Monday, August 16, 2010

Brantford demolition continues

Further to my previous post, #113 Colborne St. was demolished during the morning of Aug.16, 2010. It had been the last building left standing along the south side of Colborne St., in the stretch of demolition from Brant Ave. to the Art Stanbridge walkway above: 113 Colborne St. seen on Aug.13, 2010; the Art Stanbridge walkway is at the left
above: Aug.16, 2010 - same view as previous photo; #113 is gone.
below: Mar.6, 2010 - looking west along the south side of Colborne St. towards Brant Ave.; #35 Colborne St. (which was the first building to be demolished in this project, on Jun.8, 2010) is the tall building seen standing in the distance.
A small part of #113 Colborne St. is seen at the very far left.

above: Aug.16, 2010 - the same view, looking west along the south side of Colborne St.; all the buildings have been demolished. #113 Colborne St. stood at the left.
below: Aug.16, 2010 - looking west along the south side of Colborne St.; the green-brick wall seen at the bottom is a remnant of the east-side wall of #113 Colborne St. (which faced the Art Stanbridge Walkway)
Along the left, running into the distance, can be seen the long line where the foundations of the now-demolished buildings had met the city sidewalk.

above: Aug.16, 2010 - looking west, from the walkway, towards Brant Ave. in the distance. Where the yellow excavator is seen at the far left is where #35 Colborne st. had stood (demolished Jun.8, 2010). As can now be seen, the slope upon which the buildings had stood for some-140-years is now being terraced and compacted. Part of the Brantford armoury can seen in the left distance.
below: Aug.13, 2010 - closer view of the top corner cornice at #113 Colborne St. Note that the cornice of this ca.1870's-built building is made of decorative stamped metal - perhaps it came from the Pressed Metal Showroom and factory in Parkdale (see here; here)?!

above two photos: Aug.16, 2010 - pieces of the metal cornice from #113 Colborne St. lay in the rubble on the street.
below: Aug.13. 2010 - looking at the east-side wall of #113 Colborne St. as seen from the walkway. The upper white door at the right was the entrance to #113 1/2 Colborne St. - here Dr. Bradley W. Linscott had opened his dental practice in 1906, which he ran for some 50 years!

above: Aug.16, 2010 - the same view, after the upper level of #113 Colborne St. had been demolished earlier today, revealing the previously-hidden vista in the distance.
below: Aug.13, 2010 - looking at the east-side wall of #113 Colborne St. from the Art Stanbridge walkway.

above: Aug.16, 2010 - same view.
below: Mar.6, 2010 - looking towards Colborne St. from the east side of the Art Stanbridge walkway. The building at the left with the tall chimney is the rear of #115-117 Colborne St.

above: Aug.16, 2010 - same view. The building wall now exposed at the right is the west-side wall of #125 Colborne St.
below: Mar.6, 2010 looking at the south side of Colborne St. from King St. The Esquire Theatre building is seen across the street, at the far left.

above: same view, Aug.16, 2010: it's all gone now.
below: Mar.6, 2010 - looking at the south side of Colborne St. from Queen St.
The Cafe Linh building (which had been at 107-109 Colborne St.) is seen at the far left.

above: Aug.16, 2010 - same view, the buildings have been demolished.

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