On May 1, 2009, the St.Catharines Standard reported in “School boards going green”:
“Niagara's school boards are getting some green to go green.
The province is giving more than $21 million to local boards to make schools more energy efficient.
The money represents the local share of $550 million announced by Premier Dalton McGuinty last week to help school boards trim millions from their utility bills.
The two-year investment is also expected to create and sustain more than 5,500 jobs.
Locally, the District School Board of Niagara will get $9.7 million to retrofit buildings with energy-efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
The money can also be used to conduct energy audits to help manage and conserve energy.
St. Catharines MPP Jim Bradley said the money will help teach important lessons to students.
"We are teaching our kids about conserving energy, minimizing waste and greener ways to live at school and at home," Bradley said in a news release.
The infusion of cash is timely for the board, which this month passed a new environmental policy, including implementing and promoting responsible environmental practices throughout the system.
The Niagara Catholic District School Board also received $5 million.
Requests for comment from both boards about how or what schools would be chosen for the green upgrades were not met Thursday.
The French public board also received $3 million and the French Catholic board got $3.9 million.”
What does Liberal MPP Jim Bradley specifically mean when he bleats on of “important lessons”? What exactly does Bradley mean when he spouts vague concepts wrapped in “greener ways to live at school and at home” rhetoric?
What specific “responsible environmental practices” will Bradley’s Liberals be foisting onto "kids"? Trumpeting Smitherman’s green energy propaganda act? Buying more copies of Al Gore’s BS fear-mongering inconvenient bag of half-truth crockumentary, and peddling it as fact, not as fiction, to gullible minds? Will the Liberals inculcate students with the now-proven-to-be-false Mann-made hockey-graph, once so-trumpeted as fact by Kyodiot alarmists? Good Ole Jim has never revealed ...
(see: Liberal Jim Bradley and the "Mystery of the Secret Kyoto files";
see: Jim Bradley's sack of potatoes)
... upon what information he was basing his agitation for Kyoto! Good Ole Jim hasn't shown his sources which supposedly "prove" anthropogenic global warming, and which lead to Bradley's Liberal collectivist, statist policy predilections. The St. Catharines Standard even has a token pseudo "Green Team", of Tiffany Mayer and Matthew Van Dongen, who do their best to actually avoid asking local Liberal MPP Bradley any difficult questions regarding his green-hype rhetoric. C'mon guys - ask Jim Bradley some substantial questions, and work to get an answer from this Liberal government weasel, instead of kissing his ass. What a waste of tree pulp their column has been.
On May 2, 2009 (the very next day after the 'School boards going green story'), the St. Catharines Standard reported that Ontario’s Liberals were CUTTING (yes: Liberals - CUTTING!) $100 million in education grants for post secondary students!! (yep – but their greenshevik (green bolshevik) funding remains untouched!) Several months ago, when the federal Conservatives had announced a reallocation of some 30 million in arts funding across Canada, the screeching from the left was unbelievable. Now, stinking Liberal Dalton McGuintyites cut $50 million from nurse funding, and a $100 million from education, as well as multi-millions in other areas – this is just in Ontario – and yet NO ONE GIVES A FLYING F%$K !!
Also, its oh-so-nice to see that cancer chemotherapy wait times are getting LONGER under Liberal state-run, single-payer health-care-monopoly stewardship.
The St. Catharines Standard reported on Apr.30, 2009:
“A new report suggests wait times for chemotherapy in Ontario are growing longer as the aging population strains the cancer care system.
The wait time for 90 per cent of patients to start treatment averaged 73 days last year, according to the 2009 Cancer System Quality Index.
That's up almost 10 per cent from the 2007 average of 67 days, a difference the index attributes in part to a steady rise in cancer patients.
Cancer Care Ontario, which advises the provincial government on cancer services, recommends waiting no longer than 28 days.
The annual report, by the Cancer Quality Council of Ontario and Cancer Care Ontario, found wait times for 90 per cent of patients last year spanned from 55 days to 117 days.
The report found progress in many areas, including five-year survival rates for most cancers and screening programs. Wait times for other cancer treatments, such as surgery and radiation, fell or held steady.”
Of course, no comment or response from the local Liberal health-care monopolist, MPP Jim Bradley, was provided in this St.Catharines Standard story, or, in other subsequent follow-up stories. But somehow, Jim Bradley CAN be found by the St. Catharines Standard when it comes to spout on about his green bolshevism!
Who knows if anyone is even asking Jim Bradley to explain the INCREASING wait times in his Liberal-run health monopoly system?
Why, Good Ole Jim Bradley’s busy posing for his future election-pamphlet photos at the ground breaking of the new 1.5 billion-dollar west St. Catharines hospital! Can't you just see the front page of the Apr.29, 2009 Standard being used in Bradley's campaign literature? Made for the occasion! Hurrah! And again... no difficult questions asked of Good Ole Jimmy!! We can't spoil Good Ole Jim's day, can we?
Somehow, amidst all the fanfare and self-congratulatory backslapping, we are supposed to believe that the construction of a new hospital - in an already-failing state-run health system - will magically solve and mitigate all the systemically-inherent problems now manifest in the existing system; problems which are a symptom of the McGuinty Liberal’s failing no-patient-choice, single-payer, authoritarian health-care monopoly.
It’s good that the plans for the new hospital include spacious hallways – this will allow for more patient-laden stretchers to be packed into the hallways, waiting for emergency room access and beds; beds that Dalton McGuinty has already precluded from being 'in the cards'!
This is nothing but the appearance of structural or systemic "change" - in other words, little substance: classic Liberal Healthcare Duplicity.
The local lumbering Liberal state-run health-monopoly is only now (see Nicholas Kohler's Maclean's article, written Jun.23,2008) updating its outdated hospital: why so late?
Why? Because...well, why should they have bothered to do so earlier?!? There's no competition in Bradley's monopoly for patients, no incentives to improve service or technologies, no accountability when patients die due to inadequate or out-dated services and practices. Just get in line, shaddup, and wait to be blessed by Liberal largesse. Oh, and you can thankfully kiss Jim Bradley's Liberal ass while you're waiting.
The same old problems of statist monopoly health care will simply transfer to the shinier, expensive hallways of the new location. This is an unqualified Liberal guarantee.
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