Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Brantford demolition continues

Further to my previous post, as of Aug.11, 2010, the demolition along Colborne St. has claimed:
-#105 Colborne St., (which had stood next to the right of the Cafe Linh)
-#107-109 Colborne St., with the 'Cafe Linh' sign. The buildings at both above addresses were built ca. 1870 by Arunah Huntington.
below: Aug.11, 2010 - the Cafe Linh building under demolition, the front sign and the rear portion are still intact, but the front upper brick facade is mostly gone, as is the center of the structure.

above: Aug.11, 2010 - same view, the rear of the Cafe Linh building is gone; only the front sign and a bit of the brick wall and some window frames remain above.
below: Aug.11, 2010 - closer last view of what little remains of Cafe Linh's front facade; it was demolished several minutes later. below: Aug.11, 2010 - the Cafe Linh has been demolished. In this building, the lintels over the front windows were square wooden beams with axe-marks visible on them, one still protrudes over where Cafe Linh stood. The building at the far left is #111 Colborne St.

above: Aug.11, 2010 - looking up at the site from Water St., part of the front wall of the old Cafe Linh is still seen standing, facing onto Colborne St., in the centre-right distance; you can see through two window frames on the second floor. The wall of the building now seen exposed at the far right is the west-side wall of 111 Colborne St., lastly Kreative Khaos.
below: Aug.11, 2010 video of the demolition of the old Cafe Linh building

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