Monday, September 13, 2010

Brantford demolition continues

Further to my previous post - on Sept.13, 2010, the demolition was focused on the rear portions of the James Smith building (#151 Colborne St.) and the Laracy Tax building (#149 Colborne St.) which are at the right in the below photo, where the orange excavator is; except for a bit of the garage behind #149, the buildings can't be seen from here, as the massive Right House building stands in front.
above: closer view of the steel doors, seen at the upper left - one is a sliding door, the other a walk-through door, which at one time led from #139-141 Colborne into the Right House.
Note that one floor below the sliding door, there was a door at the left which was bricked-over on the Right House side, and, there was another door bricked-over where the yellow-painted wall now is.
Note also that above the sliding door there seems to have been another access into the Right House, as seen by the square bricked-over outline in the wall. This level is the street-level floor of the Right House, when seen from Colborne St.
At the right is the remnant of the elevator shaft of #139-141.
below: looking at the rear of the James Smith building (at the right) where the rear garage was just torn down; the other part of the garage is still standing, at the rear of the Laracy Tax property. Note that there was an interior door connecting these two additions.

above: same view, several minutes later - the other side of the garage, behind the Laracy property, has now been demolished. The Right House stands at the left.
above: looking into the gap between the Right House (at the left) and the James Smith building (at the right), where the garage had been at the bottom, and where the Laracy Tax building sits up in the distance, facing Colborne St.
The Laracy building was two-stories tall when seen from Colborne St., but at the rear, the basement level actually faced outside, being two-stories above Water St! (The levels are marked as 2, Main, and Basement, on the photo - click on any photo to enlarge.)
That garage at the rear-street-level of the Laracy property went in about tweny feet or so, but above that garage's flat roof there was still some sloping soil with trees growing there, on the level where the Laracy basement was.

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