Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Find the Fraud: fake news at the St. Catharines Standard! At the Toronto Star!

 VOA reported on Mar.16, 2021:

"The Washington Post has corrected a major story it published in January about the presidential election in the state of Georgia, saying it had “misquoted” then-President Donald Trump in a phone call with a state election official. In the December call, Trump was voicing his concerns about alleged fraud.

The original story, which was based on an anonymous source, said that in the call, Trump had told Georgia's top election official to “find the fraud” and that they’d be a “national hero” if they did.

On March 11, the Wall Street Journal revealed audio of the conversation, which showed Trump did not say those things. 

“Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator,” the Post wrote in its correction.

The recording revealed that the Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source. Trump did not tell the investigator to “find the fraud” or say she would be “a national hero” if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, asserting she would find “dishonesty” there. He also told her that she had “the most important job in the country right now.”

"Numerous national media outlets repeated the erroneous quotes, citing The Washington Post.

During the call, the former president did claim he had won Georgia and that “something bad” had happened with the election in the state.

“I can assure you that our team and the (Georgia Bureau of Investigation), that we are only interested in the truth and finding the information that is based on the facts,” the election official replied, according to the audio released by the Wall Street Journal.

Trump responded to the correction by calling the Post’s original reporting a “media travesty” but thanked the paper for correcting it..." 


A political lie was blatantly used, and then carelessly fluffed off. The Washington Post has again proven itself to be nothing more than a political propaganda outlet.

In Canada, hundreds of MSM's eagerly and happily reprinted the WaPo lies.

WaPo didn't need evidence, they just made it up. The Canadian lame-stream media lemmings didn't need evidence; they just mindlessly regurgitated the Wapo lies. The lies did the job. Just like the 'phone call to Ukraine's PM" which was used to {falsely} impeach Trump in early 2020: a lie based on nothing but Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just like Turdo's '3M mask ban to Canada' hoax: a baseless deception, diverting scrutiny of the negligent Turdo himself. 

   So will the MSM, which repeated the WaPo lie, now also retract the disinformation which they published??

....(by the way, in May 2024 --- yes, 2024! --- this same old Trump-Georgia-election deception was trotted out AGAIN, this time by Bill Maher, who was a guest on the Greg Gutfeld show. Maher shamelessly shat out the same drool!!!).

   The leftist/corporatist {fascist} propaganda conglomerate in Niagara, the Torstar/Niagara Dailies gang, happily spread fake news in their smug Anti-Trump political hit piece on Jan.15, 2021  in the pathetic St.Catharines Sub-Standard:

   "...Trump then tried to intimidate Georgia’s Republican secretary-of-state, Brad Raffensperger, to “find 11,780 votes” to help overturn the election result. When that scheme failed, Trump appealed directly to the grassroots supporters he had misled and misinformed for the previous two months..."

    Let's ask - seeing as this Niagara Dailies lie in the St.Catharines Standard was perpetrated only two months ago - how did David Peterson's corporate hit squad verify any of that?! It was a complete fabrication! 

    The TorStar marxist-factory didn't verify ANYTHING - and they actually COULDN'T - as it in fact was a lie all along. WaPo never heard the tape - so how could David Peterson's hit squad know anything??!!

    They were spouting bullsh!t. They MADE IT UP. No verified sources COULD be available, and THAT is what they were trading on: no real proof, just fake 'evidence'; just innuendo and conjecture portrayed as 'proof'. 

   Got it? The liars at the sick St.Catharines Standard reprinted lies, with no proof whatsoever - just fuelled by vile Trump hate. That was all that was needed, for this fake David Peterson 'journalism' to exist.

The St. Catharines Standard and Niagara Dailies were publishing FAKE NEWS.

   They were trading on the chance that NO evidence could possibly exist, which would show that in fact Trump DID NOT do what the WaPo claimed he did.

(Just like Vindman claimed (falsely) that he had 'evidence' that Trump did something wrong in the Ukraine call, and the fool Schiff immediately jumped at this deception and started spouting his lies within hours of the call, relying on the calculation that neither Trump, nor the Ukrainian PM, would ever release the entire phone conversation tape.)

(Thankfully, the demented congenital liar Adam Schiff would finally get kicked off the Intel committee in Jan. 2023, soon after the newly-elected Republican-majority House of Reps. took office. Schiff got away with endless lies while in office, while sitting as the Intel chair. A pathetic, traitorous moron, Schiff was lionized by Niagara's f-cked up leftist media.)

But both leaders (Trump and Zelensky) DID release it the next day, and blew the wind out of Schiff's sick lie. The Demotards really had to go into their demented song and dance routine, to bolster their lie, after the tape was actually released. They were planning it would NEVER be released, and therefore, they'd have a path to an unchallengeable impeachment... all really based on a lie.)

Similarly, that's what WaPo did as well, and then, literally thousands of uninformed lemming hack msm's reprinted WaPo's lie -  including the pieces of sh!t fake-news peddlers in Niagara.


610 CKTB AM "I heart radio" Jan 4, 2021 in Niagara {a CORUS / Bell Media corporate propaganda outlet which bills itself as "newstalk" radio, but in this case, was "610 CKTB Fake News talk radio" or simply "CKTB BullCrap radio"} also cited "Canadian Press" lies about Trump, spouting this preciously smug headline: "PRESIDENT TRUMP, ON TAPE, PRESSES GA. OFFICIAL TO 'FIND' HIM VOTES". (The headline, the content, the entire story: simply bald faced lies!)

    "President Donald Trump pressured Georgia's Republican secretary of state to ``find'' enough votes to overturn Joe Biden's win in the state's presidential election, repeatedly citing disproven claims of fraud and raising the prospect of ``criminal offence'' if officials did not change the vote count, according to a recording of the conversation.

The phone call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Saturday was the latest step in an unprecedented effort by a sitting president to pressure a state official to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election that he lost. The president, who has refused to accept his loss to Democratic president-elect Biden, repeatedly argued that Raffensperger could change the certified results..."

"610 AM I heart fake news" clearly claimed that they had evidence Trump did / said something "on tape".

But, WHERE was the evidence "on tape"?

Did the fakers from CORUS / Bell Media play the tape which they used to smear the U.S. President??

Did anybody from "610 AM fake news radio" ever HEAR the tape, which they claim showed some kind of criminality by Trump??!!

The "610 AM Misinformation Network" was citing a tape which neither they, not anyone else, had actually heard, and used this as their jumping off point to spew Anti-Trump propaganda, and thereby interfere in the U.S. election process.

Any apologies being offered by this corporate gang of fake news disseminators? 

Ironically: it was 610 AM 's OWN FAKE NEWS THAT WAS A FRAUD.


  On Feb. 26, 2021, the Toronto Star (the same corporate fascist klan of the Niagara Dailies / St. Catharines Standard political propaganda machine) published lies written by AP's Kate Brumbach on the Trump/Georgia issue.

  On or around Mar 16, 2021, the Toronto Star  (hard to say when, as David Peterson doesn't specifically date the apologies for stories his fascist organization has to apologize for...) had to write this correction regarding what they FALSELY wrote back in another story (same Trump-Georgia issue) from Jan.9, 2021:

    "ATLANTA - In a story January 9, 2021, about a phone call between then-President Donald Trump and a lead Georgia elections investigator, The Associated Press, based on information provided by a source, erroneously reported that Trump pressed the investigator to “find the fraud” and said it would make the investigator a national hero. A recording of the call made public two months later revealed that Trump did not say either and instead said that if the investigator looked into Fulton County the investigator would “find things that are gonna be unbelievable.” Trump also told the investigator: “When the right answer comes out, you’ll be praised.” "

     Yes: the fascists at the Toronto Star were caught peddling FAKE NEWS. 

     Believe it, Kathy English: the Toronto Star happily writes FAKE NEWS.

     The utter irony of a fake-news-spreading organization projecting their virtue by not only denying that they do so, but doing it repeatedly while simultaneously presenting a façade claiming not only that they "don't make stuff up", but that they will somehow 'help' you in determining if news from others is fake or not!! 

     THAT is some complicated, pretzel-ized, multi-level cognitive dissonance and intellectual fraud goin' on!! Or it could be just plain ole propaganda... eh, Kathy? Years later, and the Toronto Star Fake News Factory is still spreading the fakery, and still peddling the lies!!! Looks like Kathy was spreading fake news about spreading fake news!!! 'Fake news' much, Kathy?? Doubling-down on the TorStar fakery?!!

     For cryin' out loud - the TorStar Fake News Factory wasn't even capable of discerning the fake news THEY THEMSELVES were HAPPILY, UNQUESTIONINGLY, regurgitating from WaPo!!!!!!!


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