Monday, May 9, 2011

McGuinty's Liberal scumbags hide from G20 responsibility

Antonella Artuso wrote in  "Province blames feds about G20 law" (Toronto Sun, Apr.28, 2011):

"Ontario is pointing the finger at the federal Conservatives following the release of a second damning report on its own secret G20 law.

Community Safety Minister Jim Bradley rebuffed calls for a provincial inquiry, arguing it wasn’t Ontario’s idea to hold the G20 Summit in downtown Toronto last June.

“This was a federally-initiated conference; this was a federally-initiated security operation,” Bradley said Thursday. “I didn’t ask that it be placed in downtown Toronto. I don’t know who did. The federal government insisted it be there.”

Bradley denied suggestions he might be inserting himself into the federal election campaign with his comments, saying that was certainly not his intention.

The minister formally released Thursday the report of former Chief Justice Roy McMurtry, who was asked by the Dalton McGuinty government to review the Public Works Protection Act (PWPA), a War Measures bill used by police to protect the security perimeter at the summit.

The public only found out the bill had been used to create a barrier around the downtown core after police began stopping, searching and even arresting citizens under its powers.

McMurtry says the Act should be repealed.

“The vagueness of the PWPA permits it to be used in situations when it is arguably not necessary and potentially abusive,” McMurtry reports. “In my view, the PWPA has been used for purposes beyond its original intent.”

Last December, Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin said the province’s PWPA essentially placed Torontonians under martial law over the weekend the city hosted world leaders.

Bradley said his government would introduce legislation to axe the legislation if re-elected in October.

Both the Tory and NDP opposition continued to call for more transparency on why the government chose to enact the legislation.

McMurtry’s report noted Ontario originally looked to Ottawa for more police powers, but was told officers had “sufficient” authority to deal with the G20 Summit.

“The Federal Deputy Minister was clear that in his view the police had sufficient authority at common law and in statute to secure these conferences,” the report says. “Similarly, the OPP were of the view that it was not necessary for the police forces to have any additional police powers, other than those already conferred by virtue of common law and order to secure the interdiction zones for the Summits.”

The PWPA was introduced in 1939 to protect the province’s hydro electric facilities from Nazi saboteurs, and more recently to permit courtroom searches and enable security at Ontario Power Generation’s power plants."


Despite what McGuinty's 'fixer', Jim Bradley, claims, it is actually Bradley, Rick Bartolucci, Dalton McGuinty and the rest of Ontario's scumbag Liberals who are directly to blame for the G20 law which they - not the feds - passed in secret!

What a duplicitous scumbag Jim Bradley has proven to be: the issue is all about his secretive Liberal government's G20 law  - not about whose idea it was to hold the meeting in Toronto!! Cut the crap, Jim!!

The issue is about whose idea it was to pass this fascist-state law IN SECRET !!

Hey, Jim: did McMurtry's report claim anywhere that any federal official participated in your provincial cabinet sessions the day that your Liberals passed your secret G20 law?! Were your Liberals forced by someone to pass this law in secret?!

C'mon Jimmy: out with it, you scumbag!! You're disingenuously blaming the federal government - so, tell us which federal officials passed the secret G20 law!!!! [Good Ole Jimmy's lyin' and tryin' to spin it that his Liberals had nothin' to do with any of this!! Typical!]

And why doesn't Bradley act immediately upon McMurtry's recommendations?! What's with the 'wait till we're re-elected' crap?! There's no need whatsoever to delay and wait for October!!  What arrogant, utterly disgusting dirtbags these Liberals are! 

If Iggy needs to know why his federal Liberals got creamed in Ontario, he should look no further than the smug disaster that has unfolded in Liberal Ontario under McGuinty. McGuinty's Liberal lies and incompetence have telegraphed to the federal ranks. Iggy can thank McGuinty and Dwight Duncan for all their "help" in making "Liberal" a "trustworthy" brand.

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