This post walks along the south side of Queen St., in Niagara Falls, Ont., starting from Ontario Ave. in a westerly direction towards St. Clair Ave.
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below: Oct.4, 1964 - looking at the south-west corner of Queen St. and Ontario Ave., at the former (according to the Niagara falls Library Archives) Imperial Bank building. Burley Bros. menswear is at the bottom right. The IOOF logo is at the top of the building. Fraser and Fraser law offices are seen on the second floor.

above: Sept.28, 1965 - a closer view of Burley Bros. Menswear.
below: Jan.8, 1958 - Critelli's is seen at the bottom right (west). In the top right corner is the neon sign from Rainbow Bowling Lanes (which was across the street, on the north-west corner of Queen and Ontario)

above: an undated colour view of Critelli's, showing bold red accents on the modernized facade.

above: same view in front of the former Critelli building, before being painted green, as it was on Jun.23, 2008

Above: same view, Feb.5, 2009. Below: closer view of the building above at the right, as seen Dec.22, 2008.
Click on photos to enlarge!
below: Oct.4, 1964 - looking at the south-west corner of Queen St. and Ontario Ave., at the former (according to the Niagara falls Library Archives) Imperial Bank building. Burley Bros. menswear is at the bottom right. The IOOF logo is at the top of the building. Fraser and Fraser law offices are seen on the second floor.

below: Jan.8, 1958 - Critelli's is seen at the bottom right (west). In the top right corner is the neon sign from Rainbow Bowling Lanes (which was across the street, on the north-west corner of Queen and Ontario)

below: date unknown; the Imperial Bank building, at the far right, is seen on the south-west corner of Queen St. and Ontario Ave. The photo is looking south down an un-paved Ontario Ave., from the north side of Queen St. At the upper left is a wooden home on which site later would stand a Toronto Dominion Bank, and which would eventually make way for today's Hatch engineering building. On the bottom left lot (which is the north-east corner of Queen St. and Ontario Ave.) would later be built a Bank of Montreal building. At the bottom right eventually was built the Rainbow Lanes bowling alley.

below: Oct.4, 1964 - Burley Bros. is seen at the far left; next building to the right (west) of the Imperial Bank building was occupied by Critelli's Furniture showroom.

below: closer view of the bottom of the former Critelli building as seen Jun.5, 2009. A patio is now on the sidewalk.
below: Jan.8, 1958 - at the left is Critelli's; next to it is a laneway and another large three storey building with two storefronts; on its left side was what looks was a china shop, at the right was the Gay Brothers Bakery.

above: same view, Jul.15, 2009.
above: Feb.6, 2009 - looking at the west wall of the building where the Gay Brothers Bakery once was. Still visible is a now-fading remnant of a painted ad on the brick wall, reading "Eatmore Bread, Gay Brothers".
above: people standing in front of the Gay Brothers Bakery in 1925. There were three Gay Bros. Bakery locations in Niagara Falls: 412-414 Queen Street, 170 S Main Street, and 487 Victoria Avenue.
above: Feb.6, 2009, same area, continuing westward along Queen St. In the centre is the former Guaranty Trust building. At the far right is seen a three-storey building, which, as seen in the next shot below, was once the site of a one-storey building housing Walkwel Shoes.
above: Aug.19, 1961, the Guaranty Trust in centre. At left is Robert's Furs and Ladie's Wear; at the right is Walkwel Shoes.
above: Oct.4, 1964 - at the far left is Gay Bros. Bakery (with the ad painted on the brick wall high above); next is Robert's Furs and Ladie's Wear, with a neon sign above advertising Furs, Restyling, and Cold Storage; next again, Guaranty Trust. At the far right is the corner of Walkwel Shoes.
above: Dec.22, 2008 - there is now a Robert's Jewellers where Robert's Furs once was. Next towards the right (west), past the former Guaranty building, is a three-storey building: on the left side was where Walkwel Shoes once was; on the right, where Chabad is seen, was once Craig's Electric (see further below). At the far right, in a single-floor building, is Mendy's. (in Oct.2010 Druxy's Deli became the tenant there)
above: same view, Jun.4, 2009 - To the right (west) of the new Robert's is the corner of the former Guaranty Trust building.
above: Jan.8, 1958 - a building with three storefronts shows a shoe store (name unclear, ending in 'S', perhaps a precursor to Walkwel) at the far left (where Walkwel Shoes would later be); next is Craig's Electric; next is the Daisy Smart Shop. Next to the right (west) is then seen a two-storey building, Neill's Shoes, with two double windows upstairs, and a neon sign overhanging the sidewalk. At the right is seen Helen's Millinery and Specialty Shop, with a single-window law office upstairs.
above: Oct.4, 1964. Same area - the corner of the Guaranty Trust building is seen a bit more here, at the far left. Next, together in one structure are, from the east: Walkwel Shoes; then in centre, Craig's Electric; and at right, Franze Fashion Shoppe. Franze is now where Daisy's was.
above: same view, in colour, May, 1965. Guaranty Trust is at the far left, then Walkwel, then Craig's (with the round wringer-washers on display in the window), and Franze Fashion is at the right. This photo shows that black vitrolite faced all three store: Walkwel's only at the bottom, with a blue accent stripe, Craig's had a red accent, and Franze's had a cream stripe.
above: in this undated view, the building is seen modernized, the facade covered in siding. Walkwel's is still there, the former-Craig's now has Anderson Appliances in its stead, and Franze's storefront, in blue, is unnamed. The vitrolite has been covered, top and bottom, on all three.
above: Feb.6, 2009, same location. Mendy's is where Franze Fashions and the Daisy Smart Shop once were. Chabad (now in a three-floor building) was where Craig's Electric had once been. To the left (east) of Chabad was where Walkwel Shoes had once been. The red painted building at the far right, with the two double upper windows, was where Neill's Shoes, seen previously above, once was.
above: Oct.4, 1964 - continuing westward along Queen St., at the far left of the photo we see the corner vitrolite stripes of Franze's Fashion. Next to it is seen Venus Fashion Shoes; this is where Neill's Shoes had been previously. Next is seen Helen's Millinery, with its single upper window; and then we see Edd Master's Men's Shop, where upstairs was Hopkins Adjustment Bureau.
above: same view, in colour, taken May, 1965.
above: Sept.28, 1965; Helen's and Edd Master's have been recently "tudorized"(!). Venus Shoes at the far left, has been whitepainted.
above: same view, Sept. 1966.
above: same view, Dec.22, 2008 - Venus was once in the storefront at the far left, where the Butterfly Gallery is now seen; Helen's was in the centre, and Edd Master's was where The Perspective Art Gallery and School now is at the right.
Above: same building, Dec.22, 2008: Dorleen's was once at the left, Thorburn's was on the corner, at the right. A print shop and a radio station now occupy the building.
Below: June 6, 2017; the same corner building is getting a new foamboard and plaster facade.

below: Jun.23, 2008 - looking east down the south side of Queen St at a closer view of the front of Robert's Jewellers storefront under renovation; a spray painted sign on a piece of plywood reads "New home, home of Robert's Jewellers". The next storefront seen to the left was where the Gay Bros. bakery once was.

below: continuing westward along Queen St., this photo (date unknown) shows the corner of Edd Master's 'tudorized' facade at the far left. Next is seen a building in the midst of its own makeover. At the left, what looks like Dunn's Tailored Clothes is having work done on its sign. At the right is Martin Senour Paints. At the far right (west) is the corner of Dorleen's, farther to the west (out of frame) was Thorburn Drugs. (see also: Niagara Falls Then and Now: the A.C. Thorburn Drug Stores )

above: next to the right (west) of the Dorleen Shop was Thorburn's Drugs. (date of photo unknown)
below: the Martin Senour Paints storefront, seen earlier, is at the far left; next is seen the Dorleen Shop; next (on the south-east corner of Queen and St. Clair) is Thorburn's Drugs. Seen at the top right is a corner of the marquee sign of the Capitol (formerly Queen) Theatre, which stood across the street. (date of photo unknown)

Below: June 6, 2017; the same corner building is getting a new foamboard and plaster facade.
The older photos assembled in this study are from the Niagara Falls, Ont. Library Archives. The recent photos are by R. Bobak.
For more views on downtown Niagara Falls, Ontario, see the next part of this series at: Old storefronts on Queen St., Part Six
Or, go back to the beginning of this series at: PART ONE
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Or, go back to the beginning of this series at: PART ONE
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