above: Feb.15, 2010 - looking east down Colborne St. in Brantford Ont. The four-storey building at the right (the 'Huntington Block', #35-39 Colborne St., built in 1867) would become the first building along this four-block-stretch of buildings to be demolished, on Jun.8, 2010.
above: same view, Jun.9, 2010 - the west-half (#35) of the Huntington Block has been demolished, exposing the centre-wall of the east-half (#39) of the building. Lamont Aluminum (building built 1913) is seen next to the east, with the blue sign.
above: Jun.14, 2010 - the east-half (#39) of the Huntington Block has been demolished; next to its east (at #41 Colborne St.) the old Lamont Aluminum store has also been demolished, and its site is shown being cleared. In a week, since the start of the demolition on Jun.8, 2010, three buildings so far have been demolished along this stretch, with some-38 more to go.
Above photos by R. Bobak.
For more photos, click 'Brantford Then and Now' link below.
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