Friday, September 17, 2010

Brantford demolition continues

On Sept.17, 2010, the demolition focused on the rear portions of the Laracy and the Smith buildings.
Below: the orange excavator is working on the Laracy building; the Smith building is at the right, with the yellow wall at the top - this was the second floor of the Smith building, its top (third) floor having been demolished by hand earlier, since it was so close to the Laurier (formerly Holstein) office building next door at the far right.
At the bottom is the remnant of the Water St. facade of the rear of the Right House building. Note that at the center left, a part of the Right House's elevator shaft is still standing.
above: a closer view of the Right House elevator doors; these were on the main floor, at the Colborne St. grade-level.
below: the elevator shaft, part of the Right House, is at the left; in the center, the orange excavator is just about to start demolishing the Laracy building; the partially-demolished Smith building is at the right.

above: the Laracy building has been knocked further in. Note the slanted outline of the old roof line on the Smith building's west-side wall, at the center-right. The elevator shaft is still there at the left.
below: the Right House elevator shaft is gone.

above: view of the site at the end of the day, Sept.17, 2010. The rear of the Smith building has had more removed since the previous photo. Also at the upper center-left, at the west-side of the Laracy building's rear, was a steep stairway (which led from the main floor to the second-floor) and an odd slant-roofed bay, seen closer below:
above: the blue wall at the bottom right is on the Smith building's main-floor level.

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