Monday, June 6, 2011

More C. difficile deaths in Niagara; yet local Liberal health-care monopolist Jim Bradley can't be found for a comment

What a riot to read Grant Lafleche's St.Catharines Standard story "Preaching religion and history in Beaverdams" (St.Catharines Standard, Jun.6, 2011). Funny that Lafleche didn't report his urge to start bashing these religious bible-thumpers with a baseball bat... you know, in the same way Lafleche wrote about how he'd have no problem attacking priests a while ago. Maybe Lafleche thinks socialist NDP priests are special.
Funny, also, how neither Lafleche (in his June 6, 2011 St.Catharines Standard story "Two more patients die") nor anyone else at the St. Catharines Standard Jim Bradley FanClub could manage to find their local Liberal MPP Jim Bradley for an interview about the killer C. difficile outbreak in the Liberal monopoly-run hospital in Bradley's own St.Catharines riding. (see also here)
The Standard - with great sanctimonious homilies about freedom of the press - would have sent reporters to sleep on the front door steps of the local MPP's home if necessary to gain an interview - had the MPP been a Conservative! But Good Ole Liberal Jimmy, as usual, gets a sweet, easy, kiss-assy ride from his media FanClub!!
No difficult questions need to be answered by Bradley about what his monopolist Liberal government is doing to stem this outbreak - because no-one from the Standard bothers to ask Ole Jim!! Problem solved: let's all blame the NHS!! What's Ole Jimmy gots ta do wid any o' dis stuff, right??! hahaha
No-one at the St.Catharines Standard bothers to ask Jim Bradley about why his Liberal government refused to call a public inquiry into the 500 deaths which were caused by that C. difficile outbreak in 2008, and whether the Liberal's secretive political stance back then to avoid scrutiny has had an impact on what's happening today at the NHS!!
Of course the St.Catharines Standard would be asking any other MPP about such a link - except for their BoyJimmy!
No - the St.Catharines Standard seems blatantly biased in Bradley's favour, refusing or neglecting to actively contact Jim Bradley on a host of issues to provide readers with Bradley's responses. Bradley, conveniently (!), just doesn't get mentioned!! The effect is that readers are left with a (purposeful) disconnect between reported provincial issues and Jim Bradley's Liberal lies and duplicity.
The St.Catharines Standard is well on the road of becoming Jim Bradley's own self-appointed Liberal PRAVDA.
As of Jun.8, 2011, the St.Catharines Standard still has not provided its readers with any comments from St.Catharines local Liberal MPP, Jim Bradley, about the C.difficile outbreak right in Bradley's own Liberal-run health-monopoly, in Bradley's own city. Conveniently, Bradley is... uhhh...  missing in action. Hiding, that is. Or more likely, being sheltered from any possible attention by his media buddies.
Wonder how long the Bradley FanClub over at the Standard will continue to fondle Bradley's nutsack?

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