Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sure you can trust Smitherman - TO LIE

Don Peat wrote in the Toronto Sun, Oct.20, 2010:

"The polls have them neck and neck, but George Smitherman and Rob Ford spent Tuesday night going toe-to-toe during the last televised mayoral debate.

Ford and Smitherman got into several heated exchanges as they debated on CP24 alongside Joe Pantalone — who polls have placed well back of the two other major mayoral candidates.

Smitherman set off the first fireworks, slamming Ford for repeated anecdotes about squandered tax money.

“I know you like to talk a good story,” Smitherman said. “When you try to translate the storyline to numbers you failed miserably and people said you played voters for fools.”

Ford shot back asking Smitherman — several times — about the almost $10 million in untendered contracts awarded to the Courtyard Group where, Ford alleged, the former health minister’s chief of staff was working at the time.

Smitherman denied it but admitted sole-source contracting was the practice at the time. He then asked Ford how he had the audacity to ask him about that, when Ford voted in favour of an extension of a sole-source contract for food and beverages in the Beaches.

Ford pointed out the vote was only to ask city staff to have a third-party consultant review the pitch.

“You cannot be trusted,” Ford said to Smitherman.

When Smitherman tried to compare his “scale of responsibility” to Ford and Pantalone, Ford shot back with questions about eHealth.

“I want to know where the money is,” Ford smiled as he asked Smitherman. “The people just want to know where the money is.”

Smitherman jabbed Ford’s own scandals by telling people to go online and type “Rob Ford” and “scandal.”

“You better have a super-sized computer to handle the Google alerts,” he said.

The former deputy premier also asked Ford about the “unprecedented” statement from the Toronto YWCA on Tuesday lamenting Ford’s attempt as a councillor to try to stop them from building a women’s shelter in his ward.

Ford defended his position saying his constituents, many who lived in a seniors’ home next to where the shelter was going to be built, objected to the shelter.

“I did exactly what my constituents wanted me to do,” he said, adding when the shelter opened he was at the opening. “Now it is part of the community.”

Smitherman took several shots at Pantalone and Ford — calling them a new “odd couple,” pointing out they have a combined total of 40 years on city council and hinting they were in teaming up to go soft on each other and beat up on him during the debate.

During a cordial moment where Pantalone was asking Ford which candidate of the two he would support if he wasn’t in the race, Smitherman teased the deputy mayor.

“Too bad your legs aren’t longer, you could play footsie,” he said, before Ford said he’d choose Pantalone over Smitherman.

Pantalone was adamant that he’s staying the race and disagreed with Smitherman’s statement that “a vote for Joe Pantalone is a vote for Rob Ford.”

“A vote for Joe Pantalone is a vote for Joe Pantalone,” he said. “There is nothing strategic about abandoning your principles and values … out of fear nothing good can happen.”

Late Tuesday, Ipsos Reid released another poll giving the edge to Ford with 33%, Smitherman with 31% and Pantalone with 13%. Among voters vowing they will go out and vote, Ford is further ahead with 39%, Smitherman has 33% and Pantalone has 15%. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20."

It's darn queer how Smitherman can smugly tell folks to google "Rob Ford" and "scandal", but doesn't also tell them to google "liar" and "McGuinty" or, "scandal" and "Smitherman" !!

We saw the real Furious George in action when he shoved his foot in his mouth with the 'short' "joke" regarding Pantalone.

Let's ask again, as Ford did: where did the billion eHealth dollars disappear? Smitherman - the Liberal weasel - refuses to, or can't, answer the question.

Smitherman squandered hundreds of millions of tax dollars - while McGuinty was closing down TWO emergency rooms in Port Clborne and Fort Erie.

Why doesn't Smitherman reveal who HE was playing footsie with, among his coterie of Liberal-friendly consultants?

There was this moronic comment attached to the Sun's above story: "Mike October 19th 2010, 11:15pm
Nice try but this is pure spin typical of the Ford camp. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good insult to the record of every other public servant except yourself. Ford will make a terrible mayor because he sees himself as a messiah sent to deliver the truth to the masses. The simpler the truth can be made to sound, the better, and never mind the facts. History is full of populist demagogues like him who turn out to be tyrants once they are in power. We turn around and wonder how we ever let it happen. Guess what, this is how. We elect them. Thank goodness he will only have one vote on council if we let it happen. Let's hope good sense prevails and we don't."

Astounding spin, really - who actually considers himself to be a messiah: it's Smitherman! This piece of smug Liberal crap has considered himself a messiah for years! And the messianic "truth" which Smitherman was spouting was nothing but a sack of LIES!!
Mike, the f*#king demagogue was Smitherman - running his health-monopoly like a fiefdom, cutting health care while denying Ontarians the choice to obtain their own health insurance.
Yeah -"never mind the facts" Mike - who cares that despots Smitherman and McGuinty refused to call a public inquiry when at least 500 Ontarians died of C. diff infection in Smitherman's state-run hospitals?
Or when Smitherman and MPP Jim Bradley chased LifeLine Screening clinics out of Ontario? Or when Smitherman pretended he knew nothing about Suzanne Aucoin (oh, yeah, ignorant Mike wouln't know who she was, either) being forced to travel to Buffalo because McGuinty and Smitherman refused to pay for her cancer treatments in Ontario? Ontario's ombudsman Marin even reported on Aucoin's horrible ordeal in Smitherman's health monopoly. Yet Smitherman did have hundreds of millions to spend on creating his useless LHIN bureaucracy!
Oh, but all this is useless trivia to statists such as Mike.
That's right, Mike - we do "turn around and wonder how" we ever elected Liberal scumbags such as McGuinty and Smitherman.
We can't risk the mistake of having Smitherman's grubby paws near any public funds whatsoever.
And let's hope that good sense prevails and Smitherman gets his ass creamed at the polls next Monday in the same way his ass got creamed at the debate last night.

Smitherman cannot and should not be trusted. His lying days started in 2003 when his Liberals lied about not raising taxes... and the deceptions just rolled on from there.

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