Copenfu*ckers are in a climate-alarm frenzy, not least due to the fact that their deluded claims are being scrutinized as a fraud world wide. George Monbiot sounded like a wankerist moonbat bashing Canada here, to which Heather ha-ha Mallick echoed with fawning rapture here. Oh, and how can we overlook Copenfuc#er David Miller's Dec.3, 2009 letter in the Guardian (here):
"Many Canadians share your assessment of our minority government's views on climate change (George Monbiot, 30 November). However, there is significant action on global warming in Canada despite the national government's inactivity. As is common throughout the world, where national governments fail, cities can and are leading.
The City of Toronto has greenhouse gas reduction targets of 6% below 1990 by 2012, 30% below 1990 by 2020, and 80% below 1990 by 2050 – targets that match and then exceed Kyoto. Just this week, Toronto council overwhelmingly endorsed our sustainable energy strategy – "the power to live green" – that sets out in precise detail how we will achieve these targets through conservation, demand management, renewable electricity generation and renewable thermal energy. This, and many other strategies – including our Transit City plan to build 120km of light rail transit, and to retrofit old high-rise concrete apartment buildings, creating good green jobs – will help us succeed in both fighting climate change and strengthening our economy.
As chair of the C40 group of cities leading the fight against climate change, I have, with Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard, convened in Copenhagen a group of more than 100 mayors to show what is being done successfully in cities around the world. While the national government of Canada is being justly criticised for its lack of action on climate change, please don't interpret this as a lack of action by Canadians. In their personal lives and through their city and some provincial governments, Canadians are tackling climate change head on."
Ah, the utter crap from scumbag comrade Miller is simply wonnerful. It's a good thing Pink Dave, this socialist buffoon, is leaving as mayor. Good riddance to bad garbage.
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