Sunday, December 16, 2007

Toronto Mayor David Miller: more police "incredibly expensive"

In a Jan.1, 2006 interview (CBC-TV Sunday evening news) Tornto's mayor, David Miller stated that in about two weeks, Toronto will be getting 300 “new” police officers.
In his Dec. 30, 2005 interview (CFRB during Spider Jones Show) Miller cited the same figure of 300, but after prodding by reporters said that 150 were new and the rest were being reallocated from those already in the police service.
On Nov. 4, 2003 during his mayoral debate, Miller refused to consider hiring 400 police officers, claiming that it would be “incredibly expensive” to do so. (yeah, Dave - how incredibly dumb. Remember, John Tory, who was then running for mayor also, was saying that he (Tory) would hire more cops. Miller won the election, and the killings kept coming.)
Miller’s had over two years in which to strengthen Toronto’s police service. Those 400 new officers he refused to hire would already have been trained and on the job. Miller is fudging how many of these supposedly new officers are actually new hires, or normal attrition and retirement replacements, and whether there are enough officers to begin with.
If Toronto streets are unsafe, Miller has played no small part in that development.
(written Jan.1, 2006)

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