Sunday, October 25, 2015

Blowing tax-dollars "not unusual" for Liberals

An Oct.23, 2015 CBC story reported: "Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says the province paying millions to teachers' unions to compensate them for a long labour negotiation process is not unusual and that the payments are key to getting labour deals signed."
As Square Root commented:
"Under section 70 of the Ontario Labour Relations Act dealing with unfair practices:
"No employer or employers’ organization and no person acting on behalf of an employer or an employers’ organization shall participate in or interfere with the formation, selection or administration of a trade union or the representation of employees by a trade union or contribute financial or other support to a trade union, but nothing in this section shall be deemed to deprive an employer of the employer’s freedom to express views so long as the employer does not use coercion, intimidation, threats, promises or undue influence. 1995, c. 1, Sched. A, s. 70"
Logo commented:
"The Office of the Auditor General needs to conducts value-for-money /financial audits of all the provincial government departments, ministries and agencies to determine if this is common and then take action on their findings into this unsettling situation. This sounds like a contravention of the Financial Administration Act (Ontario)."
For some reason, CBC interviewer Matt Galloway didn't ask Wynne about the OLRA or FAA issues!
I suppose that Wynne's Liberal actions aren't unusual at all to those Liberal-infected Ontarians, who also find absolutely nothing wrong with the Ontario Liberal's blowing multi-BILLIONS on their numerous other fantastic schemes.
For months, the incestuous Ontario Liberals, as the government, acted openly in supporting and campaigning for Justin Turdo's federal Liberals.
Ontario's taxpayers essentially helped subsidize Justin Turdeau's federal election campaign - yet another brazen, indirect theft from the Ontario taxpayer's pocket (...a typically-Liberal mode of operation, btw...) which Galloway didn't ask about.

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