Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ontario Liberals blow billions on energy, while local paper coddles Liberal MPP Jim Bradley

Further to the CBC's Dec.2, 2015 story outlining Ontario Auditor Bonnie Lysyk's latest report slamming the outrageous energy costs and waste in Liberal-run Ontario:
"Ontario's auditor general says electricity customers in the province have paid billions of dollars for the Liberal government's decisions to ignore its own planning process for new power generation projects.
The Ontario Power Authority's 20-year technical plan, which was updated every three years and reviewed by the Ontario Energy Board, would have offered protection to consumers, said Bonnie Lysyk in her annual report released Wednesday. 
 Instead of following the legislated process, the Ministry of Energy itself effectively assumed responsibility for electricity planning," she said.
The ministry issued policy plans and 93 directives that the auditor said "did not fully consider the state of the electricity market, did not take long-term effects fully into account," and sometimes went against the OPA's advice.
"Ontario electricity ratepayers have had to pay billions for these decisions," she said.
The electricity portion of hydro bills for homes and small businesses rose 70 per cent between 2006 and 2014, which Lysyk said cost consumers $37 billion dollars in so-called global adjustment payments to generators — and will cost ratepayers another $133 billion by 2032"

Yep: energy policy was run right out of the Ministry of Energy's Liberal political re-election campaign office!

Let's hope that no-one from the St.Catharines Standard asks Liberal MPP Jim Bradley to explain his GreenFear delusion-based energy fiascos in Ontario! (Somehow, Grant Lafleche won't find any... er... 'scientific' issues here, eh??? What's Ole Jimmy got to do with any o' this?! hahah... unreal!)

Billions of tax dollars blown by Bradley and his Liberals - yet the newspaper in his own city stubbornly refuses to call Liberal MPP Jim Bradley on his climate-change insanity.
So let's fast forward to Nov. 2016, as deplorable Liberals such as Jim Bradley and Kathleen Wynne continued their horrific destruction of Ontario's economy, based on their global warming con game.

Deplorable hacks such as Lafleche and the St. Catharines Standard continue to uphold their duty to the Liberal cause, and will not dare to question how decades of Jim Bradley's Liberal green-fear-based bolshevism has brought us to this day.

The Globe and Mail reported on Nov. 19, 2016:
"Premier Kathleen Wynne is promising to win back Ontarians’ trust amid a string of ethics scandals, anger over high electricity prices and collapsing approval ratings.
In a contrite and often emotional speech to her Liberal party’s annual general meeting in Ottawa Saturday, Ms. Wynne admitted that the “polling numbers and the pundits” say “many people in Ontario are not happy with me right now.”
“People look at me and many of them think: ‘She’s not who we thought she was. She’s become a typical politician. She’ll do anything to win,’” she said in the lunch-hour address. “Frankly, I think I sometimes have given them reason to think that.”
The Premier did not say what, exactly, she believed had led voters to question her motives. But the speech comes in the wake of a months-long conflagration over cash-for-access fundraising and less than three weeks after two Liberal operatives, including Ms. Wynne’s former deputy chief of staff, were charged with Election Act offences for allegedly attempting to bribe a candidate in a by-election last year.
Standing alone without a podium in front of the cavernous convention hall, Ms. Wynne also acknowledged that she failed to grasp how much the province’s high hydro rates were hurting Ontarians. She belatedly tried to deal with the problem in September, with a hastily-announced eight per cent subsidy for residential electricity bills.
The Premier said Saturday that more relief will be coming, but did not specify what it will be.
“Our government made a mistake. It was my mistake. And I’m going to do my best to fix it,” she said. “In the weeks and the months ahead, we are going to find more ways to lower rates and reduce the burden on consumers.”
She conceded “I have some work to do to prove that I am who I have always been” and vowed to do a better job understanding voters’ concerns.
“I will do my very best to listen, to respond, to lead, and to serve you and the people of Ontario better,” she said. “I will be right there with you: As premier, as leader, I’ll be there with you as Kathleen, a proud mother and grandmother.”
What utter psychopathic bullshit from liar Kathleen Wynne, shamelessly spouting her endless series of deceptions. Such gargantuan incompetence; what an epic fiasco of massive proportions. 
What utter  ignorance. Such willful destruction. 
The Americans just got rid of their pant-suited crooked Liberal liar Hillary Clinton; Ontario should do the same with the pant-suited pay-to-player Krooked Kathleen Wynne as well.

The nightmare with Ontario's lying Liberals has not ended: Bonnie Lysyk came out with ANOTHER report released in the afternoon on Oct. 17, 2017, again on the energy file -
The multi-billion dollar costs due to  the Ontario Liberals' incompetence - all based on the Liberals' GreenFear global-warming hoax policy - is STAGGERING.
Krooked Kathleen Kooked the Books - great, eh? But that's what we get when we vote for climate-change con-men such as Liberal Jim Bradley.
You can bet NOBODY from the St.Catharines Standard will ever bother to ask Unca Jimmmy about any of this.
The Ontario Liberals' Green Fascist Energy Act was once again mentioned, this time in a May 30, 2018 Global News article ( the middle of Ontario's election campaign, no less...) headlined: "Liberals ignored green energy advice that could’ve saved Ontarians billions, lead engineer says", where the Liberals near-criminal wholesale waste of billions of dollars on climate-change-based fantasies was again detailed, including the sack of Liberal garbage George Smitherman's evil role in this GreenFear fiasco. Of course, the Liberal ass-lickers at the St. Catharines Standard hill NEVER interview their Liberal hero Jim Bradley about the massive damage his Liberal government has done to Ontario. The Standard does its best to distance itself from any criticism or analysis of Bradley's Liberal policies.

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