Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Find the Fraud: fake news at the St. Catharines Standard! At the Toronto Star!

 VOA reported on Mar.16, 2021:

"The Washington Post has corrected a major story it published in January about the presidential election in the state of Georgia, saying it had “misquoted” then-President Donald Trump in a phone call with a state election official. In the December call, Trump was voicing his concerns about alleged fraud.

The original story, which was based on an anonymous source, said that in the call, Trump had told Georgia's top election official to “find the fraud” and that they’d be a “national hero” if they did.

On March 11, the Wall Street Journal revealed audio of the conversation, which showed Trump did not say those things. 

“Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator,” the Post wrote in its correction.

The recording revealed that the Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source. Trump did not tell the investigator to “find the fraud” or say she would be “a national hero” if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, asserting she would find “dishonesty” there. He also told her that she had “the most important job in the country right now.”

"Numerous national media outlets repeated the erroneous quotes, citing The Washington Post.

During the call, the former president did claim he had won Georgia and that “something bad” had happened with the election in the state.

“I can assure you that our team and the (Georgia Bureau of Investigation), that we are only interested in the truth and finding the information that is based on the facts,” the election official replied, according to the audio released by the Wall Street Journal.

Trump responded to the correction by calling the Post’s original reporting a “media travesty” but thanked the paper for correcting it..." 


A political lie was blatantly used, and then carelessly fluffed off. The Washington Post has again proven itself to be nothing more than a political propaganda outlet.

In Canada, hundreds of MSM's eagerly and happily reprinted the WaPo lies.

WaPo didn't need evidence, they just made it up. The Canadian lame-stream media lemmings didn't need evidence; they just mindlessly regurgitated the Wapo lies. The lies did the job. Just like the 'phone call to Ukraine's PM" which was used to {falsely} impeach Trump in early 2020: a lie based on nothing but Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just like Turdo's '3M mask ban to Canada' hoax: a baseless deception, diverting scrutiny of the negligent Turdo himself. 

   So will the MSM, which repeated the WaPo lie, now also retract the disinformation which they published??

....(by the way, in May 2024 --- yes, 2024! --- this same old Trump-Georgia-election deception was trotted out AGAIN, this time by Bill Maher, who was a guest on the Greg Gutfeld show. Maher shamelessly shat out the same drool!!!).

   The leftist/corporatist {fascist} propaganda conglomerate in Niagara, the Torstar/Niagara Dailies gang, happily spread fake news in their smug Anti-Trump political hit piece on Jan.15, 2021  in the pathetic St.Catharines Sub-Standard:

   "...Trump then tried to intimidate Georgia’s Republican secretary-of-state, Brad Raffensperger, to “find 11,780 votes” to help overturn the election result. When that scheme failed, Trump appealed directly to the grassroots supporters he had misled and misinformed for the previous two months..."

    Let's ask - seeing as this Niagara Dailies lie in the St.Catharines Standard was perpetrated only two months ago - how did David Peterson's corporate hit squad verify any of that?! It was a complete fabrication! 

    The TorStar marxist-factory didn't verify ANYTHING - and they actually COULDN'T - as it in fact was a lie all along. WaPo never heard the tape - so how could David Peterson's hit squad know anything??!!

    They were spouting bullsh!t. They MADE IT UP. No verified sources COULD be available, and THAT is what they were trading on: no real proof, just fake 'evidence'; just innuendo and conjecture portrayed as 'proof'. 

   Got it? The liars at the sick St.Catharines Standard reprinted lies, with no proof whatsoever - just fuelled by vile Trump hate. That was all that was needed, for this fake David Peterson 'journalism' to exist.

The St. Catharines Standard and Niagara Dailies were publishing FAKE NEWS.

   They were trading on the chance that NO evidence could possibly exist, which would show that in fact Trump DID NOT do what the WaPo claimed he did.

(Just like Vindman claimed (falsely) that he had 'evidence' that Trump did something wrong in the Ukraine call, and the fool Schiff immediately jumped at this deception and started spouting his lies within hours of the call, relying on the calculation that neither Trump, nor the Ukrainian PM, would ever release the entire phone conversation tape.)

(Thankfully, the demented congenital liar Adam Schiff would finally get kicked off the Intel committee in Jan. 2023, soon after the newly-elected Republican-majority House of Reps. took office. Schiff got away with endless lies while in office, while sitting as the Intel chair. A pathetic, traitorous moron, Schiff was lionized by Niagara's f-cked up leftist media.)

But both leaders (Trump and Zelensky) DID release it the next day, and blew the wind out of Schiff's sick lie. The Demotards really had to go into their demented song and dance routine, to bolster their lie, after the tape was actually released. They were planning it would NEVER be released, and therefore, they'd have a path to an unchallengeable impeachment... all really based on a lie.)

Similarly, that's what WaPo did as well, and then, literally thousands of uninformed lemming hack msm's reprinted WaPo's lie -  including the pieces of sh!t fake-news peddlers in Niagara.


610 CKTB AM "I heart radio" Jan 4, 2021 in Niagara {a CORUS / Bell Media corporate propaganda outlet which bills itself as "newstalk" radio, but in this case, was "610 CKTB Fake News talk radio" or simply "CKTB BullCrap radio"} also cited "Canadian Press" lies about Trump, spouting this preciously smug headline: "PRESIDENT TRUMP, ON TAPE, PRESSES GA. OFFICIAL TO 'FIND' HIM VOTES". (The headline, the content, the entire story: simply bald faced lies!)

    "President Donald Trump pressured Georgia's Republican secretary of state to ``find'' enough votes to overturn Joe Biden's win in the state's presidential election, repeatedly citing disproven claims of fraud and raising the prospect of ``criminal offence'' if officials did not change the vote count, according to a recording of the conversation.

The phone call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Saturday was the latest step in an unprecedented effort by a sitting president to pressure a state official to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election that he lost. The president, who has refused to accept his loss to Democratic president-elect Biden, repeatedly argued that Raffensperger could change the certified results..."

"610 AM I heart fake news" clearly claimed that they had evidence Trump did / said something "on tape".

But, WHERE was the evidence "on tape"?

Did the fakers from CORUS / Bell Media play the tape which they used to smear the U.S. President??

Did anybody from "610 AM fake news radio" ever HEAR the tape, which they claim showed some kind of criminality by Trump??!!

The "610 AM Misinformation Network" was citing a tape which neither they, not anyone else, had actually heard, and used this as their jumping off point to spew Anti-Trump propaganda, and thereby interfere in the U.S. election process.

Any apologies being offered by this corporate gang of fake news disseminators? 

Ironically: it was 610 AM 's OWN FAKE NEWS THAT WAS A FRAUD.


  On Feb. 26, 2021, the Toronto Star (the same corporate fascist klan of the Niagara Dailies / St. Catharines Standard political propaganda machine) published lies written by AP's Kate Brumbach on the Trump/Georgia issue.

  On or around Mar 16, 2021, the Toronto Star  (hard to say when, as David Peterson doesn't specifically date the apologies for stories his fascist organization has to apologize for...) had to write this correction regarding what they FALSELY wrote back in another story (same Trump-Georgia issue) from Jan.9, 2021:

    "ATLANTA - In a story January 9, 2021, about a phone call between then-President Donald Trump and a lead Georgia elections investigator, The Associated Press, based on information provided by a source, erroneously reported that Trump pressed the investigator to “find the fraud” and said it would make the investigator a national hero. A recording of the call made public two months later revealed that Trump did not say either and instead said that if the investigator looked into Fulton County the investigator would “find things that are gonna be unbelievable.” Trump also told the investigator: “When the right answer comes out, you’ll be praised.” "

     Yes: the fascists at the Toronto Star were caught peddling FAKE NEWS. 

     Believe it, Kathy English: the Toronto Star happily writes FAKE NEWS.

     The utter irony of a fake-news-spreading organization projecting their virtue by not only denying that they do so, but doing it repeatedly while simultaneously presenting a façade claiming not only that they "don't make stuff up", but that they will somehow 'help' you in determining if news from others is fake or not!! 

     THAT is some complicated, pretzel-ized, multi-level cognitive dissonance and intellectual fraud goin' on!! Or it could be just plain ole propaganda... eh, Kathy? Years later, and the Toronto Star Fake News Factory is still spreading the fakery, and still peddling the lies!!! Looks like Kathy was spreading fake news about spreading fake news!!! 'Fake news' much, Kathy?? Doubling-down on the TorStar fakery?!!

     For cryin' out loud - the TorStar Fake News Factory wasn't even capable of discerning the fake news THEY THEMSELVES were HAPPILY, UNQUESTIONINGLY, regurgitating from WaPo!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Chris Bittle's and Vance Badawey's latest Canadian Liberal government lie: blaming Mulroney for Justin Trudeau's covid incompetence

    After Canada's Turdeau Liberals and their Liberal media friends created their 'Trump 3M mask ban' hoax in 2020, now in Mar. 2021 we see that Canada's Covid Killer Trudeau is lying about his role in creating the vaccine disaster in Canada, blaming everyone else but himself.

   We see that Turdo could not understand what a virus was, back in early 2020, smugly ridiculing Trump for shutting down flights from China. Turdo was incapable of recognizing a pandemic - all Turdo and his delusional band  of Libscum were able to recognize was a chance to slime Trump with their usual leftist-identity-politics attacks. Turdo only understood politics, not science. Turdo negligently kept Canada's borders open - even at Roxham Rd., where anyone could just walk in unchecked - while smugly deriding Trump as a xenophobe racist who didn't understand science. Yet - when Turdo finally did the SAME thing, no one called Turdo a science-impaired hatemongering black-faced xenophobe.

(...By the way, the Toronto Sun reported on Jan.23, 2023 that Turdo let in a total of 4,689 illegals enter Canada at Roxham Rd. - and this is in ONE month, in Dec.2022!! 

The Sun also reported that this one-month total for Dec. 2022 was MORE than had crossed Roxham Rd. during the entire year of 2021!! During the 2022 year, a total of 31,171 illegals crossed the Roxham Rd. border...)

   Soon after, Turdeau's negligence in giving away Canada's stockpile of masks to China, directly led to a looming shortage - which the Liberals (to deflect from Turdo's incompetence) created into another anti-Trump meme. The Liberals and the press happily spread a conspiracy theory (not banned by Twatter... hahah!!) that 'Trump banned mask exports to Canada'.

   In fact what happened, was that in Mar. 2020 Trudeau REFUSED to accept Honeywell's help in getting a reliable mask supply, but was gaming to make an insider deal with 3M . Creating a lie that Trump 'banned masks to Canada' was a MANUFACTURED POLITICAL DISTRACTION from Trudeau's OWN negligence. It was Trudeau's Liberals who in effect BANNED HONEYWELL MASKS FROM CANADA. We didn't know about this until just recently in early 2021 -  that was kept as a handy secret by Canada's leftist paid-for presstitutes. Lots of bj's for dementia-laden Biden and fawning praise for 'hero' Turdo, though...

   Every step of the way, from Jan. 2020 onwards, Turdeau's bumbling, negligent Liberals were failing Canadians.

   So, it is NO surprise - again - to see yet ANOTHER covid-related fiasco cocked up by Turdo's Libscum, this time on the vaccine front. 

   And again, we see the same by-now-familiar-pattern of lies and deceptions shat out by Trudeau's  Liberal Covid Criminals. 

   Now, the latest Liberal meme / lie is bizarrely blaming MULRONEY for Turdo's own incompetence.

   This delusional, desperate behaviour is rather hard to believe, until you step back and realize that if Turdo's Liberals say something, it's bound to be a deception, where major other pieces of the story have been covered up. That has been Trudeau's standard operating procedure since day one. Always spouting some lie, some deception, some spin on the truth. 

     Licia Corbella dissected this latest Liberal deceptive meme in her Mar. 20, 2021 Calgary Herald , story, headlined: 

   Corbella: Trudeau's blaming of Mulroney on vaccine problems delusional, say experts

   "For months now, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has blamed everyone for Canada’s trickle of COVID-19 vaccines but himself.

   Trudeau and his ministers have gone so far as to blame former Progressive Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney — who was prime minister from 1984 to 1993 — for the privatization, or “the selling off“, of Connaught Laboratories. What he fails to mention is that Connaught Labs didn’t go anywhere. It’s now part of Sanofi Pasteur, the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines. The Connaught Campus in Toronto accounts for one-fifth of the company’s global vaccine sales.  

   Experts in Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry — as opposed to the generic pharmaceutical industry — says Trudeau’s attempt to pin the blame on Mulroney or a more recent Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, is ironic, because were it not for Mulroney, the innovative industry likely wouldn’t exist here at all.

    Paul Lucas, who was president and CEO of GlaxoSmithKline Canada from 1994 to 2012, started speaking out and wrote an opinion piece in the Financial Post after he heard federal Liberal Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Dominic LeBlanc being interviewed on CTV’s Power Play with Evan Solomon, saying that GlaxoSmithKline had closed its manufacturing facility for vaccines during Harper’s Conservative government, which is false.

   “This facility didn’t close, it’s still producing most of the flu vaccine for Canada on an annual basis,” Lucas said during a recent telephone interview.

   “I’ve been very concerned and frankly upset about the lies that are coming from the federal government about this whole (COVID vaccine) file,” says Lucas, who was integral to the production and distribution of the Canadian vaccine for the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. All of the vaccine for that outbreak was produced in the GSK factory in Quebec City.

   “Trudeau has badly botched Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine procurement,” states Lucas.

   “First, he blamed Harper for his own failings. Then he blamed Mulroney and then he blamed the provinces. Then he actually turned on his own vaccine task force. He blamed them for about a day or two. Then he blamed the companies — Pfizer for delaying the delivery of its vaccines in January,” explains Lucas.

   “So, you know it’s been a blame game from their end, and he’s got, you know, 50 per cent support of the population in Ontario, so that’s absolutely astonishing to me,” says Lucas, “because people are dying because of his government botching this so badly.”

   Canada is at the back of the line in the industrialized world and is even behind some developing countries because Trudeau’s government signed a deal with CanSino Biologics and the Chinese military to develop a COVID-19 vaccine in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Given the toxic state of Canada-China relations and the propensity of China to steal intellectual property and break deals, it was a bizarre partnership.

   On May 16, 2020, Trudeau announced that the federal department of health had entered into a deal with CanSino. According to documents obtained by Calgary Conservative MP and Opposition Health Critic Michelle Rempel Garner, three days later the government learned the deal fell apart.

   Despite knowing on May 19 that China was breaking its deal with Canada, the Trudeau government waited until the end of August to enter into vaccine contracts with Pfizer, far behind other countries. On July 16, Trudeau pretended that the partnership with China was still a go.

   According to Our World in Data, as of March 17, Canada ranks 51st in terms of the percentage of citizens (1.62 per cent) who have been vaccinated with at least one shot against COVID-19 — well behind Israel (48.68 per cent), Chile (13.22 per cent), the U.S. (12.18 per cent) and even Morocco (5.8 per cent).

   Lucas says not only did Mulroney not destroy the innovative pharmaceutical industry in Canada, he has really been its only champion by bringing in Bill C-22 in 1987 and later Bill C-91 in 1992.

   That legislation promoted intellectual property by protecting drug patents for up to 20 years, which led to billions of dollars of investment, research and development to flood into Canada, says Lucas.

   So vital were the Mulroney government’s regulatory changes in creating a modern and viable innovative Canadian pharmaceutical industry, that in 2007 he was awarded the Health Research Foundation’s Medal of Honour — placing him in the distinguished company of Nobel laureate Dr. Charles Best, co-discoverer of insulin; Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin; Dr. Wilder Penfield, founder of the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University; and other R&D heavy hitters.

   Back in 1968, explains Lucas, then prime minister Pierre Trudeau got rid of patents for pharmaceuticals in Canada, which led to the decline of the innovative pharmaceutical industry in Canada and caused the growth of the generic pharmaceutical industry, “which was in the pockets of the federal Liberal party” and led to Canada having the highest generic drug prices in the OECD.

  “The Liberal party was always very opposed to the innovative pharmaceutical industry and Mulroney was really the guy who tried to turn it around, and he did, but the Liberals came back in with (prime minister Jean) Chretien (in 1993) and we were back in the Dark Ages,” explains Lucas, who says he can speak openly because he retired in 2012.

   He says, “Harper improved things by passing new data protection laws, which helped the industry in terms of intellectual property protection.

   “Now this Trudeau government’s come in and I mean, they’ve been anti-, anti-, anti-innovative pharmaceutical industry,” says Lucas.

   When Mulroney ushered in “Canada’s golden age for bio-technology in Canada,” he brought in the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, (PMPRB), which ensured there was a balanced ceiling to what companies could charge for their new medicines to protect consumers but also to encourage more research and development.

   Lucas says Trudeau’s government appears poised to put the final nail in the coffin of the innovative industry by making amendments to the PMPRB’s Patented Medicines Regulation, which has been delayed twice, and is now expected to come into effect on July 1.

   “This law may be the point of no return for Canada and the innovative pharmaceutical industry,” concludes Lucas. “I hate to say that, but it could very well be the last straw in the relationship between the innovative industry and this country.”

   Pamela Fralick, president of Innovative Medicines Canada, says as the industry’s representative in Canada, they have tried to get the ear of the federal government, to no avail.

   “The cost containment measures in these new regulations are so extreme, as third-party assessments have determined them to be, it really is going to put Canadians at a huge disadvantage for gaining access to the most innovative drugs that are out there,” says Fralick, who was the president and CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society before joining IMC.

   “This year alone, 39 new medications — for the treatment of cancer, Parkinson’s, and HIV, to name a few — have not been submitted to Health Canada for approval due to the uncertainty created by this proposed policy change,” she adds.

   “It takes on average about $2.5 billion to bring a product to market and usually 10 to 15 years, so it’s a lot of time and a lot of risk,” she explains.

   “Most of the research and the products these companies produce never make it, so when you make something that does, you have that 20 years of patent protection to bring it to market and recoup your investment.”

   When was the last time, asked Fralick, that the generic pharmaceutical industry created a new vaccine? “Of course it doesn’t happen. That’s an oxymoron. They don’t do innovative work, so if you want innovation — vaccines for COVID-19, for example — you need to have the innovative pharmaceutical world being very functional and vibrant.”

   Thankfully, many other countries are not so antagonistic to the industry or the world would be stuck in COVID-19 lockdowns for years to come.

   “Our concerns about the federal government’s new regulations is that they go far too far in cost containment and they don’t respect or I guess even accept that maybe Canada should want these companies to invest in this country. We already do invest a lot, by the way, but we could compete globally for a lot more investment if we had an environment that was a little bit more favourable to the innovative business,” said Fralick, adding that the industry employs 30,000 Canadians in high-paying jobs and contributes $19 billion to the Canadian economy.

   She says over a time span of two years, 30 global CEOs from multinational pharmaceutical companies have written to Trudeau four times seeking a meeting — from February 2018 to February 2020 — just weeks before COVID-19 started to wreak havoc on countries outside of China where it originated.

   “Not only didn’t they get a meeting, the prime minister never even responded. For the first letter, what we got back was an unsigned memo from the correspondence unit of the strategic policy branch of Health Canada,” says Fralick. For the other three letters, Trudeau’s office never responded at all, neither did his health minister.

   Is it any wonder Trudeau was so hesitant to pick up the phone and call Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, when shipments of its COVID-19 vaccine were delayed in January as the company expanded the capacity of its plant in Belgium?

   “So, whether it’s Pierre Trudeau, or Justin Trudeau or whether it’s Jean Chretien, they just have not been open to the idea of a vibrant life sciences sector,” says Fralick, and that affects the entire “ecosystem” of the sector, from little startups, like Calgary’s Providence Therapeutics or Vancouver’s AbCellera.

   One current pharmaceutical executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said: “Every time Trudeau tries to blame Mulroney for his own government’s failures in procuring COVID vaccines in a timely manner, my colleagues and I all think, ‘Can you believe this guy? He can say white is black and black is white and no one challenges him.”

  Lucas says you’d think Trudeau and his ministers would have learned about the importance of the innovative pharmaceutical industry as a result of this pandemic.

  “There’s no relationship between Trudeau’s government and the industry. It’s worse than non-existent — it’s hostile as a result of the federal government’s attitude,” says Lucas.

   So, not only are Canadians at the back of the line for life-saving and economy-boosting vaccines, but Trudeau’s hostility to the life-sciences industry is also killing off our potential of fighting off future pandemics and building a lucrative industry at the same time that can help the whole world.

  Too bad there’s no vaccine to inoculate us all against this kind of government incompetence."


  We have an old and effective vaccine (of sorts): it's called voting. We have the chance to boost this inoculation every 4 years or so.

   We need to vote out the incompetent and dangerous clowns such as Justin Trudeau, Chris Bittle, Vance Badawey, and the rest of their negligent Liberal brigade. That's the only way to stop the infection of Liberal incompetence. 

  The Liberal-besotted Borg-like Niagara press (the propaganda machine 'Torstar / Niagara dailies') will never ask Bittle or Badawey whether they too believe their Dear Leader's delusion that their collective Liberal incompetence was caused by Mulroney. We will go through an entire election where the Bittle/Badawey bullshi!t is buried. "


Into 2024, Canadians continue to suffer under the unbelievable incompetence of Trudeau's Liberals, who are aided and abetted by the scummy NDP.  We see the Liberal's ArriveCan scandal boiling over (National Post, Feb.15, 2024, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BorglL-7coY) and we see also that Turdo's Liberal scammers are now being sued for their covid-mask escapades (Global News, Feb. 14, 2024, see https://globalnews.ca/news/10295442/covid-protective-equipment-makers-lawsuit-canada/)

Remember how the Trudeau-loving-press happily pushed a bizarre covid lie that Canada - under Trudeau - was running out of PPE during the covid outbreak, and that Trump 'banned mask exports to Canada'??!?

 Now, in 2024, we finally get to hear what the incompetent, negligent Liberals actually did, as far as the PPE manufacturers are concerned. That a story such as this would appear in the wake of the covid crisis is NOT unexpected. The fallout from Trudeau's Liberal covid disaster is monstrous.

We saw clearly that Trudeau and his Liberal lapdog-press were lying, manufacturing a fantastic fable that Trump was to blame for the mask shortage in Canada - and that Turdo was a hero who stood up against Trump. This hogwash was spread far and wide by the Canadian press, in order to deflect our attention from how incompetent Trudeau's Liberals were in maintaining Canada's PPE supply. Trump had nothing to do with it. Who did? Well, ask the Badabittle Boys. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

JustinTrudeau lies - AGAIN - on CBC's televised debate, Oct.7, 2019

    It's debatable whether there was an actual debate held on the CBC's two hour-televised 'election debate' show on Oct.7, 2019. The format was not conducive to debate, but to mere sound bites. Allowing 40 seconds or so for any candidate to provide an informative answer on anything isn't helpful for a debate. The format ought to have been better, on that almost anyone who saw the debate could agree.

   At any rate, it is interesting to note how the majority of main stream media refused to highlight portions such as where Scheer zinged Trudeau, telling him that if he's so enamoured with provincial politics, there is an opening in the Ontario Liberal party for him. The studio audience behind Trudeau sat stone faced - appearing that they were insulted at this !!! - while others in the audience raised a cheer.

   Of course, this was in reference to Trudeau's incessant references to Doug Ford (who WAS NOT running for anything!!), but who had won a decisive majority in Ontario, reducing Ontario's Liberal party to a rump without even official party status. (Yes: that's how badly Jim Bradley and his gang of Liberal liars did in Ontario)

   Ignoring that Jim Bradley's Liberal Ontario-destroying disaster was fomented by the same buttholes who are now helping Trudeau destroy Canada, Trudeau was bizarrely infatuated with Ford (and Harper!) on the campaign trail.

  When Scheer brought up the fact that Trudeau had lied about the SNC Globe and Mail story (which broke on Feb.7, 2019) being false, Trudeau AGAIN lied about it on the debate, again saying - as he had originally in Feb. - that the Globe and Mail story STILL IS a lie!!

  It was an unbelievable statement - completely detached from reality.
  Trudeau's lying and his cognitive dissonance here is stunning.
Yet: the imbeciles who love Trudeau's coloured socks and coloured shoe-polish and ignore this clown's blackface racism, can't get enough of his interpretation of reality.

  He was found guilty of violating Canada's ethics laws twice - and still refused to actually acknowledge that he did anything inappropriate. He fired JWR for "protecting jobs"?! That's a lie which even SNC refuted!!

  That Trudeau is STILL lying in October, insisting that February's Globe story was false (...and therefore, that reporter Fife is a liar... really, Justin?) - despite what we since learned, that it clearly was not false - immediately raises questions about Trudeau's mental stability.

  Why did Canada's MSM not follow up on Trudeau's insane doubling down on his original lie?!
MOST Canadian media ignored Trudeau's continual lies and distortions.

 I noticed that Andrew Coyne brought this very same observation up on the CBC's At Issue panel (CBC nightly national news, Oct.8, 2018) the next day after the televised debate. But boy, did they ever quickly gloss over that - the host Rosemary Barton said nothing, Chantal Hebert said nothing, and Althia Raj said nothing about Trudeau's desperate, long-running lie, either.
Coyne was there with 3 mutes beside him.
Althia was there last night when Trudeau lied - she was one of the debate moderators  - and it was on the CBC!! Barton was there as well, and she was one of the moderators!!
Yet; wow - now, a day later, it's as if it had never happened.

   Canada's blackface-pasted Prime Minister LIES AGAIN - during CBC's nationally televised debate, 2 weeks before the election - and, yet the very next day, not one of the other CBC panellists had anything else to add to Coyne's quick observation. (...it's surprising that Coyne didn't later find a horse's head in his bed, courtesy of  the Libranos...)
   Then of course, the CBC merrily went on to interview imbeciles who clearly hated Scheer and said they'll vote for Trudeau. (Yep - Fake news much, Andrew Chang?! C'mon!!)

   The green succubus Elizabeth May also seemed impaired, not only infected with GreenFear-doomsday paranoia, but crazily accusing Singh of wanting to build an oil refinery in Alberta - yet, the confused May (...was she drunk? High on Trudeau's spliffs??) was actually citing HER OWN party's platform... wtf was THAT all about?

   Global reported May's claim back on May 27, 2019 that her Green Party wanted to build oil upgraders for Alberta bitumen!!

    Yet, Canada's MSM refused to examine what the confused May was saying.
    Hey Lizzie: we bet YOU aren't going to be PM anytime soon.

    Then, we learned through the  Oct.11, 2019 National Post that the piece of sh!t CBC suddenly, 10 days before the election, decided to sue the Conservative party for using clips from the CBC debates in their ads. Unreal. The CBC was specifically suing on behalf of Rosemary Barton: the SAME host who REFUSED to discuss Turdo's doubling down (which he did during the Oct.7, 2019 CBC nationally broadcast debate) on the original lie he made in Feb. 2019, that the Globe and Mail SNC story was"false".

    Yep: Turdo lied on the CBC, and Rosemary Barton refused to even comment on it when Coyne happened to mention it on the At Issue news segment the next day. (Barton, the hack host, quickly moved on from Coyne's comment)
NOW, the CBC on behalf of this clown Barton, is suing the Conservatives - for using content which every Canadian paid for. The CBC is rife with phony reporters who aren't journalists, but are propagandists who are 'news shapers'.
By the way, CBC uses video clips of Scheer and other politicians all the time. Maybe the Conservatives should sue the CBC and Barton - for using 'unauthorized videos' on the news.
This is the bizarre fascism which Canada now faces under the Dark Days Of Turdo, when the desperate bolsheviks and their gang members try to consolidate power.
Nasty FLICKIN' stuff.

    As Howard Kirshenbaum commented "This lawsuit and the claims by the CBC are nonsense for exactly the same reasons that the CBC, or a talk show, can't be sued for excerpting and quoting Scheer or the Conservative Party. Their opinions of Trudeau or specific policies are public interest, subject to fair comment, not insulated from scrutiny or use or even satire, a political right, by le "droit moral" or copyright. It in any event was paid for by the public, in any event is partisan and political opinion, not art; and to suggest it is immune to re-publication and use, even abuse, is beyond arrogance to idiocy ie pure CBC"

    Barton the disgusting hack should be counter-sued for not doing her job as a journalist.
The Prime Minister of Canada lied on a CBC media event which Barton MODERATED - and yet, the very next day, Barton sat as the CBC's 'news' host of the At Issue panel, and she REFUSED to delve into what Turdo had done!!
Barton and the CBC are just propagandists!!
WTF are we paying Barton's fat cat salary for???
This was pure dereliction of duty by Barton; purely politically motivated: as was this subsequent CBC lawsuit.

   The (phony) journalist Barton refused to go there, because it would make Justin look bad. The CBC NEEDS CASH from the Liberals, and NEEDS to have Liberals in power. It is in the CBC's favour and in their self-interest, to play down anything negative about Trudeau, as much as they can.

    Let's remember that Barton, on the Oct. 8 At Issue segment, did not mention a thing about Trudeau lying again regarding the G and M SNC story being untrue. It was Coyne who brought it up - unprompted by Barton nor any of the other 2 panelists.
Barton DID NOT bother to follow up on Coyne's observation.
And then we find out that this hack Barton several days later went on to sue - at taxpayer's expense?!!!! - the Conservatives?! Yet, LOOK AT THE INHERENT BIAS WHICH BARTON was demonstrating here on Oct.8!

   How long had this lawsuit been in the works, BEFORE it was made public?
When Barton was doing her At Issue hosting on Oct.8, had she already started legal proceedings against the Conservatives??
If so, BARTON SHOULD HAVE IMMEDIATELY BEEN REMOVED FROM HER JOB until the lawsuit she initiated, had been settled. (..and now that the lawsuit IS public, BARTON should be removed from all duties immediately.)
Everything the propagandist Andrew Chang lies about, Barton has just undermined.
You can't believe a word Chang says, when Barton's down the hall in her office creating fake news and suing politicians during an election and pretending there is no built-in bias at the CBC!!

    Biased Barton has tainted and discredited herself completely. This stank ain't gonna wash off; this is a permanent stain. What an effing CBC joke this is.
This is a seriously demented perversion of the free press going on here. Barton's gonna libel-chill the Conservatives - - - while she herself thinks nothing of censoring news and commentary about the sitting PM's lies - news and commentary which may be favourable to the conservatives  - and to EVERY OTHER federal political group, as well!

    Any counter lawsuit against Biased Barton and the CBC should definitively cite Barton's biased incompetence as shown on the Oct. 8 At Issue segment.
BARTON SUPPRESSED THE NEWS!! (...anyone not seeing the actual debate the night before, who watched the At Issue panel for an impartial summary, was given a deceptive, dishonest view by Barton's handling of the subject - just the way the CBC likes it --- no fake CBC 'news' eh, Andrew Chang?!
BARTON BUTCHERED THE MEANING of  news and of journalistic integrity.
BARTON REFUSED to further examine Coyne's observation, and just moved on, almost as if she didn't hear what Coyne had said.

    But she had heard, didn't like it, and refused to do any follow up, refused to ask Hebert and Raj to specifically comment on Trudeau's double-down. Barton essentially censored the story by squelching any possible further discussion, as it was happening.

    Of course, as all this goes on, the CBC has also been flooding the tv airwaves with ads using Andrew Chang to earnestly tell us oh how great and wonderful and wise and helpful the CBC is, in order to 'help' us make the right, informed decision on election day!! This is laughable if it wasn't so pathetically and blatantly calculated.
   Chang's vomitous lies and distortions are backed up with nonsensical visuals, among which are images of melting glaciers!!
 YEP: that's what it has come to - pure CBC lies and chicanery. And fraudsters like Chang - 
 who just recently in a (fake) news story, was telling us nonchalantly that "climate change is real", in order to boost some deceptive climatalarismist story he was introducing. 
    That's urinalism, not journalism: and that's today's CBC - selling political piss disguised as news!!! 
Chang's another creep that ought to be fired along with Barton, and literally hundreds of other CBC GreenFear-infected political hacks.
    Then there was good ole Dwight Drummond, hosting his Our Toronto CBC tv segment on Oct 12, 2019, blabbing with 4 GreenFear-infected bobble heads whining about AGW climate change as if it was real. Dwight (...again, note how the textbook lies are perpetuated) is also taking a political piss here, never asking any of his climate alarmist/doom spreaders to actually provide their "evidence" of AGW. Dwight doesn't ask, because his employers directed him to pretend that "it's all settled" and  therefore, these idiots blather on about their shared delusion and their fantastic socialist 'solutions' (to a 'problem' which has nothing to do with AGW, but has a lot to do with marxism)
     So while Rosemary Barton and the CBC sue Conservatives, the CBC, using Drummond and others, just keeps keep doubling down on the GreenFear lie. 
     What is the CBC's underlying message, which Drummond, Barton, Chang and the GreenFear gang are ALL peddling: it's their 'green virtue', their elitism, their politics, their not so well hidden hate for conservatism. They peddle this vitriol openly on the public CBC broadcast network. 
   Drummond had no intention of even hinting at balance or truth or impartiality here - it was a joke, and, it illustrates what the CBC has become, an insulated choir of climate change infected clowns singing a cacophony of doom to themselves in a silo.
    Without challenge, their delusions are self reinforced to the point where they become detached from reality. 
   There is a mass-hysteria at play here, with wild alarmist claims being thrown around about 'extinction' and the 'end of the world' and the 'dying planet is on fire' and 'climate crisis emergencies'... all conjured up in the GreenFear-infected mind as if it was a a reality. 
  Sacks of crap such as Elizabeth May and Jagmeet Singh (and Turdo, Climate Barbie... let's not forget Good Ole Grampa Of GreenFear, Jim Bradley!) live from the avails of prostituting GreenFear-paranoia. 
   Drummond didn't question the premise of AGW, and wasn't interested in anything of substance. (By asking questions, he could have very quickly brought to light the insane climate paranoia which was bubbling within his panelists). 
   But Drummond didn't bother; he encouraged and enabled the climate lie to fester, unquestioned, and let the deluded participants continue building their hoax-based narrative. He's as fake as his guests.
     But the CBC is not the only broadcaster doling out GreenFear: on TVO, the day before, on Oct.11, 2019, Steve Paikin was busily spreading... (again... and again... and again...) the climate change hoax as well, with his cabal of  GreenFear-spreaders, including Abreau. It was the usual climate claptrap, the usual marxism, the usual politics disguised as being 'science'. 

     On Oct 12, 2019, in this fast moving story, the CBC apparently changed the story, now saying that it -the CBC - is the only party suing the conservatives, and that Barton is NOT involved!!!
Whether Barton was originally part of this action or not, isn't clear. We'll never know whether Barton was privately filing lawsuits against a political party, while the CBC was peddling a lie that they are 'impartial'. 
    Very scummy way of dealing with things. It certainly would have raised huge issues of impartiality had Barton continued with this, and it is a good thing she isn't. Doing so would have sealed the coffin on her 'career'. She is now free to smear conservatives once more! Hurrah!! Great move, CBC!  haha: the CBC will never sue Trudeau for lying on their debate!!
     Of course, this doesn't in any way change the fact that Barton was acting in biased manner in her At Issue hosting duties, and doesn't change the fact that pretty much every CBC 'personality' exudes hates for conservatism and for anyone who disagrees with their 'virtuous' stand on climate change. That's the inherent undercurrent, the subtext, in practically ANYTHING the CBC does. 

Update: the SNC affair came up again on Sept. 11, 2021, during the federal election. YES: the same thing, the same arc of smug Liberal obfuscation, the same Turdo lies repeated again - in 2021!! 
This was prompted by  a release of an excerpt from Raybould's upcoming memoir.  She wrote: "I knew what he {Trudeau} was really asking. What he was saying. In that moment, I knew he wanted me to lie — to attest that what had occurred had not occurred. ... Lie to protect a Crown government acting badly; a political party; a leader who was not taking responsibility.”

Wilson-Raybould resigned from cabinet the next day and was followed out the door by then-health minister Jane Philpott before the two were booted from the Liberal caucus. The affair later led to the resignation of Trudeau’s principal secretary, Gerald Butts, and Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick."

Yes: Canada's Covid Criminal, Canada's Blackfaced Boy Blunder, Canada's ethically-challenged Clown Ponce, wants us to forget about his incompetency, and still even on Sept. 11, 2021, Turdo continues to slime Raybould as a liar. 

   It was hilarious to see the deceptive spin which Adam Carter was trying to peddle on Global's Focus Ontario joke of a show on Oct.13, 2019. Carter was making a big deal of asking 'where is Doug Ford' in Scheer's campaign'. 
Yet, urinalist Carter did not similarly ask 'where is Kathleen Wynne in Trudeau's campaign?' or 'Where is Dalton McGuinty in Trudeau's campaign'?!
You know, Adam: those Liberals, those great pals of Trudeau's, whose focus was to destroy Ontario; those Ontario Liberals whose party self-destructed and crashed down in flames to non-party status? Those Ontario Liberals {whom Turdo loved to hug}, who had the same Butt-holes advising them to destroy Ontario, who then moved on, like a plague, to help Blackface Turdo destroy Canada? 
THOSE Liberals, Adam: where are they during Blackface's campaign?!?!
How many Telford bucks went into producing this Global slime? At Focus is out of focus.
Carter also claimed that 'housing was a top issue' during the federal campaign, when really, IT WASN'T, and ISN'T.
This is more deceptive Global spin. 
The MAIN issue - almost every day - is about incessantly pushing the "climate change" hoax - not healthcare, not out of control immigration, not out of control debt, spending and taxation, and not housing! These are all minor footnotes in the 2019 election campaign; the over-riding issue has been manufactured and presented to us as a phony 'climate crisis', Adam. 
Did you examine that, Adam?! Global has been spreading climate change GreenFear for years now. 
  Check your employer's records, Adam; then, check even YOUR OWN records, Adam: count all those "housing crisis stories" which you and Global... umm reported... and then compare them to ALL THE CLIMATE CHANGE hoax stories which Global has shat out!!
  And why are you even on this program, Benzie?!  Have you no real journalism to practice, instead of participating in this televised pablum??
   It's darn funny how the CBC, on their Oct. 14, 2019 nightly nationally broadcast news, was showing video clips of some guy walking into an advance polling station, talking with the clerks, and going up to the screen to vote, then waving his folded ballot around in the air as he returned it back to the ladies at the desk - when we have all been told that NO CAMERAS are allowed inside polling stations. 
    This apparently was in one of the 2 Burnaby B.C. polling stations, at the desk where the  vote in poll 116 was being held.
The face of the voter (who was the CBC subject) was clearly shown at the poll, as were the clerk's faces. 
    Unless this was a staged video, how is it that the CBC can waltz into an advance poll and do this? This was clearly done during business hours, when the polling station was open to the public fro voting purposes.
  Simply by having their cameras and CBC logo right there inside - or even near - the polling station, the CBC is casting political bias and influencing votes - seeing as the CBC lies about 'climate change' on a daily basis, and slants their political 'news' to reflect that - eh, Catherine Tait?! 
  The CBC isn't impartial, as it pretends to be, no matter what Andrew Chang has been 'forced' to say. The Liberal elitist disdain is always there in the background. The CBC hates conservatives privately as much as Blackface Boy and Khalistinian Singh hate conservatives publicly.
    Did the poll supervisor at that location give the CBC permission to film within the polling station?! Yet: hey - Rebel media wouldn't be allowed to do the same thing, would they?! 
   Is this another Telford media bucks-financed production?! 
   And yes: Rosemary Barton was the CBC host for this segment: after the video was shown, the broadcast went directly back to her.  Apparently, Barton had no problem with this either.
  As Oct.15-16-17 went by, with the federal election mere just days away, we saw the Telford media bucks extremely hard at work, pushing Turdo's Liberal lies over and over again, story after story, fear mongering about Doug Ford, about Harper, about evil conservatives... lie after lie after lie, dutifully 'reported', with no actual analysis. 
   The lies uttered by Trudeau are repeated and re-amplified, but remain mostly unchallenged, and the take-away to the viewers is, that whatever the issue in the segment had been about, it is portrayed as 'fact'
  At the same time, anything Scheer says, is parsed and picked over and counter views are immediately presented on cue - just look at Katie Simpson's reporting on Scheer. Simpson's reporting is at odds with other CBC election reporting - because there is almost always a negative slant to the Conservative candidate and the party inherent in Simpson's sneering and instantly-editorialized commentary - while other CBC reporters with other candidates have mostly a fawning role: non-questioning, non-parsing, non-instant-counterpoint-providing opinioneering in their reports. {...same kind of delivery and performance seen with CTV's Smug Tom Walters and CBC's Twitchy Paul Hunter, whose 'reports' palpably seethe with Trump hate}.
  Think of  the day the Turdo Blackface racism scandal was revealed, how Katie Simpson immediately was asking when did Scheer know about it, and if Scheer had done the same thing!!! Seriously: it takes a sick CBC mind to offer that up as a narrative - considering that the Katie and CBC NEVER BOTHERED - in 5+ years - to look up Turdo's quite-public Blackface racist past. Anyone ask what Simpson and Tait were doing, as Canada's Blackfaced Sock Puppet was prancing around the PM's office?!
  That's what bought political 'reporting' is these days - propaganda helped nicely by greasy Telford greenbacks.
   Phony media "truth checkers" - employed immediately after any conservative says anything - are suddenly nowhere to be seen when Blackfaced Boy Blunder spouts his inanities. Or when the no-visa-from-India Khalistinian Canadian spouts his divisive deceptions, or when the green succubus hisses out hers. 
   I wonder if Turdo, after he's flushed down the toilet several days from now, on election day, will immediately resign, or stay on and pretend that somehow he had heroically 'saved the day'. The internal Liberal plans must already be afoot for replacing Trudeau, considering how much 'support' he's lost. And - to that - we actually don't know how much he really had, in the first place, for it all might have been illusive hype. What we see is that Turdo's ego interfered with his perception of reality.
  It's clear a week before the election that Canada will undergo a much-needed Liberal enema. One term Turdo is already's caught in the swirl flushing down the drain. (Unfortuneatley, the national enema wasn't strong enough, and the Liberal wastrel hasn't been fully flushed yet.) 
 It may well be that most of the support which Turdo may have had pre-Blackface Revelation Day, quickly evaporated quickly thereafter. In the following days, the bought media tried very hard to downplay the enormity of what the lying PM had done (...and, had kept secret), desperately trying to whitewash Turdo's tattered, shoe-polish stained 'reputation'. 
It was astounding to see the spin, the hypocrisy, and the instant attempts to rehabilitate the racist PM's deeds. You'd have to be thicker than a brick - a cult member - to vote for any Turdo Liberal. 
  Canada's budding future First Blackface Prime Minister, Justin Turdeau, seen preening in all his its festooned, post-national, peoplekind-like glory.
  Also on Oct 16, 2019, the bucket of yank stank Obama interfered in Canada's federal election by endorsing Blackfaced U.N. Sock-Puppet Trudeau. Yep: as long as a racist is also a 'progressive'{ie, a socialist}- then it's OK: Obama's on board the hypocrisy train!
   There was Aldous Huxley-level propaganda on full bizzaro display on TVO on the evening Oct.23, 2019, when there was a segment hosted by an indigenous woman, going on about racism, while showing a photo of Stephen Harper in Indian head-dress gear. This is sadly funny - pathetic - seeing as TVO's next segment right after this one, was their much-self-touted "documentary" about propaganda.
  It's 'funny', because it's pretty certain that the TVO documentary about propaganda, would not be including their own  previous segment about racism, because that segment was itself propaganda - in that it was showing images of Harper in head-dress gear which was gifted by, provided by, and worn with, local indigenous groups themselves, in a ceremonial setting. It's not as if Harper was doing this for laughs at some frat party.
   There was no parody nor any disrespect attached here whatsover.
   The false inference TVO was peddling (...purposefully peddling...) was that Harper was a racist for wearing it.
    Missing in this one-sided narrative was the context of the real story. Giving half the story, spiked with false and deceptive imagery, is part and parcel of manufacturing a purposeful lie.
    This was pure skewed propaganda - exactly as defined in TVO's own subsequent segment - shown by TVO, in their own immediately-preceding segment!
    TVO itself was spreading propaganda, while also at the same time producing sanctimonious documentaries about others doing it!
    And by refusing to acknowlege that they themselves were propagandists, TVO doubled down on the propaganda factor!! Add in Propagandist Paikin's lies about climate change, and TVO's credentials as a propaganda peddler go through the roof. No hypocrisy at TVO, eh?!
    Justin Trudeau wasn't given shoe polish by black people, or forced by anyone, to wear it and to make fun of black people. Turdo did this HIMSELF.