There are two more good reads on the GreenidiotTM climatalarmistTM GreenmailersTM, plying their GreenFearTM over at the JokenhagenTM Climate Shakedown:
Peter Foster's story, "Canada's Galileo government" (National Post, Dec.16, 2009, here)
Charles Krauthammer's story, "The new socialism", (National Post, Dec.14, 2009, here). Krauthammer continues on the subject of the new green bolshevism I wrote of here, on Apr.6, 2008, the Reds' Green Show: Into the heart of darkness.
What a laugh it was to see ole Prince of Wales Charles upchucking his climate fearmongering at the Copenhagen Climate Coven. This is the same bag of Royal Hot Air who visited Niagara on the Lake recently, arriving in a fleet of limousines and leaving in an entourage of five helicopters - what a hypocrite.
And why is it surprising (see here; here) to see the Liberal party of Michael Ignatieff and St.Catharines Grit candidate Andrew Gill posting a photo on their website of Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, being assassinated?! This is not the first time Liberal extremists have done this: see here, here.
This Liberal smarminess - that the killing of Canada's elected prime minister, or any political opponent, is funny - was a sad low mark for Stephane Bumbledore Dion's leadership - and is now yet another ignoble demonstration of Iggy's iffy standards.
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