Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What C. difficile outbreak?! Liberal Jim Bradley's fighting climate change again!!

More climate-change innuendo and dastardly GreenFear TM is being spread like manure by photo-op Liberals Jim Bradley and Glen Murray. What a pair.
Notice the fearmongering headline chosen by the St.Catharines Standard's editors for this July 12, 2011 story: "Grant will help winemakers fight climate change".  Of course, no-one from the Standard bothered to ask Bradley or specify what he actually meant by "climate change"!!

And hey, there Jimmy: don't strawberry growers need to... umm... "fight climate change" too?! Or pear growers? What about peach growers? Or what about the apricot industry - or for that matter, anyone, in any industry - won't we all be doomed unless Jim Bradley gives us all a grant, and personally saves us from 'Climate Change' ??!
Bradley bullshits about "changing climates", about "significant weather incidents", about "dramatic swings" and about "climatic change incidents"... extremely scary, worrisome stuff - of course, though, Bradley carefully says nothing specific, and gives no actual definitions to explain what he meant.

What Bradley really meant was to use climate fear to spend (our) money. Simple. Fear-monger a bit, give away some tax cash, pretend you've accomplished something. This is Jimmy's groove, man. Let's remember: Global warming is all settled to greensheviks such as Jim; there's "no doubt" about all of this, sez Jim: yep, just trust Jim... don't ask any questions, just believe what Jimmy sez...

So glad to see Bullshit Bradley's on the climate case. Screw the C. difficile file (...thankfully, no hack from the St. Catharines Standard bothered to ask these two Liberal hacks about that l'il problem...)  JIMMY'S FIGHTIN' GLOBAL WARMING again!! YAHOOOO! Long live the Mann-made hockey stick graph!!

And Gary Pickering's fearsome exaggeration is great, isn't it; and we - through Bradley's "generosity" - get to pay for this climate fear exercise. As if industry - and mankind - has NEVER had to "adapt to changing weather" ever before - or at least, until Bradley came by, waving 2.86 million tax-dollars around, singing "Come get it...and vote for me..." ...for the love of gaia...

Here's St. Catharines Standard reporter Bolichowsky's story (I swear he's a VanDongen doppelganger...no perspective to the story but what the government fed him)

"From chilly springs to flash frosts, Niagara's grapes could become hardy enough to handle it all thanks to a provincially funded research team.
The Ontario government kicked in about $2.86 million in funding Monday for Brock University's Cool Climate Viticulture and Oenology Institute. The grant will go to a 19-person team studying how to adapt the region's wine industry to changing climates.
"We can't sit on our laurels," said Ontario Minister of Research and Innovation Glen Murray, speaking at a funding announcement attended by many big names in the wine business. "We have, quite frankly, 7,000 jobs in Ontario that rely on wine and grape growers."
The cash will go toward projects like breeding hardier grapevines and studying the effects of climate change on Niagara's grape-growing. The team will also look at controlling invasive species and bringing in new products, like wine made from grapes ripened off the vine.
Murray couched the Brock research as part of the growing knowledge-based economy in Ontario.
"There's little doubt that we're going to see significant weather incidents and climatic change incidents," said Community Safety and Correctional Services Minister Jim Bradley, the St. Catharines MPP. That could include dramatic swings in the weather.
He said those changes could deal a harsh blow to grapes.
In especially bad years, he said, foul weather could leave grape growers empty-handed.
He said the funding will likely kick in this year and is already accounted for in the provincial budget.
Brock professor Gary Pickering, who will head the research team, called climate change "the single most urgent challenge facing our world." He said industries will have to adapt to changing weather to succeed.
The grant, he said, will position the wine industry well to tackle that change.
If the temperature does rise in the region, cold-weather grapes like Pinot Noir and Riesling could have it rough. But warmer conditions could open the door to big, red grapes like Cabernet Sauvignon.
An expanded warm zone could also see more parts of Ontario become prime real estate for grapes.
Bradley said even if the province's wine zone expands, Niagara would likely still be Ontario's grape heavyweight.
"This will always be the area which is very favourable," he said. "The climatic conditions here are such that it's very favourable."
Still, he said, "it's good for the entire province, and I think we all benefit when anyone in Ontario is creating wealth for the province."
And see Mike Zettel's equally devoid-of-scrutiny report  Liberal stenography in the Jul.11, 2011 edition of  Niagara This Week.
In Zettel's report, Gary Pickering's unchallenged GreenFear-mongering money-shot-quote is his contention (...a contention which naturally went uncontested, of course, by NTW - that's how the local press works: to amplify the climate fear bullshit spread by Liberals, but never to challenge it..!) that the struggle to face climate change “represents the greatest challenge facing humanity.”
Sure, Gary.
Where's the MUSH sector oversight??

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