above: GreenFear propaganda still exists on this sign underneath the Windshare turbine/bird shredder, at Toronto's CNE grounds, still shilling the questionable "Lake Vostok ice graphs" as "evidence" of "global climate change"!
Further to my earlier post...
...let's watch as the St.Catharines Standard completely ignores interviewing Ontario's Liberal Environment Minister [and full-time Green Bolshevik] Jim Bradley, about Wind Concern Ontario's Feb.13, 2012 press release:
"Wind Concerns Ontario, a
coalition of more than 50 community groups concerned about the effects of
industrial wind power plants throughout the province, has announced its first
annual Golden Pinwheel Awards.
Premier Dalton McGuinty won the top
award, The “I Can’t Hear You-lalalala” Golden Pinwheel for ignoring the
Auditor-General’s report, specifically the criticism that the province is
spending too much on renewable energy schemes, particularly wind, that the
claims of 50,000 jobs being created are unsubstantiated, that health problems
are being ignored, and that the province embarked on all this without a single
cost-benefit study.
“We had a bit of fun with this,” said WCO president
Jane Wilson, “to draw attention to a serious situation. Wind power is being
pushed through Ontario as an answer to a number of problems, but it’s really a
giant profit-making scheme for a few individuals and companies. It won’t ever
live up to the promises of job creation and power production, and instead will
end up costing the people of Ontario millions.”
Other awards were The
“Green Doesn’t Mean Honest” Golden Pinwheel to Bullfrog Power which was fined by
the Ontario Energy Board for using misleading contracts and marketing practices;
The “Pie in the Sky” Golden Pinwheel to Toronto Hydro jointly with Toronto
Renewable Energy Co-operative for their fantasy claims about the Toronto
Exhibition Place wind turbine, which has barely operated above 13% efficiency
and has cost investors millions;
The “Take It for Granted “ Golden Pinwheel to
the Ontario Power Authority for insisting it pays for its own advertisements
instead of cash-strapped Ontario ratepayers;
and, The “Best Supporting Role in a
Political Debacle” Golden Pinwheel to former Minister of the Environment, John
Wilkinson, who ignored his own constituents as well as other rural Ontario
residents who don’t want their communities turned into wind power factories, and
was defeated in the October 6th election, helping to create a serious
rural/urban division in Ontario."
So, Pinhead Pinocchio McGuinty wins the Pinwheel Prize!! Precious!!!
And what does Ontario's GreenFear-spreading kyoto-pusher, Jim Bradley get? Bradley takes the cake - the Kyoto Koo-Koo Cake - for his decades of unchallenged greenshevist propaganda, which has oozed through his ideological filters to contaminate Ontario's economy.
About time, too, that someone mentioned:
- the greenie joke which the Exhibition turbine represents; as well, someone should also check out the propaganda plaques installed at the base of the turbine, especially those questionable graphs!!
- Bullfrog Power's bullsh!t tactics.
- and that insufferable smug grit John Wilkinson's bye-bye from politics
Gosh... wonder what Good Ole Jim Bradley thinks about all this?!
Feh - he's just Ontario's Liberal Environment Minister: why should the St.Catharines Standard bother their buddy Bradley about things such as this?!!
Lois Johnson wrote a letter to the editor "Turbines a threat to turtles" in Niagara This Week's May 28, 2015 edition.
ReplyDeleteShe wrote of the Niagara and Haldimand Wind Corp. plans to construct 20 industrial wind turbines in the Blanding's turtle habitat.
She asked "Where is our government when it comes to protecting our species at risk?"
Well: has anyone asked the avowed 'cucumber-tree-saving' Liberal MPP Jim Bradley about why his Liberals support the destruction of the turtle habitat? GreenFear-pushin' Jimmy's nowhere to be seen on this issue!