Let's go back to Apr.19, 2000, to read from Ontario's Legislative Assembly some of St.Catharines Liberal MPP Jim Bullshit Bradley's partisan bluster about gambling in Ontario, when he was a smug big-mouth Grit in opposition - keeping in mind that today (Aug.10, 2010) Jim Bradley's greedy and bankrupt McGuinty Liberals have announced that now they want to enter the world of ONLINE gambling!!
Please, take the time to savour and revel in Jim Bradley's smug Liberal bullshit; behold with awe-struck wonder at Jim Bafflegab Bradley's glib propensity for utter Liberal duplicity:
Mr James J. Bradley (St Catharines): I have a question, I was going to say for the Deputy Premier, but it's for the heir apparent, the Chair of Management Board. Your government is very good, I must say to the Chair of Management Board, at orchestrating press conferences. You have them at the SkyDome, where the Premier is putting the boots to the people on welfare. You have them in the tops of these big towers of business whenever you want to announce something. But you forgot to have a big press conference when you were announcing a huge expansion of gambling in Ontario. In fact, you had to look in the Ontario Gazette. I don't think this is on many coffee tables in Ontario or required reading-maybe at the Albany Club.
Minister, why is it you did not make any huge announcement about a very significant regulatory change made to convert racetracks in Ontario to full-blown casinos complete with all the bells and whistles that go with casinos in this province?
Hon Chris Hodgson (Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet): It's quite simple. The reason is that there's no change to our policy. We've merged, for operational efficiencies, the Ontario Casino Corp with the Ontario Lottery Corp. We also have had to bring into line the regulations around that change so that it's legal.
If we hadn't brought in clarification to our existing policy that no means no unless you have a council resolution and a referendum for an expansion to gaming, the Liberals in their newsletter, the Toronto Star, would have been screaming that we had allowed for an expansion of gaming at racetracks, because now the Ontario Lottery Corp, which racetracks were under, is merged with the Ontario Casino Corp.
What we've done in the regulations is make it quite clear that there's no expansion unless you have a council resolution and a referendum. That's closing the door, not expanding it unregulated or unchecked without the support of the local community.
Mr Bradley: In fact, your plan all along, Mr Minister-you know this as well as I do-when you got the boots put to the 44 casinos by municipalities across Ontario who held referendums and said, "No, we don't want these new Mike Harris gambling halls," when the boots were put to that, you beat a retreat. But I think a lot of people in this province knew that you were going to try to slip new casinos in the back door by having established gambling places, called racetracks, and then putting a full casino in there.
Mr Bradley: Now, let me get to a referendum. I'm glad the Minister of Education mentioned a referendum, because they had one in Toronto which said they didn't want the slot machines. What happened? You imposed 1,700 slot machines at the Woodbine Racetrack. How can anybody believe you when you talk about a referendum having any influence at all on your policy when you imposed 1,700 slot machines in the Woodbine Racetrack against the will of the people in the area expressed in a municipal referendum?
Hon Mr Hodgson: This initiative is in response to making sure that if gaming takes in place in Ontario, it is done in a regulated and responsible manner. We cancelled the three-day casinos, which the Liberal Party thought were fine but the police had concerns about; the charities had concerns about how you regulate and supervise and make sure that minors don't have access to gaming in this province.
The issue of slot machines in racetracks was asked for by the horse industry of Ontario. It went before this House's committee in 1996. From that all-party committee, there's a quote on October 22, 1996, by one Jim Bradley agreeing that racetracks are established gaming facilities, that a racetrack is a controlled environment in terms of gaming activities. You were in support of it then. Now you're trying to let on that this is some new initiative.
Mr Bradley: I tell the minister, he can bring in all the bafflegab he wants. Everybody in this province knows that your real plan-
The Speaker (Hon Gary Carr): Member take his seat. Order. Government members, come to order so the question can be asked. We ask the opposition to be quiet for the answers. We also ask the government benches to be quiet when the members are asking the question. It's only fair on both sides.
Mr Bradley: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. I tell the minister that's a huge leap of faith saying that somebody wants casinos in all of these racetracks in Ontario, and that's exactly where you're heading. You can make all the denials you want. Your real policy is to bleed as much money as possible-hundreds of millions of dollars-from desperate, vulnerable and often addicted people in this province so that you can fill your coffers so you don't have to tax the people who go to the Albany Club, the richest people in this province. That's what this is really about.
I ask you now, how can people have faith in any referendum you're going to have when the Minister of Municipal Affairs is the one who dictates or approves what's going to be in any referendum in this province? Obviously you're going to rig the question so you get the answer you want, so you'll get all of the revenues bled from people who are desperate, bled from people who are vulnerable and addicted in the province. Shame on you and your government.
Hon Mr Hodgson: That's a nice speech. It's unfortunate that the facts are different, but I understand you're not interested in the facts.
The facts are that we closed the three-day roving casinos that you thought were quite acceptable, which the police had problems with in terms of controlling and regulating; charities had problems with them. We brought in gaming facilities which are regulated and well-established. Not only was Jim Bradley in 1996 in favour of this initiative at the racetracks, but in August 1998 in Niagara Falls one Dalton McGuinty said, "I don't have a concern with slot machines going into existing horse racing institutions."
The reason why is that it's common sense. They've had gaming at these facilities forever. They're not allowed to expand as charity casinos unless they have a referendum, like any other community in Ontario. That has been our policy. We've closed the door on that being brought in quietly by bringing in a regulation governing the merger of the Ontario Lottery Corp with the Ontario Casino Corp.
The Speaker: Order. The minister's time is up."
Yet now, in 2010, Good Ole King of Liberal Bullshitification himself, Jimmy James Bafflegab Bradley, SAYS SWEET FLICK ALL about HIS Liberal government's aim to 'bleed the desperate, vulnerable, and addicted people of Ontario'.
SHAME ON YOU and YOUR Liberal government Jim; what a FLICKING piece of shit!!
Thankfully, Jim's camouflage department, aka the St.Catharines Standard, doesn't (ahem) have time to ask Jimmy about his gambling hypocrisy, or about why Dalton McGuinty, the Premier Liar of Ontario, is "filling HIS coffers" by announcing a new gambling-revenue source - with NO (again ahem) "referendum"!!
Yep: you won't find the Jim Bradley Asslick Society at the St.Catharines Standard examining their hero Jim Bradley's duplicity on gambling!! You won't find the Bradley Bootlicks at the St.Catharines Standard asking Jim Bradley where HIS Liberal government's "referendum" was, regarding online gambling!!! Hee hee hee!!! Don't wanna make Jimmy look bad, do we??!! The St.Catharines Standard will not ask Jim Bullshit Bradley to explain his ridiculous "Albany Club" red-herring populist swipes - AS THEY APPLY TO HIS OWN LIBERAL GOVERNMENT TODAY!!!!!!!
Why: that kinda stuff was ONLY relevant against HARRIS, ya see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heee heeeee heeee heee................. FLICKING precious!
The St.Catharines Standard, in their Nov.6, 2014 edition, carried a report by John Law, regarding the Ontario Liberal government's recent announcement that the OLG is poised to roll out their official online gambling website within several weeks.
ReplyDeleteYes: this is Jim Bradley's Liberal government doing this. And no: predictably, writer John Law did NOT even bother to interview St.Catharines' own MPP, Jim Bradley, about this!!
{...that's no surprise! Keepin' Ole Jimmy hidden from uncomfortable scrutiny is the Standard's forte!}
No mention was made of Jimmy; no mention of Jimmy's years of smug hypocrisy.
It's as if Jim Bradley - who is now laughably a "Minister Of Nothing" in Kathleen Wynne's cabinet - has nothing to do with it! Unbelievable.
But it was not only John Law who chose not to mention Jim Bradley's Liberal hypocrisy when it came to expanding Gov't.-run gambling in Ontario: in the same St.Catharines Standard Nov.6, 2014 edition, there was another story about the same e-gambling issue, this one written by Ray Spiteri - and (...it's so laughably, pathetically predictable...) Spiteri also chose not to mention a word about Jim Bradley!!!
ReplyDeleteSpiteri did interview the opposition NDP N.Falls MPP Wayne Gates about the impact which new online gambling could have on the Niagara economy.
Once again, we see that Niagara's local Liberal Cabinet Minister Of Nothing In Particular, Jim Bradley, being again protected by the press - from scrutiny by the press!!
There were no interviews with the Liberal hypocrite Bradley; no mention of Jim Bradley's reaction and comments to what his Liberals were now doing!!!
Was Bradley even contacted for an interview by these Standard writers?
Did these writers just decide to cover up Jim Bradley's Liberal gambling hypocrisy all on their own, or were they ordered by the Standard not to involve Ole Jimmy in their stories?!