Kerry Diotte wrote in "Liberal Leader Swann irate about MRI plans", (Edmonton Sun, Jul.9, 2009):
"Cuts to the province’s health-care system is making it sicker, not better, say the Liberals.
Recent cuts show the ruling Tories aren’t serious when they claim to be seeking ways to improve accessibility, said Liberal Leader Dr. David Swann.
The Grit leader is irate about news this week that two Edmonton hospitals — the Grey Nuns and Misericordia — have reduced the number of MRIs performed to meet budget demands from Alberta Health Services.
“This means longer wait lists, subsequent delays in treatment, and greater long-term costs for the health-care system,” said Swann.
“Is this the premier’s idea of creating accessibility?”
Swann said he’s concerned by Treasury Board President Lloyd Snelgrove’s recent comments saying that without tax increases, health care and education and all of the social programs would need to be cut at least 15%.
“Since the premier took (the notion of increased) taxes off the table, it is clear that Snelgrove’s prediction is already coming true.
“On the heels of Snelgrove’s comments, Albertans have the right to know what other services the Stelmach administration will cut,” Swann said, noting the Royal Alexandra hospital, earlier this year, was told to cut its elective surgeries by 15%.
Swann said the situation is made worse by the fact a new AHS code of conduct threatens employees with dismissal if they blow the whistle on health-care cuts.
A health ministry spokesman declined comment."
Ahhh, look at those Liberals in Alberta - how smug, how self righteous they are! How - noble!
Now - take a look what the lying Liberals in Ontario, under Dalton McGuinty, are doing to health care: LHINS have been ordered by the Liberals to cut hospital budgets. McGuinty's Liberals are closing ER's in rural Niagara. Niagara's LHIN is under investigation by the provincial ombudsman. The Liberals have cut coverage, introduced multi billions in new health taxes, and cut services.
This guy Swann sounds just like Good Ole Jim Bradley, the arrogant Liberal MPP from St. Catharines. He's got that greasy ole trademarked Bradley bluster and rhetoric so well utilized by a smug Bradley, when his righteous Liberals were in opposition in Ontario.
So let's see how Alberta Liberal Swann would comment on his Ontario Liberal colleague Dalton McGuinty's health system:
Swann says: 'Cuts to the province’s health-care system is making it sicker, not better' - gosh...hear that, Dalton?
'Recent cuts show the ruling Ontario Liberals aren’t serious when they claim to be seeking ways to improve accessibility' - hear that, Dalton?
Alberta Liberal Swann is irate (isn't he??!) that McGuinty's Liberals are cutting services in Ontario hospitals, to 'meet budget demands' from Ontario's Liberal created LHINS. Hey, got that, Dalton...?
“This means longer wait lists, subsequent delays in treatment, and greater long-term costs for the health-care system,” said Swann - yes... yes... Swann said this ABOUT LIBERAL DALTON McGUINTY"S health monopoly... didn't he?! (Got that, Dalton?)
“Is this the premier’s idea of creating accessibility?” Well, Sir Dalton...IS IT? Swann is putting the rhetorical boots to you! So let's ask Dalton: Is this Dalton McGuinty's idea of accessibility? Because Liberal Swann from Alberta needs to know!
Did Swann ever say he's concerned by McGuinty's health tax increases, or, that under McGuinty's disastrous Liberalism, Ontario has become a have-not province? Yeah, thought so.
Albertans have the right to know that when Swann's Liberals roll out their smug political rhetoric, they ignore that their Liberal colleagues governing Ontario are doing the same thing that Swann pretends he's against. This is just more Liberal healthcare duplicity. Swann presents nothing new or original.
You do realise that there is absolutely no connection between the Alberta Liberal Party and the Ontario Liberal Party, right?
ReplyDeleteYou also realise that Alberta is not Ontario, right?
We don't give a damn what they call Liberal policy in Ontario, and we don't give a damn what passes for health care in Ontario. It's hardly double speak for a different political party to have a different position on a different situation.
When convenient, Liberals are not all the same, eh?! Alberta Liberals must be a special, if not exotic, breed of Grit.
ReplyDeleteWe've seen Liberal bullshit in Ontario, and we see Liberal bullshit in Alberta. Too bad some folks are too ignorant to give a damn, but, nevertheless it is the same Liberal bullshit, different place. Swann's as full of shit in opposition as McGuinty is in government. Just thought you'd realiZe that... thanks CJ for the meaningful contribution. It shows that you care, really care.