government's take action on climate change.
Kenney argued that "the manifesto for that day of action was essentially to shut down the entire industrial economy, virtually overnight."
"These are not mainstream voices, this is not helpful," Kenney said.
"The way we're going to make a difference is through technology that reduces carbon emissions in practical ways, and that is what we are focused on as a government..."."
CBC and Moran must been incensed and triggered to report Kenny's position - and to spin it as if it was abnormal, but the Great Greta freak show wasn't!!
Note - again!! - carefully note the default bias built into Henschel's NTW report... and Moran's CBC report... and Greco's 9-year old Standard report... and thousands of others... which demands that NO OTHER viewpoint may be presented, other than the expected skewed leftist GreenFear narrative. There is no impartiality, no sense of journalistic inquisitiveness, of objectivity, or of integrity. Any subject expressing another view, other than the "it's all settled, so no further questions need be asked" lie, is to be diminished, ridiculed, shamed, or outright dismissed.
Commie influence? Whaaaat? I no see aneee steenkin' commy influence!!
Of course, this kind of straightforward answer by Kenney is anathema, is shocking, is seen as bizarre, to GreenFear-infected, prejudiced, TorStar, CBC, and assorted other MSM media hacks, who spin, bob, weave and essentially lie in order to paint what amounts to a non-journalistic (underhandedly biased) picture, PRETENDING it is a journalistic (unbiased) picture.
It's NOT journalism at all - it's fake journalism disguised as if it's real - - "As if " - got it?! In other words, it's a bait and switch con-game, where fraudulent "news" is intentionally manufactured and substituted for, and falsely presented and orchestrated as, real news.
It is opinion professionally perverted by paid propagandists, to appear as 'actual journalism'. It's how the left launders its propaganda. (TVO and Paikin know this quite well.)
The bias is so-built-in, so ingrained, in the media's structure, from the producers to the editors on down, that it's organizationally, institutionally, biased. They operate in their own ecosystem, in their own silo.
It's congenital and structurally biased; the GreenFear-kool-aid has been BAKED INTO their minds, therefore, to them, there is no - can be no {!!!} - other viewpoint: hence the "it's all settled" meme-narrative-lie is perpetuated and never examined.
{...Note a similarity of process and politics, in that these are the same kind of leftist hacks who never, ever thought to ask where the "Steele dossier" came from!! In order to flame their deluded hate of Trump, these hacks peddled a lie that this "dossier" somehow proved Trump was a compromised agent of Russia who 'stole the election' from Poor Old Crooked Hillary.!! [Lookit - we got a DOSSIER, folks!! Ya see: a DOSSIER!! It's all settled, ya see: Trump's guilty, ya see, cuz it sez so in the DOSSIER...!] This narrative played out in Niagara pretty much on a regular basis for some 3 years: it was portrayed AND peddled as 'accepted fact', which, like with their climate change hoax, the basis was never to be challenged!!! The fact that the 'Steele dossier' was a hoax created by Crooked Hillary just doesn't compute in the minds of those infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome...}
All their climate change stories are based on the 'it's all settled so you cannot ask any questions about it' lie.
It is from this fundamental lie{from this delusion; this psychotic long-term break from reality}that all subsequent GreenFear-pushing 'reports' originate and from which the myriads of GreenFear-pushing writer/propagandists are given cover, given free reign, to continue and build upon the lie, and psychotically not consider themselves as also being liars and propagandists.
They must believe in their original lie, at all costs. Existing within their fish-tank of GreenFear-induced delusion, they can claim that they are 'credible journalists reporting credible news', and, they can subsequently say and do ridiculous things because in their (GreenFear-muddled) minds, they are 'held harmless' from scrutiny - by the original big lie!!
After all: look at the convenient cover their lie offers: How can they be lying, when "it's all settled" and when "no further questions need be asked"?! See: it's an endless self-perpetuating circle of deceit: lie / cite fake evidence; lie / cite fake evidence... over and over - it's a formula of deception which 'works' every time! [...as long as it's NOT questioned!!!]
(That same kind of delusional process was brazenly promulgated by Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer and the rest of the Demotard Coup Crew during their phony impeachment fiasco. "It's all settled - Trump's guilty!!!" the witch-hunters incessantly proclaimed. "The evidence is incontrovertible! Just trust us! It's all settled!! We don't need to ask any more questions! Don't ask for cross-examination in the House!!")
The "it's all settled, just trust us; we've manufactured some new 'evidence' " lie is designed to absolve the GreenFear peddlers of accountability, and to absolve their friendly cling-ons in the press for their pretense that they are accountable journalists.
(See any of the hundreds of climate change 'interviews' with Canada's Cagiest Climatologist David Phillips, to see how the lie was consistently employed in their clever Cagey Climate Tango don't-ask-don't-tell phony 'interviews'.)
The lie encourages them to smear and ridicule other facts (or opinions) contrary to their lies. Their GreenFear Gospel original lie encourages them to deny that earth's climate is changing - while they accuse others of being "deniers"!! Yet the perverted Green Bolsheviks are the actual, true deniers, denying that earth's climate has changed since there was an earth, since BEFORE MAN, since time immemorial, and that planetary and universal forces are at play here.
The "it's all settled" lie gives GreenFear-pushing cultists the convenient incentive to freely propagate their lie, all the while secure {...'secure' in a deluded way...} that no-one can question their lie-based-claims; this urinalism is shaped, formed and biased from the start.
These MSM urinalists are sent out to get a desired, pre-determined 'half-the-story', as it already has been decided that there will be NO NEED to question that which already fits into their expected, pre-ordained ingrained narrative; so, they are acting not as journalists, but as biased stenographer-propagandists {urinalists...}, unquestioningly regurgitating what they were sent out to get - no questions asked. (...see how Canada's pathetic media dances the Cagey Climate Tango with David Phillips...)
Anything which disrupts or challenges or questions the expected GreenFear-induced narrative is purposefully and deftly downplayed/swept under the rug/ masked/ ignored/ ridiculed/ dismissed, and buried... get the point?
Which is why Greco and Henschel (and others... many others...) can carelessly, unquestioningly even interview children infected with climate change propaganda, and essentially glorify and enable their abuse, by propagating the GreenFear-battered child's force-fed paranoia - and think nothing of it !!
These creeps will even re-exploit abused children if it will get them another GreenFear-laced story.
Having inculcated kids spouting this GreenFear-cult mantra just confirms the MSM employees' own biases; what these kids are blabbing about, and why, is NEVER questioned. {"How dare you", Steve Henshchel... how dare you, indeed.}
Yep: GreenFear-infected children who are climate-change tools (...fools... mules...?) are eagerly re-exploited by CBC, TorStar, and other confirmation-bias fake news MSM, who have not been truthful about the Communist influence underlying the grotesque Greta freak show.
Her words and demeanor are those of a totalitarian dictator. She says people who don’t act on climate change are “evil.” The United Nations and Congress should never have given her their platforms.
She has taken literally what irresponsible adults have told her, that the planet is going to end in 11 years unless we stop using fossil fuels.
Her parents and the climate industry have exploited her youthful idealism and rigid obsessions. They have frightened her out of her mind and now are exposing her to condemnation and ridicule
They should be ashamed of themselves.
They have indoctrinated her into believing a childish fantasy, one that has captured the imagination of millions of susceptible children all around the world, and is causing them to suffer, like Greta, what psychologists call eco-anxiety.
One British report found growing numbers of children and young adults are being treated with psychiatric drugs to alleviate climate anxiety.
Some are so certain the planet has no future that they’ve sworn off ever having children.
As irresponsible adult Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told her 2.5 million Instagram followers this year, it is “legitimate” for young people afraid of climate change to ask, “Is it OK to still have children?”
Terrifying children with exaggerated stories about the threat of climate change is a deliberate strategy of eco-totalitarians. It is child abuse.
What Greta does not understand is that it also is a deliberate ploy by climate alarmists to advance their hidden agenda of destroying capitalism.
AOC’s former chief of staff let the cat out of the bag last week about her Green New Deal:
“It wasn’t originally a climate thing at all . . . we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy,” Saikat Chakrabarti told The Washington Post..."
An Oct.17, 2019 CBC story had this comment from Alexander Borgia: "Hallam is on video calling for the violent overthrow of the government, and indicating that there would be deaths.
A story by Anton Roberts on CTV's early morning tv news, Oct.25, 2019, had Roberts showing that the GreenFear Queen Greta Thunberg was still gallivanting across Canada, this time hiking in BC's mountains with some guy Pomeroy, who was happily telling us (and her, apparently) that the glaciers are melting due to climate change.
But - the phonily-impartial host Roberts ALSO actually stated, after showing the clip of Pomeroy and GreenShevik Greta walking together, that the glaciers are melting due to climate change - an editorial statement which he has no basis for; it wasn't news, nor factual - that was his opinion, inserted and offered as news, pretending to be news, presented as news - yet it was fake news. (Let's remember that Climate Crap peddler Andrew Chang was doing this same kind of thing over at CBC tv prior to the 2019 federal election, shamelessly and smugly editorializing his stories by telling us "climate change is real" - which is a political opinion, NOT news. CBC employees can get away peddling green bolshevism like that.)
CTV's Roberts, too, was spreading GreenFear, substituting personal conflated GreenFear-infected views for fact and journalism; a bait and switch con job.
So, there it is: that's what GreenFear propaganda looks like - show a biased one-sided half-a-story, then confirm the bias afterwards as if it was fact.
That was his green religious cult belief which Roberts inserted into the story.
He had no intention whatsoever of questioning what he had just shown, thereby revealing this is not a journalist, but a propagandist, and this wasn't news, it was propaganda, deceptively disguised as 'news'.
(...this is yet another example of real propaganda which WILL NEVER be shown by the hypocrites over at TVO on their documentary about propaganda!!!! oh the irony of TVO smugly airing 'documentaries' about propaganda, when TVO does NOTHING but propagandize lies about climate change!! Deliciously bitter irony...)
Wonder if Roberts knows that mile high ice sheets had formed, existed - and melted - several times - throughout Canada, over the ages? Does that have any bearing on this Bell Media / CTV employee's deceptive, ignorant claim - a claim that isn't even scientific, but is a political claim? Or any bearing on the standard of lies so easily and casually conflated and spread by Bell Fake News Media / CTV?
(Funny how the "Steele dossier" was similarly falsely presented as 'real news' to the public, for years, by nearly every MSM outlet, touted as "irrefutable proof of Trump's guilt" of 'something'; (witch-hunter Mueller spent $millions 'looking' for "Trump's guilt" but couldn't find it) yet those same MSM outlets, infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, could not bother to discover that the entire "Steele dossier" was a massive propaganda effort financed by Crooked Hillary's Democrats as a counter-intelligence plot to destroy a candidate running for Presiden; and then - to continue their sedition by morphing it into treason - attempting to undermine and subvert the legitimate results of the 2016 American election - - all covered up by an enabling cabal of Democrat-loyal crooked government officials and a corrupt biased media.
The ancient proto-Bradley morphed into the same squawking real Bradley, still spreading climate change deceptions. And those ancient proto-CTV-stenographers still drink Bradley's GreenFear-infected diarrhea, still happily re-amplifying and regurgitating it ad nauseum.
Climate change fear-mongering is directed by the UN - Turdo's favourite place - from the stink hole of Guterres himself.
These GreenFear-infected Bolsheviks are delusional, grasping at and spouting bizarre paranoid theories without concern for facts. The Democrats' perverted Trump impeachment fiasco {ie the Pelosi-Schiff abortion} clearly demonstrated that their penchant for propagating delusions and paranoid rhetoric far outweighs their ability to understand reality.
Speaking of abortions, that disgustingly evil Demotard creep Chuck Schumer uttered public threats against two U..S. Supreme Court Justices on Mar 4, 2020 while trying to incite a pro late-term / post-term-abortion-crazed mob outside of the Supreme Court building. The devolution of the deplorable Democrat party is in full display. By Oct 2020, this scumbag Schumer was attacking Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. We saw disgusting vile creatures such as Dianne Feinstein sliming Barrett - a SECOND TIME - for allegedly oozing religious 'pro life' 'dogma'. What insanity from hack Feinstein. Has anyone asked about Feinstein's own oozing of 'pro-death' 'religious dogma'?! Does this kind of religious bashing and trashing only apply to Christians, or is it a two-way street?? What ignorance and hypocrisy from the deluded democrat left.
Anyhow, let's read what the AP ( yes: the leftist AP!) wrote:
JOE BIDEN, comparing the Obama-Biden administration with now: “We increased the budget of the CDC. We increased the NIH budget. ... He’s wiped all that out. ... He cut the funding for the entire effort.”
THE FACTS: They’re both wrong to say the agencies have seen their money cut. Bloomberg is repeating the false allegation in a new ad that states the U.S. is unprepared for the virus because of “reckless cuts” to the CDC. Trump’s budgets have proposed cuts to public health, only to be overruled by Congress, where there’s strong bipartisan support for agencies such as the CDC and NIH. Instead, financing has increased.
Indeed, the money that government disease detectives first tapped to fight the latest outbreak was a congressional fund created for health emergencies.
The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.
So - despite the facts, which even AP had to grudgingly admit, that the CDC funding was NOT cut, the CBC was just hoping that their comments section on this story would have mentally ill people pretending that the opposite was true. And hey: it worked! The CBC got its propaganda! The CBC provided the setup, and the drooling Trump hatin' liars crawled out of the woodwork to spew their politicized hate. These commenters don't give shit about the victims: they're just using ANY victims, for their own political gain.
When John Colford asked "where's Trudeau in all this", the same hack Beatrice Darlene answered "Trudeau is not a doctor. Cheers". Wow - see that?! See how it works?! Cover up for Canada's Blackface Prince; yet, blame Trump (...why? because Trump is a doctor...? or because Trump isn't a doctor?!!!) Is Blackfaced Boy Blunder Turdeau "a doctor"?!!hahahahha!
Hey: whaddabout the old 'harper and science' meme -- well look no further: "David E Lee - The Stephan Harper school of science communication.- -" yes: the Trump-haters were even rolling out that old chestnut again ('Harper supposedly muzzling science' ) - when the AP fact check clearly did not find that this applied to Trump.
John Ibbitson in his Mar 14, 2020 Globe and Mail column, pretty much gave Turdo a blowjob, right there in the Globe's pages, panting heavily over Turdeau's supposedly masterful direction of Canada's Covid 19 response, while sneering at Trump's response!! Truly unbelievable propaganda!
CTV / BELL MEDIA propagandist Joy Melbon peddled her deceptions about Trump on a You Tube misinfomation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkmvB0JHrO0, titled "Trump expected to attack Biden's family during debate", posted just an hour prior to the Trump/Biden scheduled debate on Oct 22, 2020.
CTV / Bell Media/ Joy Melbon purposefully distort the real news - they create fake news, with fake distorted headlines, and publish it as if it was "news" on You Tube.
CTV lies and perverts the meaning of the word "attack": claiming that it is an 'attack' for Trump to ask Joe about Hunter Biden's laptop revelations. CTV is a network which has profited from peddling 'fake news' Trump attacks for years now.
Security agencies should be notified of the massive corporatist propaganda / foreign election interference effort underway by billionaire fifth columnists in Canada, such as CTV / Bell Media.
It was great to watch America's demented politician Joe Biden babbling and drooling in July 2020 (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWnwfSmdHjo) spreading more climate change lies!! Dementia-laden Biden now claims that "science tells us we have 9 years before the damage is irreversible". (...Also, regarding the Surfside condo collapse in 2021, Biden declared that it was all caused by - ya guessed it - 'climate change'...!...Y'see, Biden immediately 'knew' that it was NOT caused by 'design failures, shoddy construction, damage and neglect over the past 40 years' - but by global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!...)
Hey: maybe Canada's Cagiest Climatologist David Phillips knows - - - ohh... but no-one bothered to ask Cagey Dave either!!
The demented fool Biden is singing their tune! They utterly believe in their sick climatalarmist scenarios, and therefore, will never question Biden's insanity.