Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"Open and transparent" Liberal lies

So, while Jim Bradley's and Kathleen Wynne's 'Open and Transparent' Ontario Liberals were meeting secretly with Chinese Communists and shilling for 'Open and Transparent' Liberal Justin Turdeau, they were also secretly giving away millions of tax dollars to Ontario's teacher unions.
As Adrian Morrow reported in the Oct 21, 2015 Globe and Mail:
"The Ontario government secretly paid $1-million to the Catholic teachers’ union and $500,000 to the French teachers’ union to buy labour peace. This means three unions have now received payments totalling $2.5-million from the government in this year’s round of bargaining.
And Education Minister Liz Sandals has admitted that the government has repeatedly given such payouts to teachers’ unions over the past decade to compensate them for the cost of collective bargaining with the province.
The payments raise tough questions about the government’s claims it is not spending new money to reach labour settlements. They also call into question the province’s new negotiating system: The government said it compensated the unions because the process made contract talks longer and more complex than they were supposed to be.
The revelations about the money came on Wednesday, after The Globe and Mail uncovered a $1-million payment to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, which represents public high school teachers. The Globe subsequently obtained a copy of the deal the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association and the province reached in August. The 54-page document, marked “highly confidential,” shows OECTA also received $1-million..."
So: this is the kind of secretive Ontario Liberal scum, that openly shilled for Justin Trudeau's Liberals.
This is the kind of cancerous Liberal carnage which we've suffered in Ontario, which is a harbinger of the same Liberal infection which will soon consume Canada.

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