Monday, October 1, 2007

Liberal Greg Sorbara has amnesia about Eden High School

James Cowan wrote an article in The National Post (Sat. Sept.29, 2007) titled “Mennonite school used against Liberals”, focusing on Eden High School in St. Catharines, Ont., which joined the Ontario public system in 1988.

Cowan quoted Conservative spokesman Mike Van Soelen noting that: “five current Cabinet ministers - including Greg Sorbara, the Finance Minister and Liberal campaign chairman - were members of Mr. Peterson's caucus. They would have been at the Cabinet table. They must have believed in it at the time."

On Oct.1, 2007, I was listening to Greg Sorbara on a radio interview (CFRB 1010, The Motts show, approx. 2pm) where Sorbara claimed he was unaware of Eden High School, and would have to find out more about it! Has anyone heard that interview?

Sorbara, the campaign chair of the Liberal party which is trying to discredit faith-based funding, now says he doesn’t know of the successful example that his own Liberals funded? Why doesn’t Sorbara ask his current Liberal cabinet colleague Jim Bradley, who has represented St. Catharines for 30 years, about Eden? Bradley too was a Peterson cabinet minister, and Eden School is in Bradley’s riding!

You’d think Bradley sees the obvious contradiction; the discriminatory double-standard of his party's position, but, as he admitted in the Ridley debate on Sept.26, he’s simply toeing the party line.

Maybe Bradley should consider the example of another veteran Liberal, Monte Kwinter, who announced he will not be a hypocrite and will not support McGuinty’s flip-flop on the funding-fairness issue. McGuinty, who in the past said he was not opposed to faith-based funding, now claims it’s regressive and leads to sequestering and segregation. Is that what occurred when McGuinty and his family went to Catholic school? Is that what Bradley also thinks of Eden High?

Today Bradley sits mute, while his leader Dalton McGuinty attacks faith-based school funding as divisive and backwards, while Liberal Education Minister Kathleen Wynne (who, apparently, has heard of Eden School) nevertheless callously dismisses this school, along with its 780 students, as "an anomaly". You’d think if Eden was so divisive, Sorbara would’ve known about it!

Now Sorbara has amnesia, and Bradley, sadly, is just a lapdog to McGuinty’s hypocritical party line.

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