below: Mar.6, 2010 - looking west along the south side of Colborne St. towards Brant Ave.; #35 Colborne St. (which was the first building to be demolished in this project, on Jun.8, 2010) is the tall building seen standing in the distance.
A small part of #113 Colborne St. is seen at the very far left.
below: Aug.16, 2010 - looking west along the south side of Colborne St.; the green-brick wall seen at the bottom is a remnant of the east-side wall of #113 Colborne St. (which faced the Art Stanbridge Walkway)
Along the left, running into the distance, can be seen the long line where the foundations of the now-demolished buildings had met the city sidewalk.
below: Aug.13, 2010 - closer view of the top corner cornice at #113 Colborne St. Note that the cornice of this ca.1870's-built building is made of decorative stamped metal - perhaps it came from the Pressed Metal Showroom and factory in Parkdale (see here; here)?!
below: Aug.13. 2010 - looking at the east-side wall of #113 Colborne St. as seen from the walkway. The upper white door at the right was the entrance to #113 1/2 Colborne St. - here Dr. Bradley W. Linscott had opened his dental practice in 1906, which he ran for some 50 years!
below: Aug.13, 2010 - looking at the east-side wall of #113 Colborne St. from the Art Stanbridge walkway.
below: Mar.6, 2010 - looking towards Colborne St. from the east side of the Art Stanbridge walkway. The building at the left with the tall chimney is the rear of #115-117 Colborne St.
below: Mar.6, 2010 looking at the south side of Colborne St. from King St. The Esquire Theatre building is seen across the street, at the far left.
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